JackASS? Not so much- Jackson Whittemore

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Request / Suggestion by :- _stellastyless
OC × Reader - Jackson Whittemore

Warning: Nothing major, just some fluff at the end ;)

'Some girls burn in the fire, and some girls are made of it'. Delphinus was certainly the latter one. You are left with no ther alternative when you're left alone to fight them demons. Metaphorically and literally.

My parents had a divorce because my dad didn't want to be a dad in the first place. But my mom never let that affect me. She raised me in the best way possible. She spoiled me while teaching me to be humble and grounded, she taught me how to fight and survive while being at peace.

She was all I had and she was all I ever wanted or needed. But recently after she took abode in heaven, I had no choice other than moving to Beacon Hills. Because you see I got a certain Deputy as the only family I have left. Yes, Jordan Parrish, he is my cousin. But the way he has supported me all throughout my life, he is more like an older brother to me.

I've always known that there was more to our world, more than just us. More than just humans who are able to do just human things. Something more, in the darkness of the night. Something that goes a little cuckoo during the full moons or something just as innocent as a baby. And Beacon Hills was the perfect place to expand my vision on the path towards clarity.

Over the summer, I've met quite a few people. Especially some students with whom I'll be attending school with. I got to know about the Sheriff and his son Stiles.

Stiles was a dork but a relatively cool one. He further introduced me to his clique. Scott, Allison, Lydia, Kira, and Jackass. Yes! There! I said it! He is a jackass and nothing can make me think otherwise. I live to get under his skin. Yeah i know over exaggeration but I think the sole purpose of his existence is to annoy the shit outta me.

We were finally back to school after the vacations. It's not like I didn't like the vacations but I tend to get a little lonely sometimes. But Kira would always be there to cheer me up. I connected to her the most. Maybe because we were both super awkward and liked to avoid social events.

I was new so Stiles had to tag along with me all day to show me around. And when you get Stiles you ofcourse get Scott too. But there was something off about this group. It was like they were hiding some major secret. Almost as if they were protecting the formula of Pepsi with their lives. But I'd experienced it many times. When they'd suddenly change topics or stop talking when I join them or just being always busy. I didn't ask because A) I was still the newbie and B) it would be hella creepy. But now I can't let it stop me now can I.

So it had been a week at Beacon Hills High, Stiles and I were searching for Scott to head back home. Stiles would often give me lifts because at times we would have to go the Station together.

Today was no different. We were just in the hallway when I heard bickering, we followed the noise and came to the cafeteria where we saw jackson shoving Scott in a wall and Allison & Lydia just telling him to back off.

I instantly intervened and shoved him off of Scott. He raised his eyebrows at me in a challenging way. "Who pissed in your bowl of cereal today huh big guy? What's got your panties up in a bunch this time?" I asked him while throwing him a glare.

"Stay out of this Dolphin. Because... I won't hesitate to cut a bitch when I see one" be replied through gritted teeth. Man I tell you, if looks could kill, I'd be six feet under right now!

"Seems like you've been hesitating since your childhood man, I'm pretty sure you see yourself in the mirror daily". I replied with a smug face making the clique laugh unde their breathe.

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