Kill The Captain

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3rd Person POV

Right now, me, Tatsumi and Akame are cooking food.

Tatsumi: I thought I was trying to be an assassin not a cook!

Akame: Don't look at me I just put the food on the plates, ok? *Eats some food*

Tatsumi: Oh, so they don't let you cook because you keep sampling the food, is that it?

Akame: I don't know what you mean.

Tatsumi: You know you're not a very good liar.

Mine: Well don't you just look at home in the kitchen, don't you rookie.

Tatsumi: WHAT!!

Bulat: Later sunshine.

Tatsumi: Wait, are you guys going on a mission?

Bulat: Yeah, this one is a special request.

Tatsumi: Well shouldn't I come to?

Mine: You stay here in the kitchen. Now you be a good cook and chop some cucumbers for me.

Time skip

Right now, we're in front of a waterfall and Akame starts undressing but I know she is wearing a swimsuit.

Akame: What seems to be the problem?

Tatsumi: Thank God it's just a swimsuit.

Akame: The target is Koga Tuna.

Tatsumi: Aren't those things incredibly rare and stupid hard to get?

Akame jumps in and a bit later 6 fish come flying out and into the basket and Akame just comes back to the surface.

Akame: First, you swim to the bottom and conceal your aura, then you make your attack. You have to act very quickly. Now, you try.

First Tatsumi tries and gets two fish, then you try and get 9. 


Najenda: So in the end, our little Tatsumi got two whole fish and Y/N 9.

Akame: He's still green. 

Time skip

Right now, you were on a rooftop well Tatsumi was leading Ogre to an alley.


After being told about Ogre and Gamal, Leone and Akame talked about who should go and that we should wait until the rest got back. That is until Tatsumi spoke up

Tatsumi: We can't wait till the others get back so, me and Y/N will do it!

Akame: You can't do it.

Tatsumi: But I'm a master swordsman!

Akame: What I mean is you can't kill.


Akame: Do you think you could go out and kill someone right now?

Tatsumi: I don't know. But what I do know is that I can't just sit here and wait for the others to get back while Ogre is out there framing more people!

Najenda: Well then, it's decided, Y/N and Tatsumi will take this mission. And Y/N, only help if he's in trouble.

Y/N: Hm.

Tatsumi: See Akame, I can hold my own when push comes to shove!

Akame: I will withhold my judgment until you return from the mission alive.

Flashback end

All of a sudden, I see Tatsumi drop on knees and... Beg?

Then I see Ogre start walking away but stop when he hears Tatsumi draw his sword.

Tatsumi quickly dashes and lands a blow to his side and starts walking away confident he did it.

I quickly jumped behind him and blocked a blow that made a crater around me.

Tatsumi: WHAT THE HELL!?

Y/N: That attack was unlethal, always check if they're dead and go for vital points.

Y/N then moved to the side, allowing Tatsumi to finish the fight.

Tatsumi: Wow. Thanks Y/N, I'm sorry for messing up

Y/N: Don't thank me, just train and get stronger, ok?

Tatsumi: Right!

Time skip

Tatsumi: See Akame, I told you we could do it and without a scratch to!

'I mean, I did save him but I'll let him have this one.'

Akame: Hmm, Boss, Leone hold him.

Small Time skip (End of talk with Tatsumi)

Then they all turn to me.

Akame: Y/N, your turn.

The next thing I know I'm in my underwear with Akame in front of me with a smile.

Akame: I'm glad you're okay.

Y/N: Thanks for worrying, Akame.

Akame Ga Kill X Male Reader (Completed, but I'm editing the first few parts)Where stories live. Discover now