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I'm soooo sorry this took so long, this was requested by Elizabelle_Autumn and I've been thinking about it for like a month. Also so sorry but this will be pretty short, it's already 10 an I have to wake up early tomorrow but this has been put off for too long. Also the Enchantress is a Marvel asgardian witch (there is also a D.C. villain with that name) in one comic she fucked with Natasha in the Red Room. I just realized how bad that sounds, no they didn't fuck, she convinced Nat to try to escape when she was 12 and Nat killed like 9 highly trained gards and mrs. B was like holy shit she's good. Anyway enough stalling I'm actually looking forward to this.

In a battle with the Enchantress the Avengers are turned into toddlers.

Nick Fury shook his head, this was insane. When he was a Agent a Asgardian witch turning the Avengers into four year olds would've been taken as a joke, now it barely raised an eyebrow.

Of all people he was the one who had to baby sit them? All the agents where too inexperienced or busy, medics and scientists where tending patients or trying to reverse this, Pepper was in Brazil, Jane was untraceable, the only other person not trying to save the world or eight hours away was Darcy Louis, and she didn't exactly have a record for being responsible but if Nick was going to have to deal with this so would she.

"Why can't we just hire a baby sitter?" Darcy asked as they sat in the living room of the tower, while she profusely stared at a young Thor waddling around.

"You can't exactly hire a baby sitter for a god, a alcoholic genius, a super soldier, a ex KGB assassin spy, a Hulk, and a archer."

Everything whent smoothly for the first few minutes, it didn't last long. Thor had made his way to the kitchen and was showing no mercy to the pop tarts, Tony was messing with a outlet, Bruce had started turning a dangerous shade of green, Natasha and Steve where nowhere to be seen, and Clint... Clint was just laying face down on the carpet.

"Hey look what I found!" Darcy yelled as she rummaged through a closet, "Why is there a baby pen in the closet?"

"I don't know, Tony probably bought it." Nick said as he set it up. He pulled Thor away from the pop tarts as Darcy picked Clint up off the floor. Thor started crying and asking for pop tarts but Clint just said Ok laid back down in the pen. Tony started talking about   how the holes in the wall make the TV turn on and his theory on how the Toaster works. Once he was wrapped in a blanket Bruce's green faded back to a tan. He turned out to be the least problematic and was left on the couch.

They had searched half the tower for Natasha and Steve but eventually found them when Darcy heard giggling from the closet.

"You have to look at this." She called to Fury was Natasha and Steve sat in a pile of junk in the closet.

Nick walked over to find the red head and soldier babbling back and forth, all their conversation consisted of was, I like you, I like like you, I like like like you, I love you, Well I love love you. Words that both of them refused to speak or acknowledge, but in their toddler state they had no filters.

"I'm recording this." Darcy said as she pulled out her phone. After a few minutes and one priceless video Natasha and Steve where move into the pen.

Doctor Suluvin had predicted that the spell was temporary, it had lasted a hour longer than predicted but did wear off.

Darcy was spared, her phone however was a lost cause.

Okay I'm tired so I'm going to bed now. Also if I ever don't post for four or more days without a warning before hand feel free to comment on the last chapter and just "bro you gunna post or..." bc I'm either just being really lazy or I'm dead so...
Love Ella💜💚🖤

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