⚜️Chapter 8⚜️

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Well as I expected, Midas got a whole lot worse. He's more paranoid than ever now. All my work-and getting shot in the foot was for nothing. Wow. Instead he's a lot more afraid than he was before. He wasn't letting anyone spy on the Shadow bases anymore at least. He hasn't gone to the Shadow bases recently but that's all he ever talks about anymore. Shadow. He's still pretty much in shock that shadow would do something like this, he still yet to find out why they are doing this.
I was sitting on the roof of the agency in the afternoon when I heard Tina come up.
"Whatcha doin?" Tina smiled coming to sit by me.
"Nothing..just taking a break from all the shit that's happening down there." I said staring off into the sky.
Tina sighed.
"This sucks. I cant even see my girlfriend."
"I'm sorry to hear that.." I sighed.
"I'll figure this out I promise. He's just paranoid right now of anything happening again, just give it some time."
Tina sighed again.
"You think she can come over?"
"He wouldn't let her." I said.
"This is bullshit! Why is Shadow being like this anyway?" Tina exclaimed.
"I don't know. I really don't want Midas to go there and find out either. What if they do something to him." I said.
"Y'all are really a paranoid couple. And y'all are supposed to be agents? Get y'all's shit together." Tina glared.
"Why is everyone thinking I'm scared! What did I do to make it seem like I'm scared all the time?!" I exclaimed getting up.
"Because you are."
"Ugh! I'm sick of this!" I shouted storming off.
I stormed back into the Agency trying to stay away from anyone as much as I could. I hated not being able to go out. I also hated how everyone thinks I'm scared! Yes I was a scaredy-cat once but I've gotten over it! I'm fine now!
I went back into the Agency walking through the halls passing all the henchman.
"Maybe I should get out-just me.." I thought to myself.
"Wait-shit I cant even do that!" I said.
I realised what I did when I saw 2 henchman give me weird looks.
"Sorry..It's nothing." I chuckled.
I decided to say something about this finally.
I barged into Midas office to see him at his desk doing paperwork.
"Midas-when are you gonna decide on what to do about shadow?" I said walking up to his desk.
"I'm trying to think of something." Midas sighed.
"And what is your bright idea? To just sit here and hide? At least let us go out Midas please." I said.
"I can't risk any of you guys getting hurt again." Midas said still staring at his screen.
"Midas.." I started.
"No Y/N. Trust me." Midas said finally looking at me.
"I-fine...I trust you, and I always have." I said forcing a smile.
"Good." He smiled back.
"Cause we all know what happens if I find out you don't." Midas smirked.
"Yeah yeah yeah whatever." I rolled my eyes.
I walked out of his office and walked around the halls of the Agency again.
Soon enough I ran into Brutus and Meowcles.
"Oh-hey guys!" I smiled approaching them.
"Hi." Brutus said emotionless.
"Um..could y'all do me a favor?" I began.
"Could y'all maybe help Midas with something to do with shadow?" I asked.
"How come your not helping him?" Brutus asked.
"He won't listen to me." I sighed.
"Please? I just want this to be over. Maybe y'all can come up with a way to work it out with shadow..?" I suggested.
Brutus glared down at me.
Meowcles hit Brutus arm a little.
"We'll think of something." Meowcles purred.
"Thank you." I smiled watching them walk off.
I walked around the Agency a little more till I got too bored. So I decided I'd go visit Sky.
"Hi sky!" I waved walking in.
"Oh hi!!" Sky waved excitedly.
"Come sit down!!"
I sat next to her looking at her screen.
"What are you playing?" I asked smiling.
"Minecraft." She responded.
"You wanna play something together?"
"No I think I'll just watch you for now." I smiled.
"Oh ok-that's fine." Sky smiled.
I watched Sky play for a while. The whole time I was thinking about what we could do about shadow. My question was just why were they doing this? What made them change there mind? I didn't understand. And I wanted to find out why, but I don't think it would be a good idea.
A/N: Sorry about the short chapter. But I hope everyone had a good Christmas! 2021 is less than a week away too! We're almost there! Anyway if I don't update before New Years, happy new year! And Happy simping! 😌

⚜️𝓪 𝓖𝓸𝓵𝓭𝓮𝓷 𝓜𝓪𝓷⚜️ Midas x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now