⚜️Chapter 5⚜️

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I came up with a plan to finally find out the truth. I waited till I knew Midas was asleep to go downstairs and go talk to Maya and Brutus. It was around 11 when he finally fell asleep.
"Midas.." I whispered poking his back.
No answer, he was asleep.
I smiled getting up and slowly walking through the room to the door. I quietly opened it and shut it. I walked out to henchman still surrounding the Agency, I walked over to Maya's room and slowly opened the door.
"Maya!!" I whisper shouted.
"HM?!" Maya jumped sitting up.
"Come with me to wake up Brutus!!" I whispered.
Maya looked at me with suspicion.
"You'll see just come on!!" I whispered motioning her to follow me.
Maya nodded and got up following behind me.
We walked over to Brutus room and I carefully opened his door.
"Brutus!!" We whisper yelled.
Maya walked over to Brutus and shook him.
"Brutus wake up!!" Maya exclaimed.
"Whaaaaat.." Brutus groaned.
"I have something to tell y'all, listen to me." I whispered sitting on Brutus bed.
"Okay, y'all aren't going to watch the shadow bases. I'm not gonna let Midas do this to y'all. I don't know why he's freaking out so much so, I'm gonna go to the shadow bases for y'all." I whispered.
"Seriously?" Maya smiled.
"Mhm." I nodded.
"Y'all HAVE to stay in your rooms all day until 3 ok? Avoid Midas at ALL COST today!!" I whisper shouted.
"We will." Brutus yawned.
"Now can I go back to bed?" Brutus groaned.
"Yes yes you can sleep." I rolled my eyes smiling.
He fell back on his bed covering himself again.
"How are you gonna get away with it?" Maya asked as me both walked out Brutus room.
"I have my own plans." I smiled.
"I'm gonna go tell the rest of the agents, they need to distract Midas from me." I whispered walking through the agency halls.
Maya nodded.
"Thank you, Y/N."
"Your welcome, now go back to sleep." I smiled.
Maya walked off going back to her own room.
I than went around telling the other agents, the one I trusted the most was Peely.
I walked up to Peelys room and barged in.
"Peely!!" I whisper shouted.
"What now.." Peely said sitting up slowly.
"I'm gonna go to the shadow bases for Maya and Brutus." I whispered going to sit on Peelys bright coloured bed.
"Your gonna what?" Peely asked eyes widening.
"I'm gonna go to the shadow bases!-for Maya and Brutus! I'm going for them!" I whispered again.
"Oooo girl, do you know what your doing?" Peely asked a little worried.
"I do I do..now can you distract Midas today, remind the other agents too. Maya and Brutus are staying in there room today, come up with an excuse for me on why I'm not coming out of my room or something, just think of an excuse." I smiled.
"Okaaay, I trust you Y/N." Peely said quietly as I got up.
"As you should." I smirked walking back out of his room.
I went back to my room and sat on the bed with Midas. I was already dressed and ready, I was waiting until 3 in the morning to go.
I sat there on my phone for the 4 hours until it was finally time.
I got up and quietly opened and closed the door. I'll admit, I was very nervous, but I knew nothing was gonna happen, and I was going to prove that to Midas.
I got in the boat and drove as far as I could until I had to walk to the Grotto. After a fairly long walk I finally got the the small building next to the main place. There were few henchmen there, I breathed slowly trying to inspect with confidence making sure to not look scared. I went inside the small building too see 2 henchmen standing there.
"Hi." I waved.
The henchmen nodded before I walked back out. I stepped out to see some henchmen whispering to each other. I was suspicious but let it slide. I walked up the staircase and watched over the roof of the building. I than saw a henchmen go running some where, I tried to see where but I lost them. I started to get a little nervous but I swallowed my fear. I walked back down the stairs and walked around the edge of the Grotto. I than saw Chaos agent with 2 henchmen walk to the small building.
"It's Y/N.." I heard the henchmen whisper to Chaos.
I swallowed my fear again and turned around.
"Y/N.." The skinny masked man said quietly standing behind me.
"Mhm.." I nodded softly smiling.
Chaos eyed me, he looked at me up and down. I put my hand on my small bag getting ready to open it.
I saw the henchmen next to Chaos hand him something. I felt my heart drop.
Before I knew it Chaos aimed the gun at me and shot me in the foot.
"SHIT!!" I shouted falling to the ground.
Chaos stared down at me.
I wondered why he wasn't doing anything else, I grabbed my bag that had fallen next to me and opened it pulling out my gun.
"And what are you gonna do with that hun?" Chaos asked.
"Chaos..what are you doing?" I mumbled covering up the hole in my boot.
Chaos didn't answer me.
"Henchmen, you know what to do." Chaos ordered. The two black coated men nodded before walking up to me and grabbing me, they threw my arms around them and began walking off towards Dirty Docks.
"Let me go!!" I shouted squirming around trying to get out of there grasp. They clutched my arms tighter and walked faster. They arrived to Dirty Docks and threw me on the road right where the two tall red cranes stood.
I laid on the road knowing no one was gonna be here at 4 in the morning. I closed my eyes knowing exactly what do to but I really didn't want to.
I slowly started to ease my way back up, I was on one knee and forced my injured foot up, I stood up and took baby steps closer to the two red cranes. I finally got there and sat there with my back on the crane. I finally gave in and just got my phone out of my bag, I called Maya instead of Midas though, she picked up as I let out a sigh of relief.
"He was right." I said.
"What?!" Maya exclaimed not sounding tired at all.
"Chaos shot me." I sighed.
"What the fuck?! Why?! How!!" Maya said a little panicked.
"I don't know, they just threw me at Dirty Docks for whatever reason after." I chuckled.
"Oh my god!! Are you ok? Where'd they shoot you?!"
"My foot, so I'm ok." I sighed.
"Okay, I'll be right there Y/N stay there!" Maya said.
"No no, I'll get there on my own, I'll find a way." I said trying to hide the fact that I was in pain.
"Y/N..Midas is gonna find out either way y'know, you can't escape." Maya sighed.
"I know, just let me at least prove to him that I'm ok.." I sighed.
"I'm coming to get you Y/N." Maya said.
"Maya-" I tried talking before Maya hung up the phone.
I sighed and placed my phone on the hard road, I felt a knot build up. I failed, I was wrong, and Midas somehow was right. I knew I would regret this and I knew I should have trusted him. I let a few tears fall as I waited to Mayas arrival.
Eventually I saw Maya around the corner and she ran up to me seeing my current state.
"Oh Y/N.." Maya sighed looking down at me holding my still injured foot.
I smiled feeling embarrassed.
Maya held out her hand in front of me and I grabbed it feeling painfully awkward. She threw my arm around her shoulder holding me up, I took a step attempting to walk with her, I winced in pain with barely one step.
"Uhhh-do you think you can make it..? The car is a little far." Maya said holding me up as much as she could.
I shrugged losing my breath already.
"I-ok..I'll just bring the car here, I'll be back."Maya said setting me back down to the crane. I sat there holding my boot again covering the whole as I saw Maya run back in the distance to go get her car.
I sat there closing my eyes for a second waiting. Finally I saw a red car approach my way, she parked right in front of me and rushed out to come and get me. She helped me walk to the other side and I sat in the passenger seat with her. I let out a sigh as I relaxed in the seat.
"How ya feelin?" Maya sighed before driving off.
"I'm ok." I smiled.
"It just hurts more that Midas was actually right. What happened?" I questioned.
"I don't know.." Maya said softly.
I sighed.
"Does Midas know?"
Maya turned and looked at me basically telling me he knows.
I nodded.
I decided to close my eyes until we got back, I was pretty embarrassed already, so I wanted to sleep off some of it.
Eventually Maya parked at Risky Reels and she walked me over to the boat and drove to the Agency.
I already felt my face go red hot walking up the stairs from embarrassment.
We got to the top and I saw him at the entry way.
I definitely regretted this.
A/N: been a lil bit-jk not that long akhdnshd. Anyway, this is really bad LIKE REALLY REALLY BAD LIKE REALLY REEEEAAAALLLLYYYY BAD but uhh, yeah there you go. If it makes no sense..sorry. If It does make sense..I'm still sorry.

⚜️𝓪 𝓖𝓸𝓵𝓭𝓮𝓷 𝓜𝓪𝓷⚜️ Midas x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now