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Please read the author note at the end of the chapter. Must read!

~July 2015~

"Ryan, would you be my boyfriend?"

This sentence will forever be imprinted in Ryan's head. Only god knew how happy he was, been proposed to be a boyfriend of the boy he liked very much.

"Yes!" He squeaked happily before threw himself into his man's arms who gladly hugged him back.

"Thank you Andrew thank you so much." He continued whisper, being unaware that his tears had fallen.

"No, thank you." Andrew whispered back. Rubbing his now boyfriend's back. He broke the hug and cupped his face, wiping his tears before leaned down and kissed him on his lips.

Ryan wasted no second as he kissed him back. He felt so grateful that he was finally belonged to someone.

Realisation hit him as he suddenly pulled back, panted lightly. "B-But my parents..." He stuttered.

Andrew smiled courageously, since he knew what had crossed Ryan's mind.

Ryan was a 23 years old guy who was an.......aromantic. Well, he thought he was. However, things suddenly changed when he first met Andrew, a 24 years old guy when he hanged out that day. 6 years ago.

Long story short, they became friends. Ryan were confused about his sexuality. Andrew started showed affection through things like caresses and hugs, made Ryan slowly like the feeling of having a future together with him. And of course Andrew didn't know about this. However, things weren't clear for Ryan.

Luck on his side when Andrew finally admitted that he was gay, and at that time he sighed in relief, only to found it weird few seconds later. Why would he happy when Andrew admitted that he was gay? Does that mean he was gay too? He sure liked that guy. But as what? Friend? Crush? Pfft no way. Lover? He didn't know....

However, he finally got his answer when he found out that he liked it when Andrew kissed him a few weeks ago. He asked Andrew for help and the guy gladly helped him. But he did not know that Andrew will help him like that! By kissing him! And the next words that came from his mouth were,

"Do you like it?"

A kiss that sent tingles down to Ryan's body and he nodded shyly, made Andrew smirk.

"Then you have your answer. You're gay." He simply replied.

Ryan choked, "really?" Andrew nodded, "well, unless you feel attracted to girls?" He asked and Ryan immediately shook his head.

Andrew chuckled, "good. You're not a bi. Sooo you're gay. Welcome to my world then." He said warmly and smiled teasingly.

He didn't know but he felt warm inside when he heard that sentence and witnessed the warm and welcome smile from Andrew. Andrew took advantage of that situation with him confessed to Ryan that he liked him for almost 4 years now. And they made it officially today.

Anyway, back to the present, Andrew then grabbed Ryan's hands, "take it slowly okay? You have to find the right time to come out." He said and smile at him. Ryan shook his head and Andrew frowned at that.


"I want to come out now..."

Andrew froze right at the moment.

"W-What? You can't be serious right..?" He asked hesitantly. But the determination in Ryan's eyes were the answer he got.

"I'm serious. I want to come out. And then I want to introduce you as my boyfriend. I want marry you." Ryan said fastly, bouncing on his feet and swaying their hands.

Wow that was so fucking fast!

"Wait wait hold on, Ryan. Did you realise what you have said just now?" He asked disbelieved. Not that he didn't want to marry him, since their country also accept same sex marriage. But he thought that it was too early.

"I know. I want to marry you." He said using the same determined tone.

"But.... don't you think it's too soon?" He stated more than asked before disentangled his hands off Ryan's.

"Aw come on, Andrew. I've spent 6 years with you. And I also waste those 6 years. I'm sure we can find our happiness. Let's get married and then refill those 6 years with our love." He said eagerly.

Andrew quickly calm him down, "of course you have spent 6 years with me, but those as friends. Not lover. It will be different, Ryan. We should take things slowly." He convinced and Ryan pouted before suddenly his face turned into a crimson red.

Andrew who saw this only raised his eyebrow, "something you didn't tell me before?" He guessed and it turned out to be true when Ryan blushed more.

"Uh...w-well, I.....thought you....a-as m-my.....crush before." He said before lowered down his head. Aw is Ryan blushing?

Confusion spread across Andrew's face, "crush? Me? Your crush?" He tried to confirm it and he got his answer when Ryan nodded. He confused more, "but wait, weren't you said that you were aromantic? And also confused with your sexuality?" He asked.

Ryan sighed, "I mean yeah. Since I was aromantic, obviously I didn't know who am I attracted to. But...ever since I saw you at the park, something weird crept inside me....so....yeah...." He trailed down himself and rubbed his neck awkwardly.

He didn't need to explain himself more since Andrew already understood what he meant. Slowly, a grin spreading on Andrew's lips.

"Okay then." He said smiling before continued, "we'll get married next year. I hope so. Right now, focus on your coming out." He said sternly and Ryan snapped his head up, nervous clearly written over his face.

Andrew's expression soften, "are you okay? You want me to be with you when you come out?" He asked softly, putting a hand on Ryan's shoulder and shook it lightly.

Ryan nodded his head, before shook it. Andrew who didn't seemed to catch the meaning only raised an eyebrow, "be specific please." He ordered and saw Ryan rolled up his eyes.

"Am I okay? Yes. Do I want you to come with me? No." He explained. "I just....I'm scared if my family doesn't react that well. I'm not sure though if they will be pleased or not. They never show any signs of homophobia and at the same time, topic about the community have never been brought before so I'm not sure. If they didn't accept it well, I think it's the best to not introduce you right away. Same with if they accept though." He explained shyly.

Andrew snorted, "says the one who eager to marry with me." He chuckled and Ryan gave a light punch on Andrew's arm, making the guy laugh and Ryan joined along.

"Okay joke aside, if your conversation with your parents didn't end well, and perhaps if they.....you know....they kick you out, you can always live with me you know? My door will always be open for you and you only. Including the door to my heart." Andrew teased before he winked, made Ryan blushed before covered his face with his hands.

"Stop that. Anyway, thank you for your offer. Just pray for me though." Ryan said and smile. Andrew smiled back before nodded warmly.

"So, I should get going first. If anything, I will call you okay?"

"Okay. Bye."


And with that, Ryan walked home, which about few blocks from the park they always hang out.


Okay so, I've been noticing the more I update the chapters in this story, the more I notice that the plot didn't went like the way I want.

I mean I already told u right that this book is based on real story? However, as I continue to write this, it was different than what I intentionally wanted to.

So what i really want to clarify is, only the FIRST FEW CHAPTERS are based on a true story. The rest of the plot is mine.

Bad english btw, sorry ಥ‿ಥ

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