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I dont own Akame Ga Kill


Right now, I'm on a mission to take out a large group of bandits.
They were known for kidnapping girls and having fun with them.
When they were done with them, they would leave their bodies in the alleys of the Empire as a statement.

Small Time skip

Right now, I'm walking right through the front doors of the base.

Bandit leader: Hey! Get outta here before we make you hurt!

Me: Alright then...come get me

They charge at me as I pull out one of my swords.... Demon Slayer (no references)
(You choose which one)

 Demon Slayer (no references)(You choose which one)

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3rd person POV

As Y/N pulled out his blade he started charging forward, tearing people limb from limb, shooting dark purple/black energy waves out of his blade in the shape of arcs.

Bandit: He has an Imperial Ar-

Before he can finish, his head gets cut clean off leaving only a few more bandits alive.

Bandit leader: What a-are you. You're no human! You're a MONSTER!

Y/N: Maybe. But.... if I'm a monster, what does that make you? Human? No. You're a demon!

As Y/N said that he swung his blade in an arc killing every bandit except for two. The leader and one more.

Bandit leader: You may have killed them, but good luck killing him. He has an Imperial Arms as well.

Y/N:*Chuckles* I think I'm fine.

Bandit leader: Why is that?

Y/N:*has a hind behind back* Simple. Cause he's dead. *Pulls out a hand from behind his back revealing bandit head*

Bandit Leader: Wha- HOW!

Y/N laughs

Y/N: He was weak. He had a powerful Imperial Arms but no idea how to use it. *Swings blade and destroys bandit leader and the Imperial Arms*

Y/N: Whoops... probably should of grabbed that. Well, whatever.

Time skip Y/N POV

I'm in the meeting going over my mission.

Najenda: So. You broke the Imperial Arms?

Me: Yep. 

Najenda:*sighs* Well, I would have preferred to have it, at least its one less problem for the future. Good job on the mission, you're dismissed.

Me: Thanks boss. Cya.

Akame Ga Kill X Male Reader (Completed, but I'm editing the first few parts)Where stories live. Discover now