Akame Ga Kill!

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Looking down, we can see Kurome and Akame sitting beside a passed out Y/N, looking down in worry.

Kurome: Y/N, don't you dare die you idiot! Please!

Akame: Come on Y/N, just hold out for a little while. As soon as this is over, we can bring you to the doctor! 


Before the fight with the Empire, we can see Y/N, Akame and Kurome sitting in silence in the base.

Akame: Y/N...Please tell me you actually have a cure..?

Y/N: Why would I lie? Here, we'll start right now.

Y/N pulled out a strange...sword? It was a tiny sword, green in colour. Y/N simply spoke-

Y/N: 76th poison, Matatabis Revenge. This poison is painful, however, it burns away all illnesses and drugs that aren't supposed to be in a body. In other words, this will heal you. Are you ready, Kurome?

Kurome: Yes. 

Y/N: Like I said, this will hurt. Its best to hold onto something.

Kurome simply hugged Akame tightly. Y/N stuck the tip of the blade just to the right of Kuromes neck. A green flame seemed to go inside of Kurome. 

Kurome: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I-it hurts so bad! Akame! 

Akame: Y/N! Are you sure this is helping her?!

Y/N: Quiet. I need to focus so I don't kill her.

Akame: Kill her?! 

Y/N simply continued on, keeping the flame as controlled as possible. 

Flashback over.

Kurome continued holding Y/N with Akame.

Kurome: You saved me and Akame, so we need to help you, so please! 

??: I see. Y/N is like that simply because he was weak, yet I feel sad? Was it because I wanted to fight him again? Well, whatever. You'll do. 

Akame: Esdeath! The Imperial Army is dead, the revolution has won! Give up! There is no point in fighting anymore!

Esdeath: No point, you say? There will always be a point in fighting. This country may be over for now, but I can always start new wars, with new lands. 

Akame: You are psychotic! 

Esdeath: *Chuckle* Whatever. Now, fight me! 

Akame carefully layed Y/N's head on the ground, standing beside Kurome.

Kurome: Alright, big sis. Lets do it like we used to!

Akame: Right. But, we need to be fast! 

The girls charged at Esdeath from either side of her, but Esdeath created an ice wall blocking Akame, then went to kick Kurome. However, Kurome blocked easily and summoned multiple of the Royal Guards she had killed. Esdeath laughed, but Akame dashed behind her and slashed at her. Esdeath barely managed to block it, but got cut in the back by Kurome.

Esdeath: You two have such good teamwork, its actually annoying. But, this is also quite fun! I haven't had this much fun in a while! 

Esdeath charged at Akame, kicking her in the stomach and sending her crashing back, then she summoned a large ice ball above her, trying to crush Akame. But, Akame quickly dodged as the summoned Royal guards all attacked Esdeath at once.

Esdeath: Seriously, how weak do you think I am? 

Esdeath cut them all with her ice, then raised her arms to the side.

Esdeath: This is annoying as its the second time I've used this recently. Mahapdama! 

Just before Esdeath could activate this, Y/N opened his eyes, recognizing this attack. He raised his hand and covered Akame and Kurome in a white flame, then time stopped. 

 Esdeath: It was fun while it lasted, but I guess this is the end for you two. 

Akame: I wouldn't be so sure! 

Akame flew form behind Esdeath and slashed right down her back, inflicting Murasames Curse.

Esdeath: Ho-how the hell?! 

Esdeath looked over, and saw Y/N with one of his arms raised.

Esdeath: I see. Even in that state, he still manages to defeat me. Well, I can't say I'm not upset. 

Kurome: Its over. 

Time resumed, and Y/N's arm fell back down, but his eyes remained open, blinking up at the blue sky. Akame, Tatsumi, Leone, Wave and Kurome all stood next to Y/N, laughing at the win. Akame and Kurome helped Y/N up, as Y/N kissed Kurome.

Akame: Do you really have to do that in front of all of us? She is my sister.

The group chuckled yet again, happy that they could now share these moments with each other, not having to give this up for the world.

A/N: I will be making more AGK stories, but with this, that is the end to this one! I am so grateful to all of you who stuck with me till the end! I also changed my mind, I don't want to make an alternative ending, as I like this one. The other one is far too depressing. Please feel free to leave a comment and let me know what Fanfiction you would like to see next; I'd be more than happy to make one! Hopefully won't take as long to finish. I'm gonna say it again, please join my Discord, I'll take requests for more Fanfictions/Stories there, just make a ticket and I'll be sure to respond. You can also just leave a comment here or DM me, https://discord.gg/mzVe3MmFJa. It's been a nice two years (At least half of which I spent on Hiatus :/) but I'm glad we finished. Cya guys later! 

Akame Ga Kill X Male Reader (Completed, but I'm editing the first few parts)Where stories live. Discover now