Kill The Demon

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(Im gonna change this ep of agk slightly)

3rd POV

Currently Night Raid were out and getting ready to assisnate a new target.


We had just found out that the four Rakshasa demons will be guarding our target and the town
(Sorry I forgot his name i think its Bolik though)

The plan was for me to watch the entrances and take out the guards while the rest deal with the demons and Bolik.

Small Timeskip

Currently the others have already started combat with the demons and are going through the underground tunnels. While I'm just sitting waiting and watching for guards.

All of a sudden a large number of guards showed up and they noticed me sitting there

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All of a sudden a large number of guards showed up and they noticed me sitting there.
I got ready for a fight and we all charged...


Y/N: You want to dance with me aswell!

As I was about to snap his neck I felt a presence charging at me very quickly.

I looked to my left just in time to get punched in the face and hit with an ice attack.

Esdeath: Well I would prefer Najenda but you will do
Y/N: can't beat me
Esdeath: *chuckles* No probably not. But you entertain me!

She quickly set a lot of ice spikes towards me which I was forced to dodge. On the last dodge she used he sword and slashed at me, I quickly dodged and retaliated with a kick to the stomach.

Esdeath: Not bad...but I got a few hits of my own *smiles*
Y/N: Wha-

Before I could finish a slash opened up on my stomach and I dropped to one knee.

Esdeath: I thought you said I couldn't beat you. What happened now? You'll live out the rest of your life as a slave with your friends!

She charged at me and slashed but I dodged and swung at her. She blocked and we were both flung backwards.

*damn, I'm still weak from using my trump card for the first time*

She had made a large ball of ice appear and tried to crush me. I dodged but she sent an ice pillar at me. I cut it in half but she axe kicked me into the ground.

Esdeath: Come on Y/N! Entertain me some more!

I was in pain, but I needed to win....I just had to. I stood up but my eyes were different. They were a mix between my dads trump card and mine.

Esdeath: Ohh, whats this. You're gonna get serious now huh? Fun!

It hurt, everything hurts. I've used my trump card twice recently. But I need to! For my family!

I charged her and started hitting her from all angles. She tried to hit me but couldn't keep up.

Esdeath: I will not lose! Mahadp-!

I didn't let her finish as I wrapped her in chains and drained her energy. I was walking over to her ready to kill her. But......darkness

Akame Ga Kill X Male Reader (Completed, but I'm editing the first few parts)Where stories live. Discover now