Kill the Little Sister

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After having escaped from the Empire, rescuing both Y/N and Tatsumi, Night Raid gets back to their usual routine, however, something unexpected happens that night. Y/N overheard a conversation between Akame and Tatsumi.

Tatsumi: You know its a trap!

Akame: If it was a trap then they wouldn't have waited this long to come for me. Its a personal grudge. A grudge? Then who is it?

Akame: Kuromes ready to settle things between us.

Tatsumi: Does that really have to happen right now? Is this fight really all that important to you two?

Akame simply nods her head.

Tatsumi: Akame, I'm sure that you know that the lives of thousands of people are-

Y/N: Thats enough. Leave her be. 

Tatsumi: But-

Receiving a glare from Y/N, Tatsumi understood that that was the end of the conversation. 


Y/N, feeling concern towards both Akame and Kurome, followed them. Planning on leaving them be until the last moment, allowing them to have their fight. Seeing Wave arrive and attempt to attack Akame, Y/N was about to jump out when he noticed Tatsumi intercept him, tackling him to the side. Tatsumi explained to Wave that this fight was necessary.

The sisters readied for their last attack, lunging at eacthother and clashing swords. Just as the two were about to pierce eachother, Y/N landed between them, forcing both of them to stop. 

Akame: Y/N! What are you doing here?! Get out of the way!

Kurome: Y/N...

Y/NL No. I understand that this fight is between you two, and that I have no right to intervene, however, I don't want to lose anymore of the small family I have left.  You guys are all I have. I don't know what I'd do if I lost you. So stop. Now.

Akame: Y/N, we can't. We need to have this fight.

Y/N: No. You don't. Why would killing your little sister help with anything? All that will do is end a stupid feud. Kurome, join us. You know that it is for the better. Look around, do you see what the Empire is doing to you? Besides, I found a cure. 

Kurome: Wh-what?! You found a cure?! How?

Y/N: It involves one of my swords. I call it, The Poison King, 100 Poisons. 

Akame: Y/N, please...

Kurome: Fine...I'll join Night Raid. But, only if Wave can come to.

Y/N: Works for me. 

Y/N Smiled at the two, Akame seeming distressed but, giving into her thoughts she smiled back. Kurome walked over to her and they had a long hug. Y/N walked over to Wave, grabbing his shoulder.

Y/N: Welcome to Night Raid! 

Wave, seeming confused, just agreed. Y/N left Wave to Tatsumi, and Kurome to Akame, going back to their base. 

(A/N: Finally, haha. I'm a liar I know, sorry. I will update again this week. There will probably be only one or two, maybe three more chapters until this is finished! Also, join my Discord:    Thanks for hanging in with me!)   

Akame Ga Kill X Male Reader (Completed, but I'm editing the first few parts)Where stories live. Discover now