Kill the Carnage

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Y/N: *Thoughts* Not again, how many times am I gonna pass out after a fight?!
At Least I'll wake up soon. I need to get stronger, I need to learn to control my abilities.

Small Timeskip

3rd POV

As Y/N was waking up the others were in his room, talking amidst themselves waiting for Y/N so they could start their meeting.

Y/N: Oh, hey guys.

Tatsumi: Sup Y/N.

Najenda: Hurry and get up, we have to talk about our next  mission.

Y/N: Alright.


Akame: That's all the info the spies gathered.

Najenda: We will launch the plan the day of the Path of Peace celebration.

Leone: Wow, going out with a bang, huh?

Najenda: During the festival well slip through the crowds and sneak into the palace. Then we'll go in for the kill.

Tatsumi: Serves him right.

Najenda: This job will send the Revolutionary Army into action. Failure is not an option.

Everyone: Got it!

Najenda: Oh, and Y/N?

Y/N: Yes boss?

Najenda: Just take it easy, you're going to stay here and rest, got it?

Y/N: Yes. *Thoughts* She thinks I can't do it, that I'm too weak. I guess she wouldn't be wrong, but I'll become stronger!

Timeskip (Y/N has been training while the rest were on their mission)

Y/N: Damn, that was pretty tiring. But at least I have a better understanding of my trump card.

3rd POV

Y/N Spent all of the time that Night Raid was away training. Forcing himself to use his trump card and working on his endurance. He learned his trump card's ability and has been working on controlling it, although that has been a lot harder than he thought it would be. And he couldn't use its full limit without risking his life, so he only used small amounts of the power at a time.

Tatsumi: Hey Y/N! Wanna spar, I am bored and need to get stronger before our next mission.

Y/N: Sure thing, Tatsumi.

Y/N created a wooden katana for himself and a wooden version of Tatsumi's Neuntote.
Tatsumi was the first to charge forward, quickly bringing down Neuntote. Y/N Quickly slashed his katana, knocking Neuntote to the side, leaving Tatsumi open for a strike. Y/N took this opening and went for a 'killing blow' with his wooden katana. Tatsumi quickly swung the handle of Neuntote and blocked the attack, however Y/N slid his katana down the handle and hooked his katana behind the large handle/shaft of Neuntote.  He quickly pulled and sent the spear flying out of Tatsumi's hands, then he pointed the katana at Tatsumi's throat, winning the fight.

Y/N: I win.

Tatsumi: *Sigh* Nice fight, let's go again!

Akame: No, dinner is ready. You two need to come in now.

Tatsumi/Y/N: Fine....

Timeskip Next Day

Me, Lubbock and Tatsumi were on our way to meet with the Resistance.

Lubbock: It's almost time, lets go.

We were walking down the busy streets and through some small alleys in cloaks to avoid being seen.

Akame Ga Kill X Male Reader (Completed, but I'm editing the first few parts)Where stories live. Discover now