⚜️Chapter 2⚜️

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In some odd way I couldn't sleep that night. Midas was next to me, his back was facing me. I checked the time, it was 3AM. I didn't wanna stay in here any longer so I slowly got up careful not to make a sound. I was about to walk out the door when I heard Midas groan and turn around. I smiled coming back over to give him a kiss on his fore head. He groaned again.
"Okay that might wake him up, it's Midas." I mouthed backing up.
I slowly opened the door and walked out, it was  fairly dark but the moonlight shined through the windows of the Agency.
I went upstairs to the main floors of the Agency, henchman were everywhere. I figured I'd take a walk and maybe make sure Maya and Brutus were back. I was at the main entrance of the Agency when I saw Maya and Brutus walk in.
"Maya? Brutus?" I whispered walking past the front desk.
"Hi Y/N." Maya sighed.
"What the hell are you guys doing coming back here so late?! It's 3AM!" I whisper shouted.
"Well a man named Midas, who you might know about, sent us to basically go spy on the people he knows and trust." Maya said sarcastically.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"He asked us to go and watch ALL the shadow bases." Brutus stepped in.
"The fuck? Why would he do that?" I asked.
"We asked ourselves the same thing." Maya sighed.
"I mean, he told me he sent y'all to the Shadow bases..but he didn't tell me why..?" I said.
"Peely and Tina even thought the mission they were going on was about Shadow, I thought they were just worried they were having another meeting with Shadow but was it-was it cause they thought Midas was gonna send them to watch the bases?" I whispered.
"Mhm." Maya nodded.
"Huh, wait. So what do you mean by like- he doesn't trust them anymore?" I asked.
I found it strange he was acting this way because Shadow and Ghost teamed up and ruled the island together, Midas and Chaos have never had beef with each other at all.
"Well Midas says that Chaos agent has been acting really weird recently. Like he hasn't called for any meetings, they haven't set up any plans to work on the island together, and they haven't talked in general in a while. So Midas and his raging trust issues are now scared that Shadows turning against him blah blah so now he's making everyone watch them just in case." Maya whispered rolling her eyes.
"Really?!" I said trying to stay quiet.
"Yeah..He's never told you any of this?" Maya asked.
"Nope." I whispered.
"While y'all discuss that, I'm gonna go to bed..." Brutus yawned walking off.
"Oh yeah! Sorry about that, good night Brutus." I apologised watching him walk into the distance.
"Well, if he never told you..all the times me Meowcles, Brutus, Peely and Tina have been gone, we've been watching the Shadow bases." Maya whispered.
"Oh." I whispered surprised.
"I'll talk to him about it later, maybe I can calm him down." I sighed.
"How long has he been doing this though?"
"Maybe for 3 weeks now. About a month ago he started telling us how he was worried about Shadow and than a week later he sent me and Tina." Maya said.
"Oh..I'm sorry, I'll talk to him." I smiled.
"You can try reassuring him but you know Midas." Maya sighed.
"Yeah I know, but I'll try." I whispered.
"Well, good luck." Maya said walking off. I smiled watching her walk in the distance.
I sighed and walked around again. I tried ignoring the henchmen around me as much as I could. Finally I returned back into my room, I opened the door as slow and quietly as I could. I got back in bed to Midas facing my side of the bed. I smiled cuddling up against his bare chest. I finally fell asleep.
Finally later that morning I woke up at the same time as Midas. I groaned as I felt Midas get up.
"You can go back to sleep." Midas said quietly chuckling.
"No its okay." I said sitting up rubbing my eyes.
"Oh yeah, did you get up in the middle of the night love?" Midas asked as he walked into the huge closet next to the room.
I got up following him.
"Yeah, I just couldn't sleep." I shrugged watching Midas pick an outfit.
"And why is that darling?" Midas said turning around to look at me.
"I just couldn't sleep! Don't act like you don't have those days sometimes." I smirked.
"Yeah yeah.." Midas said buttoning up his dress shirt.
He started slipping off his pants in front of me.
"Ew Midas, no body wants to see that!" I teased.
"Oh you know you love it." Midas smirked.
I giggled going back to sit on the bed.
He walked back in and fixed his tie. He wore his black on black clothing today, that was my personal favourite.
"Did Maya and Brutus make it back?" Midas asked blushing slightly staring at himself in the mirror fixing the collar around his shirt.
"Yeah, at like 3AM! How long did you send them out for?" I asked.
"I sent them out at 5AM, I expected them to come back at 3." Midas sighed turning around to look at me.
"Midas!! Why for that long!?" I exclaimed.
"Well..just because." Midas sighed.
"Why are you even sending them out to literally SPY on Shadow in the first place?" I asked getting up.
"Ok-who told you they were SPYING on Shadow?" Midas said looking at me.
"Maya, she told me all about it! So why are you making them do that!" I said.
Midas sighed "Shadow has been acting weird, they haven't had meetings with me or even talked to me recently, and I got a little worried that they might be turning on me."
That was exactly what Maya told me, but now I know for sure it's true now that I heard it from Midas.
"That's what Maya told me." I said.
"But why didn't you tell me in the first place?"
"Well, I didn't wanna scare you." Midas sighed.
"Midas, I wouldn't have gotten scared, I would have tried to reassure you that maybe there just busy with there own stuff and try to help you." I said.
"I know you Y/N, you would have gotten scared." Midas said putting his hand on my shoulder.
I looked up at his tall figure. "No I wouldn't have!" I exclaimed.
"I know you better than you know yourself Y/N." Midas smiled.
"Very funny.." I said walking away from him.
"Well get changed, I'll be in my office. Midas sighed walking out.
I sighed sitting back down on the bed. I checked the time, it was already 8.
I got up and started to get ready.
Midas was right though, I've known him for 3 years, dated him for 2 and he has gotten to know me very well to know that I did get a little worried when Midas told me that. I signed up for this whole thing to become braver, so I wasn't gonna let it get too me.
I was ready and went over to walk to Midas office. I saw him sitting with Peely and Tina again.
"What are you guys doing?" I asked standing behind Tina and Peelys chair.
"There gonna go..watch Shadow bases." Midas sighed.
"Again? Maya and Brutus just went Midas!" I exclaimed.
"You can never be too careful love." Midas smiled.
"I was gonna go see Rox too.." Tina said quietly, rolling her eyes.
"And I never even got my nails done yet." Peely sighed.
"I don't think it's that serious that you need to make them go again." I said looking directly at Midas.
"There going anyway." Midas said stern.
I sighed.
I wasn't brave enough to speak up to him, yet. Maybe I needed to trust him. He's the boss of this whole Agency, he has to know what he's doing. I gave in and just walked out.
That night me and Midas were getting ready to go to bed. I was staring blankly at the pitch black tv screen in front of me. Midas walked out of the bathroom and eyed me.
"I knew you would be worried." He smiled getting on the bed next to me.
"I'm not scared Midas." I smiled.
"Oh don't try to fight it darling." Midas said scooting closer to me.
"I'm not fighting it." I lied.
"Oh yes you are." He smiled.
I jabbed a finger into his bare chest.
Midas chuckled.
"Well I may know what can calm you down.." Midas smirked.
"And what is that?" I smirked back as Midas got on top of me.
"Oh you know what that is." Midas kept smirking getting on top of me.
We locked eyes and suddenly locked lips.
Midas was right, I was a little worried like I said before, but I couldn't let fear stop me.
A/N: So there is chapter two, once again, it's probably bad don't judge me but there ya go.

⚜️𝓪 𝓖𝓸𝓵𝓭𝓮𝓷 𝓜𝓪𝓷⚜️ Midas x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now