Rose pt.4

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This is gonna be short yet again but I want to write something before I head up in two days to see my brother, cousin and her baby Naomi, and my other grandma and aunt. I was going to write earlier today but it's Christmas, my бабушка gave me a shot of wisky, and I or more of me and my dad got carried away with the electric guitar I got... until he snapped the high E string. He then moved on to the Bass' my little sisters got. 

I also got a record player and as soon as I set it up my dad dug up some original records we had, including the Beatles and Elton John. Yet he decided to play a German beer song album.

What did you get for Christmas?

There was a problem. There were multiple problems actually. One problem at a time was all she could manage.

Her daughter was writhing on the floor.

Her daughter was surrounded by highly trained assassins.

Highly trained assassins were waiting for the signal to kill her.

Highly trained assassins were waiting for the signal to kill the man she loved.

Her mother figure betrayed her.

Her father figure lay dead on the floor, killed by her mother figure.

Her mother figure lay dead on the floor, killed by her hand.

The woman who she thought to be of a sister to her didn't know what to do or where to go.

One problem at a time, first the assassins. She didn't want to shoot any of them, they were all underage. But she had lost Rose once, she wasn't going to lose her again.

They needed a few of them to approach. She couldn't advance on them, there were too many and she would soon be outnumbered. 

They did have one advantage, the girls didn't have guns. Madam B would want them to die a slow, painful death.

The girls came at them in stages, to slowly wear them out. They were able to take out the first five girls by hand. But they were young and light, the older girls were not.

Then Yelena did something she didn't expect. She pulled out her stun gun like weapons, she had decided to call 'zap' for short.

But there was only one Yelena and 18 girls. Natasha didn't have hers, however there was one thing that might work. Natasha signaled to Yelena who jumped backwards and tip toed on the ballet barre. 

Steve caught on when Natasha pulled a match box out of a compartment in her belt. He less gracefully pulled himself into the rafters with the help of a box.

Natasha held the match box between her teeth followed Steve. Using the box to jump and grab the thick beam of wood. She swung her legs out and kicked the wall to push her up. 

Natasha struck the match holding it up to the sprinkler system setting it off. A shallow puddle off water gathered in the floor. The girls were soon soaked. They caught on too, running towards anything the would get them off the ground. Some managed, but others slipped on the now slick barre and floor, not realizing that the stage wasn't connected to the main puddle on the floor.

Yelena was going to have to act fast. She was going to have to remember to turn the voltage down, she would kill the girls if she didn't. 

Natasha watched almost in slow motion as Yelena shot the 'zap' at the floor. The girls fell, dead or alive, she didn't know. Yelena started shooting at the girls who excepted the puddle of water, there were few. A manageable number that she could take.

Madam B screamed in anger. Natasha, Yelena, and Steve jumped back down. Splashing water as they landed. They rushed at the older women until she pulled out a gun. She didn't point it at Natasha or Yelena, not even at Steve.

 She didn't point it at the young red head on the floor. Rose would have been the easiest shot, less than a foot away, defenseless, and the most devastating loss.

She pointed it at herself. The barrel under her chin. 

"I trained you well. I know that there is no way that I will come out of this alive. I shoot one of you, I will be dead before I can re aim my gun. What is the thing that you want most? Natasha and Steve simply want to bring end to the Black Widows, by any means possible. That is inevitable. But Yelena, she want to kill me herself. She wants the satisfaction of killing me herself. If I do it before her she will never feel like she brought an end to the Red Room, the end to her pain. She will never feel free, she will always be a pawn in a game. She can nev-" Madam B collapsed, two bullet holes in her chest, exactly where her cold heart would be.

Natasha turned, and looked at Yelena startled. "Какого черта!" (What the hell)

"Она слишком много говорила." (She was talking too much) Yelena shrugged and started to cuff the girls on the floor, wrist and ankles. "I can take care of the girls. You get Rose back to the car and wait for me. 

Natasha kneeled on the floor next to her daughter. The girls red hair was splayed over the wood, curling in the water as she writhed like blood of Madam B. 

Natasha lifted the girl's head so it rested on her shoulder before sliding her arms under Rose's shoulder and knees. 

Yelena was close behind. Natasha sat on the snow dusted grass with Rose's head on her lap. Yelena sat on the front of the car while Steve stood solemnly.

"We have to call Tony."

So this was supposed to be posted last night but I fell asleep while writing it. I am also excited to see Wonder Woman 1984 today.  STAY MOTHER FUCKING SAFE lots of love- tube face

P.s. I've been using my friends contact names at the end of these ex. ELLA THE  DESTROYER tube face is bc I had a tube stitched into my face to drain  bacteria 

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