Kill The Beasts

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I dont own Akame Ga Kill


Right now, me, Tatsumi and Bulat are on a boat (A/N, Sorry I forgot the name of the boat) to protect someone from fake Night Raid impersonators. I'm about to go inside when I hear a... flute? But I see everyone else falling asleep. I feel a little tired, so I cut my arm a bit.

??: Well, well, well.... I would have let you live if you just took a little nap. Here, take this. I wanna get a lot of points for you!

Me: I don't need it.

??: Do you have a deathwish? Take the sword!
Me: Again... I don't need it.

After saying this, I summoned a large katana. The blade was pure red and the handle black.

??: Oh, You have an Imperial Arms! I'm going to get so many points! Hahahaha!

As you said this you disappeared from sight and reappeared behind him and sliced him in two.

(There will be four people not 3 in this)

??:Impressive. You killed him in seconds. Lets see how you do against me.

As I heard that, a guy in large black armor weilding a weird flail looking weapon walked out of the shadows.

As I heard that, a guy in large black armor weilding a weird flail looking weapon walked out of the shadows

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??: This is my Imperial Arms... Armor of Regret! It allows me to grow stronger every time I'm hit and give me nearly undefeatable durability! Thers no chance of you winning!

Me: Wow. You sure like introductions.... I don't care. You'll die.

Quickly, I dashed at him and stabbed the side of my blade at the armor, but nothing happened. Quickly jumping back to dodge his attack, he destroyed a small hole in the wall of the ship.

Y/N: 'He's quite destructive. I guess he doesn't care much about the ship.' 

Summoning a new sword, it was long and pure black. Everything on it was black.

Dashing forward, I cut at his arm, doing nothing. However, I did that again, and again and again. Each time my blade hit him, the output doubled having double force each time. It got to the point where he was trying to dodge in armor, but failing as I was simply faster than him.

Y/N: This is it. 

Jumping at him for the last time, I quickly cut off his head. He dropped, dead. The armor disappeared, instead leaving a small black ring in its stead.

Y/N: Must be the Imperial Arms. I'm finished over here, what about you gu-

As I turned around I saw Bulat dead and Tatsumi holding Incursios key.

Small Time skip after Tatsumi explains everything.

Right now, Tatsumi and I just finished explaining what happened to the rest of Night Raid and were going to train.

I was doing push-ups with a large stone on my back. Tatsumi had Akame on his back and Leone on Lubbock's.

Leone: Oh, come on Lubb. Hurry up, Tatsumi's done way more. And Y/Ns done more than both of you!

As Akame was about to say something about Leones weight I got up and covered her mouth

Me: *whispering* Akame, don't say another word *nods behind hand* good.

Najenda: Well. I'm going to the revolutionary base to bring these in and look for new recruits. Although I doubt well get anyone good.

Tatsumi: Woah. Boss don't you need help lifting those?

Najenda: Nah. I'll be fine. Although I can't use these I can lift them.

Tatsumi: Woah. What badass.

Lubbock: Of course she's a badass man! She used to be a General.

Najenda just smiled and walked to the door.

Najenda: Oh, and Akame. You're in charge.
Akame: Yess maam!

Akame Ga Kill X Male Reader (Completed, but I'm editing the first few parts)Where stories live. Discover now