⚜️Chapter 6⚜️

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Midas stared at us as Maya had her arm around me helping me walk. I looked right back at Midas-I was so embarrassed.
Midas walked to us with a disappointed look.
"I got her.." Midas said quietly as Maya let me go and Midas put his arm around me.
"You ok? Are you hurt anywhere else?" Midas asked.
  "No,I'm ok." I sighed.
  Midas nodded and we walked through the henchmen and to our room. Midas definitely wasn't prepared for this seeing he was still in his sleep wear, I guess one part of the plan went well?
He took me to our room and he laid me down on the bed.
"Take off your shoe." He ordered.
I sighed sitting back up feeling a knot inside my throat build up.
"Midas-I'm sorry. I didn't kn-"
"Don't worry about it Y/N." Midas interrupted.
I slipped of my boot, still feeling my face flustered.
I than slipped off my bloody sock throwing it over somewhere.
Midas sighed looking at the state my foot was in.
"I'll get Remedy.." Midas said quietly.
"I'll go myself Midas, go to sleep." I said getting up. I winced standing on my foot.
"Midas I can do it myself I'm not that hurt!" I said raising my voice a little.
"You've done far enough shit on your own!!" Midas said, his voice louder than mine.
I sat back down silent as I saw Midas walk out the room. I stared at the wall in front of me waiting for him to come back.
I wasn't that hurt though, but I could understand he was frustrated with me.
Remedy walked in with Midas behind her.
"Hey-Midas stay out there please." She asked politely sitting in front of me at the edge of the bed.
"Remedy.." Midas glared.
"Midas!!" I said getting a little frustrated myself.
Midas rolled his eyes before opening the door and slamming it behind him. I flinched when he did.
"Scared aren't you." Remedy said pulling out bandages out of her med kit.
I didn't say anything.
"So why did you do it?" Remedy asked.
"It was-it was just making me frustrated.." I said as she cleaned the wound.
"Mhm.." Remedy nodded continuing.
"I just wanted to be right for once." I sighed.
"I get that..but don't you trust him?" Remedy asked putting her stuff down.
"I do, I very much do but-he was always thinking the worse and I'm just tired of it." I answered as she wrapped my foot in bandages.
She nodded and continued wrapping.
I stayed silent the rest of the time she was in there. I was just scared of what Midas could do, he got mad and frustrated real easily and it scared me thinking of how he could take it out on me.
Remedy finished wrapping it and she packed all her stuff back in her med kit and got up.
"Just be careful with it, take it easy for a bit." Remedy smiled standing back up.
  I nodded watching her walk out the room.
"You can go back in now big guy." I heard Remedy say right outside the door.
I giggled but my smile quickly faded when I saw Midas walk back in.
"You ok." Midas asked as I laid down and cuddled up in the blankets.
"yeah..are you ok..?" I asked quietly as I heard the bed squeak meaning he was in the bed as well.
I felt Midas arms go around me. "I'm just happy your ok."
His words vibrated on my neck.
I let out a sigh of relief. All though he seemed to be ok with it, I knew deep down he was frustrated.
The next morning Midas was still in bed with me. I was surprised he wasn't already out.
  "I'm surprised your not already up." I said as Midas rolled over.
  I got up and walked over to my closet.
"Aren't you supposed to not be up and about walking on that foot of yours." Midas said sitting up.
"It's not even that bad Midas." I said entering the closet. I picked out something to wear and changed in there.
  I walked out and walked right out the bedroom. I passed by the henchmen and went to the dining room.
I saw Peely and Maya sitting there.
"My baby!! Are you ok!!" Peely said rushing up to me cupping my face.
"Yes I'm ok." I chuckled.
We both sat back down next to Maya.
"So how's your foot?" Maya asked.
"It's fine, I'm really not even that hurt." I said.
"Is Midas mad." Peely asked.
"He's acting calm right now but I think we all know he's pissed deep down." I sighed resting my chin on my hand.
"And we all know your scared deep down." Peely said.
"I am-I'm even scared he's listening to us right now." I said.
"He's scary but I love him." I smiled.
"Well damn, what is he gonna do about Shadow now.." Maya asked.
"Shit, that's a good question." I realised.
All of our phones suddenly vibrated. Everyone checked there phone, we all got an email from Midas saying there was a meeting.
"Well there's your answer." I chuckled putting my phone back down.
"Well, it's at 9:30 so, might as well go now." I said getting up.
The 2 of them followed me to the meeting room and we sat down.
We sat there in silence thinking about what Midas might say. I knew surely he had thought of something to do with Shadow.
5 minutes after we sat down Midas walked in.
"Well aren't you guys early huh?" Midas said.
"Yeaaah?" Maya replied.
"And why is that?" Midas said sitting down at the head of the table.
"Because we wanna be early." Maya smiled.
"Because we don't want you to kick our ass." Peely corrected.
"That's more accurate." I pointed.
Midas playfully rolled his eyes at me.
Peely peaked over at me looking at me confused. I shrugged in response.
Soon enough all the agents walked in, all of them having some sort or reaction when seeing me there. I was quite embarrassed.
"Thank you all for being early today, now as you may know..Y/N has found out the truth about Shadow for us.."
"YOUR WELCOME!" I shouted interrupting Midas.
Midas glared at me and my smile quickly faded. I hated this.
"As I was saying..she has found the truth about Shadow and now we know that they don't seem to be our friends anymore."
"What if Chaos shot Y/N on accident." Meowcles purred.
"He's got a point." Tina pointed.
"What kind of dumbass-" Midas began.
"Language..!" Peely exclaimed pointing to Sky.
"Like I said. They aren't the good guys anymore. Therefore yall-"
Midas got interrupted by the sight of Sky pulling out her Switch.
"Sky!!" Midas shouted.
Sky's face went bright red as she put her switch on her lap.
I bursted out laughing, I buried my head in my arms laughing uncontrollably.
"What the fuck is wrong with y'all right now.." Midas said.
I lifted my head up seeing the rest of the agents holding back there laughter.
I saw Midas glaring at me and I smirked back at him.
"Everyone pay attention!!" Midas said slamming his fist on the desk.
I put my fist over my mouth trying to hold in my laughter again.
"Therefore, none of you guys are having to go to the Shadow bases anymore. It's clear now that it may be too dangerous after what happened with Y/N." Midas said finally.
"I don't know exactly what I'm gonna do about it yet, but I will figure this out. I won't ask any of you guys anything for now. Just keep on the look out for any unexpected attacks from Shadow or anything really from Shadow." Midas continued.
I sighed hearing him continue.
"Everyone just remember to stay calm about this ok?"
"I think we are perfectly calm about this since we all made ourselves look like dumbasses 2 seconds ago." I glared.
He rolled his eyes.
"You are all dismissed."
All the agents got up and walked out, Peely Maya and I stayed sitting there as Midas got up.
"Are you all gonna leave?" Midas said fixing a plant in the middle of the table.
We all stayed silent.
"Just get out." Midas glared staring right at me.
I felt my anger build up.
We all got up and walked out, as soon as Peely closed to the door behind him I threw the finger at the door. 
"He fucking pisses me off sometimes." I said as I followed the 2 to the break room.
We sat down on a black couch with white pillows.
"So..what exactly happened last night..? How did y'all find out?" I asked.
"Well after you called me, I rushed out the Agency. I called Midas as I was walking up to my car too." Maya said.
"What did he say?"
"He was definitely surprised, I don't remember exactly what he said but I remember him saying "you've gotta be kidding me". He said it in a way that I could tell he was pissed." Maya said.
I felt my face burn up from embarrassment again.
"I remember when you told me I didn't go to sleep for the rest of the night, so when Midas found out I remember he barged in my room and asked me if I knew anything about it." Peely said.
"And what did you say.." I asked a little worried for what he said.
"I said, "yeah I do-what about it?" Thankfully he didn't beat my ass, but I think I just fuelled his anger." Peely said.
"I wish I had your confidence." I chuckled.
"I'm pretty sure I've been fuelling his anger all morning too, he was nice about it last night but I think I've pissed him off more now." I sighed.
Maya nodded looking down.
I felt my phone vibrate on my lap, I picked it up seeing a text from Midas.
"Come here please." It said.
"Oh fuck. Midas texted me saying to go see him right now." I said.
"Oop-good luck with that." Peely giggled.
I rolled my eyes standing up.
"Wish me luck.." I said before walking out.
I tried playing it cool in front of them, but deep down I was terrified of what Midas might do now. But here goes nothing.
So it's been a little bit. I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving and is so far trying to enjoy our last month of 2020. WE MADE IT. But here you gooo and as always

⚜️𝓪 𝓖𝓸𝓵𝓭𝓮𝓷 𝓜𝓪𝓷⚜️ Midas x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now