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Okay so this is inspired by some parts of the upcoming Black widow movie so hang on with me. Okay so the movie apparently takes place after Civil war, I am assuming the movie is about Natasha taking down the Red Room. After civil war but before infinity war Nat, Steve, and Sam are on the run together. Steve is supposed to be meeting Sam in Lithuania in a month and he wanders into Russia. Natasha and Yelena are gathering information to infiltrate the Red Room when they meet in the street.

"Natasha, they're catching up." Yelena whispered as they speed walked down the street.

Natasha turned around to check as a shop door on her left opened and a tall man bumped into her. She brought her hand up to cover her face. She didn't turn around till she heard a familiar voice.

"Sorry, I- Natasha?" Natsha glance up and sure enough it was Steve in a pair of jeans and a black hoodie.

Natsha quickly grabbed Yelena's hand and pulled her while pushing Steve back into the store.

Yelena was confused but followed Natasha through the racks of clothes after she dropped her hand and the strange man put his arm around her waist.

Natasha led them into a closest bearly big enough for the three of them towards the back of the store.

"Natasha-" Steve started but stopped as Natsha put her finger to her lips. She took out her phone and started typing, when she was done she held it up for them to see.

Ears everywhere. It read as Nick had once done in his apartment. She started typing again. This is my sister, Yelena. What the hell are you doing up here?

Seeing the confused look on the mans face Yelena pulled out her phone too we're not actually related, we grew up together. Who are you?

Steve pulled out his phone. Steve Rogers. Sams visiting his brother, meeting him at a motel in Kiev, Lithuania in a month, thought I'd come up here for a bit. What are you doing?

Yelena knew about the accords but not Sam. Sam=Falcon, we're shutting down the Red Room. There are two girls trailing us, a 17 and 12. We're on our way to a isolated spot to take care of them.

Steve nodded I'm going to help.

Yelena glanced at Natasha who looked unsure there's a abandoned warehouse a block west and north of here.

Natasha nodded and opened the closet door. As they walked down the street sure that the girls where trailing them Natasha tried to warn Steve.

"You have no idea what you're getting yourself into. These girls, there like you've never seen. They can kill you in an instant."

"Look I'm not leaving you. You helped me out now I'm helping you."

"Steve you don't owe me anything."

"Its not about that... Natasha I can't lose you." The last part barely a whisper as he slowed he walking to look at her. After a moment of silence Yelena spoke up.

"So you two met when the aliens invaded New York four years ago, then you form the avengers and fall in love. So are you like dating."

"It's complicated." Steve responded.

"Oh, so like is it a unspoken feelings sort of thing or are you exes and one of you is still attached, or does one of you have feelings but the other don't?"

"No, we kind of started a thing and we where going to sart dating but then this shit load happened." Natasha explained

"Oh so it's one of those stupid American I love you sooo much but we can't be together because I'm a horrible person but you don't care so let's date oh wit the world is collapsing so we can't date now we have to hide our feelings again. I call bullshit you two are dating but are too embarrassed to admit it. You should just be open about it, but if I cetch you two making out in middle of fight, I kick both your asses."

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