Kill The Excutioner

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I dont own Akame Ga Kill

Right now, you and the rest of Night Raid were in the meeting talking about Zanku the
Executioner. After explaining to Tatsumi who he is we started planning.

Tatsumi: Alright! Let's go and get him!

Bulat: Easy there, sunshine. He has an unknown Imperial Arms that he stole when he killed the warden of the prison. He is very dangerous so; we should travel in teams of two!

Tatsumi: Ah, right. Wait, what is an Imperial Arms?

Akame: This* as she pulls out Murasame*

Tatsumi: That doesn't really help.

After a long explanation

Tatsumi: Wait what is the strongest Imperial Arms?

Najenda: It all depends on the wielder. However there are 2 I believe to be the strongest. One that allows you to manipulate ice. Luckily for us, the user is in the North slaying a tribe.

Time skip

Right now, me, Tatsumi and Akame are hiding in an alley because of some guards. Some time passes and they leave so we go sit on a bench and eat.

Tatsumi: I'll be right back.

Akame: Is nature calling?

Small Time skip

Akame and I went to check on Tatsumi, only to see him gone. We split up to search for him faster.

Both: 'Tatsumi, please be okay'.

Tatsumi POV

Right now, I'm on my knees as Zanku is about to cut off my head.

Zanku: Say goodbye to the land of living!

As he swings down, I close my eyes and wait for death.... but it never comes. Instead, I hear metal clash and the sound of someone skidding on the ground. As I open my eyes, I see...

Tatsumi: Y-Y/N!

As I try to get up I fall

Y/N: Well, he looks mad. You must have used some of your physiological tactics on him. Just sit tight and let me finish this. Akame, tend to his wounds.

As he says this Akame comes out and helps me move.


Zanku: OH, who's this. You have the look of a killer in your eyes... so tell me, how do you deal with the voices?

Y/N: Voices?

Zanku: Yes, the voices! The voices of the people who you've killed calling you to come down to hell with them!

Y/N: I don't hear them.

Zanku: What a shame. Well, I'll keep your head in my personal collection. But let's have some fun!

Tatsumi: Y/N! Be careful, that eyeball things let's him read minds!

Y/N: I see. Well, it doesn't matter.

I put my right hand to the side and a bright silver light appears. When the light ends, I'm holding a long silver and blue sword

Thunder clouds roll in and the wind picks up as electricity flows from the clouds down onto you.

 When the light ends, I'm holding a long silver and blue swordThunder clouds roll in and the wind picks up as electricity flows from the clouds down onto you

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Zanku: What is this?

Y/N: Prepare to die, Zanku.

As you said this, you charge at Zanku, slicing at him. He blocked this, but, electricity flew threw his metal blades and into him, dropping him to his knees. I then cut his head off and walked back towards Akame and Tatsumi. 


(Putting this part here as it's short and don't want a whole page for just this)

Right now, we are all waiting for Mine and Steele to return from their mission.

Small timeskip

We are all in a circle after just learning of Sheeles death.

Tatsumi: Mine! Who did it!? Damn it Mine who did it!

Najenda: Calm down, Tatsumi. Why do you need to know that now?

Tatsumi: So we can get our revenge! Don't you get it!?

Najenda: Not yet. Act to quickly and you'll only add to the body count.

Tatsumi: Then how do you expect me to react?! I'm not just gonna sit on my ass an-


Bulat: Thats enough, Tatsumi! Now pull yourself together! We warned you that anyone of us could die at any time! You accepted that risk the moment you decided to join us!

As this conversation goes on its interrupted as you just walk away as if nothing happened.

Small Time skip

3rd Person POV, On roof the roof of the base

Right now, you and Akame are on the roof with Sheele's favorite food, a picture of her and a lighter.

As you were about to burn the photo you get punched in the face by none other than Tatsumi.

Akame: Tatsumi!

Tatsumi: Y/N! I don't know who you think you are, just leaving in the middle of Sheele's conversation over her death! Or trying to burn one of the only things we have of her, but I'll be damn if I let you! It's like you're not human! I know you must be used to it, all of this death but I'm not! It's like you don't even care!

*You start crying*

Y/N: Tatsumi!.... I may have been an assassin my whole life, I may have killed to many people to account for and lost a lot of people. But its all just one big mission! Life is just one big mission to me, thats all it has been for me! So yes, call me a monster, a demon, but don't you dare say I don't care! Throughout my life I've thought of many things! Suicide, running away, I've even thought of just storming the empire and killing as many nobles as I could! But I didn't! I didn't because I thought if I went to the family of the ones I've killed maybe I could make amens! That never worked! So call me a monster.... but don't say I don't care.

As you said this you just disappeared from sight.

The Akame and Tatsumi thing still happened, Akame explains we were burning her memory into our hearts.

Time skip

It was the next night, and again you were just sitting on the roof of the hideout staring at the stars.

Noticing someone behind you, you turn and see Tatsumi.

Y/N: What do you need, Tatsumi?

Tatsumi: I'm...sorry. I wasn't thinking about what I said and hurt you.

Y/N smiled, responding,

Y/N: It's fine, Tatsumi. I get where you're coming from.


Akame Ga Kill X Male Reader (Completed, but I'm editing the first few parts)Where stories live. Discover now