Kill the crazy scientist

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Y/N POV Night Raid Base

After Tatsumi and I reported what happened in the Palace, we had a party, and all fell asleep.

I woke up to the sound of yelling and ran out and saw Lubbock being chased by a bunch of weird people in masks.

Lubbock: Aw damnit they're pretty fast!

I jumped in front of him and created my Lightning Blade.

Y/N: Stay behind me Lubbock!


Me: Stay behind me Lubbock!
Lubbock: Yeah, I can do that.

As they all charged, I swung quickly and sent my lightning at them, cutting them into tiny pieces.

Lubbock: *Whistles* Nice one Y/N.

I heard footsteps so I looked up and saw a guy with blue eyes, glasses, a weird helmet and some blue shirt and black undershirt.

I heard footsteps so I looked up and saw a guy with blue eyes, glasses, a weird helmet and some blue shirt and black undershirt

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Lubbock: You want some to!
??: Impressive for some thugs. You can call me Tobi. And I'm here to battle you one on one Y/N!

How does he know my name?! That doesn't matter right now. He's stronger than the others, but I should be able to take him.

He charged me with two hidden wrist blades. He then jumped off the roof and a blade came out of his shoe, preparing for an overhead kick.

I quickly dodged, slashing his chest with my Lightning Blade, thinking it was over.

Tobi: Not bad...

Me: That attack would kill most people...but you're mechanical, aren't you? How do you know my name?

Tobi: Oh... well Dr. Stylish told me, of course. Well let's continue, shall we?

Me: Hm.

He charged again but this time I was ready, as he jumped at me I dodged and jumped off the wall, I was moving too fast and sliced off his right arm.

Me: If I can't finish you in a single hit, then I'll just have to chop you into pieces. And its gonna better get ready.

Tobi: Hm. That's were you're mistaken. Given my condition, I can't feel pain anymore!

I decided to switch to a different blade, one that I probably shouldn't, but it's too strong to just leave sitting there.

I materialized the blade. It was a normal looking blade, besides the fact that it has writing going all the way from the handle up to the tip of the blade. You see, this blade is called Kyuuketsuki, meaning vampire. It sucks not only the blood of me, but the blood/soul of those that it attacks. It slowly grows more powerful, but if it doesn't get enough blood, I can't unsummon it and I am forced to kill more people to satiate its thirst for blood.

Tobi dashed at me quickly, jumping up and trying to do an overhead kick with the knife in his foot. Dodging to the right, I quickly slashed his leg off, a blue glow entering my blade.

Akame Ga Kill X Male Reader (Completed, but I'm editing the first few parts)Where stories live. Discover now