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"You'll call me to update, right?" Andrew asked when they both stopped Infront of Ryan's house.

Ryan nodded, "of course. I'll call you, maybe tonight if I'm not too busy." He said.

Andrew chuckled, "sure. I'll see you later." He said and Ryan nodded, "later." before turn around and went inside the house.

He peeked through curtain only to saw that Ryan already made his way back.

He turn around and went to the living room and he saw his siblings and parents.

Marie looked up to him and her eyes immediately flooding with relief as she stood up and pulled him into a hug.

"Oh my god Ryan, you make me worried! Please don't just leave like that again." She said while cupping Ryan's face.

Ryan's harden look soften while looking straight into his mother's eyes. "I'm sorry, mom. Promise won't do that again." He said smiling slightly.

His attention went to Kyla who ran to his feet. His smile grew wide as he picked up the little girl.

"Hey Lil P, how are you?" He asked Kyla, who gave a smile as an answer. He smiled back, knowing the meaning behind her smile.

"Hey Kim." He greeted, and Kim only smiled back before her attention drifted to the tv again. Ryan shook his head.

"Go change, Ryan. Then come downstairs. Your mom already make dinner." Albert said dryly. Eyes didn't even leave the tv screen.

Ryan hold back an eye roll as he felt Marie's hand rubbing his arm up and down.

Marie looked at him and smiled, and of course Ryan smile back before went upstairs to his room. He change his clothes to more comfortable one before made his way downstairs.

All of his family members were already seated at the dining table. He took his seat, before suddenly knocks could be heard coming from the front door.

Albert cleared his throat, "Ryan, go answer the door." He demanded. Ryan frowned, as if knowing that his dad knew someone was coming.

"Who did you invite?" He asked curiously.

"Just go" were all he got before Ryan stood up and walked to the front door. Swinging the front door open, he froze for a few moments when he saw Fia standing there.

He forced a smile out, "hey." He greeted. Fia smiled back, "hey.." she said.

"Come in." He motioned Fia to get inside. Fia could literally feel the tension around them, as she walked passed Ryan.

"You know where's the dining table, right?" Ryan asked and Fia nodded. He nodded back, "then go ahead." He said and Fia, who didn't want to linger with the tension anymore walked away.

Ryan sighed when Fia was out from his sight. He turned around and hit his head against the door few times while swallowing his angry groans.

He should have known that this was yet another part of Albert's plan to get them to know each other. He sighed, before shook his head.

He went back to the dining table to see that Fia already seated beside him.

They made eye contact but Fia immediately averted her eyes, scared of Ryan's stare. He sighed mentally, before seat beside her and they all dig in.

For the 30 minutes dinner, Ryan waited for Albert to finally said something. The only conversation they had was between Marie and Fia. Sometimes including Kim and Kyla.

But he could tell that Fia were uncomfortable with few answers she had to give. Like answers to questions like "I can't wait to have Fia as my sister in-law" and "how many kids were you planning to have? Please give us many so me and Kyla wouldn't feel lonely" or "when do you think we can meet again to set up the date for your marriage."

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