Kill The Emperor

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We open up, seeing Najenda riding atop a horse, surrounded by the Revolutionary Army.

Najenda: By the strength of our hearts, we will abolish this debauched government, and its people will finally live in peace!

Shouts of agreement came from the army. The entire army charged towards the walls of the Empire.

Me, Tatsumi, Akame, Kurome, Wave and Leone jump inside the palace, with little to no guards, just as planned. Charging forwards, Leone punches down the doors to a large open room. 

Akame: I don't want to kill anymore than I have to, get out or get ready to die. 

??: We will not retreat! 

??: None of you can cut it against Night Raid, please fall back now.

Y/N: I'd expect at least one of the Jaegers to stick around in here. I guess its you, Run. 

Large wings appear on his back, shooting out feathers at us. We all take cover behind pillars. Run explains his story about how his students were abducted and killed by bandits, but the Empire didn't care. Leone jumps up at him for an attack, asking-

Leone: In that case, why are you not on our side?! Thats where you belong!

Run continues to explain his story, however, not wanting to waste time, Kurome and Leone stay behind to fight Run, while Tatsumi, Akame, Wave and myself go ahead. 

As we continue down the corridor, Tatsumi knocks down the wall behind the throne, where the Emperor and the Prime Minister are talking with eachother. 

Tatsumi: Well well, what do we have here? 

Minister: Its the Rebels! 

Emperor: That mans from Night Raid! 

Minister: How did you get past the royal guard-huh?!

The sound of glass shattering from above interrupts the Minister, as Akame and myself fall from the ceiling below, in an attempt to kill the Minister. 

Akame: Looks like your precious guards decided to give up. Minister, you're my target. You're done! 

As Akames sword was about to pierce the Minister, a strange blue barrier blocked him.

Minister: Aha! You're to late! The ultimate Imperial Arms has been activated! You lose-

Before he could finish speaking, a sword sliced arm clean off.

Y/N: Tsk! Seems like I missed the mark. What was that about the ultimate Imperial Arms? I'd like to put myself against it. 


Emperor: This Empire is coming to an end because of what you started! 

The ground started to shake, as the Minister yelled-

Minister: Imperial Guardian: Shikoutazer! 

Y/N: What the hell...thats it? 

A giant of an Imperial Arms stood up, towering above the nation. The Minister, through pain, was bragging about its power. 

Y/N: Oh be quiet, its basically a glorified action figure. Now, witness my power! Imperial Arms, Secret Trump Card: Blade of Creation and Destruction, Souzou! 

 Now, witness my power! Imperial Arms, Secret Trump Card: Blade of Creation and Destruction, Souzou! 

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(Imagine this, but less technological, if that makes sense) 

Two swords appeared in his arms, one a dark black with crimson lines, and the other white, with crystal blue lines.

Y/N: Akame, Tatsumi, deal with the Minister, then come help me! Wave, you're with me!

The Three: Got it! 

Y/N brought his black sword straight above him, slashing downwards and straight at the giant Teigu. A crimson arc slashed the giant right in the chest, however, it had no affect. 

Y/N: Seriously, nothing?! 

The creature shot a red beam into the distance, causing a giant bomb sized blast to appear. 

Y/N: Thats insane! Shit! 

Tatsumi and the others, already having dealt with the Minister trying to run away, came to help Y/N. Tatsumi jumped into the air and tried to convince the Emperor to stop, however he didn't give in. Infact, he swatted his hand towards the moving Tatsumi. However, Wave quickly got Tatsumi out of the way. 

Tatsumi: Thanks Wave. Y/N, how the hell are we supposed to deal with that?

Looking over, they saw a distressed Y/N being held by Akame, trying to calm him down.

Y/N: N-no...I...I won't let it end like this! 

Akame: Y/N, calm down! We will beat him! 

Y/N ignored Akame, jumped up and brought his white sword in front of him. 

Y/N: Heaven Splitting Slash: Gigantomachia! 

A large, golden white beam came down from the sky, crashing down into the giant with insane force, causing a shockwave to go over the entire nation. The giant was brought to one knee, clearly damaged, however, not defeated. 

Tatsumi: Y/N, well help! 

Tatsumi, clearly not wanting a single more person to die, changed. He changed into a completely new form. A golden Incursio with large wings coming from his back. He flew up and attempted to pierce his spear through a cracked red crystal on the giants head. It cracked more, but did not break. 

A high pitched voice could be heard from the ground next to Akame.

??: Don't you dare forget about me, Tatsumi!

Tatsumi: Mine? When did you get here?! 

You see, Mine was helping out by killing the armies generals, however, Najenda told them to come help here after seeing the large Imperial Arms. 

Mine, feeling the situation, raised her Imperial Arms, Pumpkin, and yelled at Y/N.

Mine: Get up you dummy! This isn't over, but if we both aim for that red crystal, we can take this thing out! 

Y/N: ...Alright. Lets do it! 

Y/N raised both his swords, then slashed downwards with a scream, as did mine with Pumpkin, shooting a large laser beam towards the Teigu. Both of them screaming, as these were the strongest attacks they have ever used. Tatsumi, noticing that if this defeated the Emperor, that his Imperial Arms would crush the citizens below, so, yelling at Wave, they both got ready to catch it. 

Y/N's swords fused, creating one large sword with a mix of both of the weapons colours. A bright pink beam came out, crashing into the Emperor at light speed, as did Mines gunshot. You see, the power of her shot this time came with the entire countries hope for them to win. A bright light formed, blinding everyone there. As the light disappeared, not only was the crystal gone, but the entire Imperials Arms head was gone. Y/N however, fainted, both from lack of energy and over use of his Imperial Arms. 

As the giant fell over, Tatsumi and Wave caught it, together managing to stop it rather easily, and without much damage to themselves. 

Akame: Y/N?! Y/N, wake up! Y/N! 

Y/N's vision went dark, and he could no longer see anything. His hearing was leaving as well, and he couldn't breath. The last thing he heard was Kurome yelling his name. 


A/N: I'll have the very last part to this out some point this week! Sorry that I've put this off for so long, and thank you all for sticking with this until the end, I really do appreciate it! Also, I changed the ending a lot as that is the only thing I disliked about Akame ga Kill. Thanks again, please wait until the last part, I hope it doesn't disappoint. Only issue is, I don't know which of two endings to go with. I guess I'll make two different parts, one for each ending. I'll make the ending I think you'll like more first, then the other ending, then let you guys vote on which one is better! 

Akame Ga Kill X Male Reader (Completed, but I'm editing the first few parts)Where stories live. Discover now