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"NO!" A loud scream of protest could be heard and Ryan flinched harshly, and Marie closed her eyes as her tears fell with trembled lips.

Now, Ryan understood the real meaning behind the smile.

A smile that screamed 'it's okay' with desperate tone. To convince him and the owner. 

"No no no no you can't. You can't be gay. No no no." Albert continuously said, hands clutching his hair, "I promised to Mr Ellison. No no." He added, before look at Ryan with eyes full of disguise, "look, as much as I hate you for becomes like this, I want to you shut your mouth. Do NOT tell anybody about this." He warned with a deep and stern voice.

Ryan was speechless, "w-what?" He stuttered. Why in the heck he couldn't told anybody? Not like he would told anyone anyway. And who the hell is Mr Ellison?

"What.....what are you talking about?" He asked, voice full of confusion. He tried to seek comfort through Marie's thumb who softly caressed the back of his hand.

Albert's eyes were like throwing daggers at him. This wasn't his father. His father weren't this scary. He mean yes, his father was so scary, but it was such a long time ago! He sure he was facing somebody else right at the moment. He would like to think that some devil possessed his father.

"I promised to Mr Ellison that you will marry his daughter."

Now that was a thunder strike to Ryan. How could he? Why would he done such promise about him behind his back??

What is this?? There's so many thoughts filling Ryan's head now.

"What?! Dad no!" Ryan immediately protested, disentangle his hand away from Marie's. There was no fucking way a gay would marry a straight woman.

Albert threw him harsh glances, "I'm the one who made the decision! You are a straight guy and will marry his daughter. No matter what happen." He continued, voice booming loudly in the dining room, breathing heavily.

"But dad! This is about me! You can't change the fucking fact that I AM gay and I will never married to a straight, some random girl!" Ryan shouted back.

"They are not some random people!" Albert shouted more loudly, made Ryan cower in his seat, "Mr Ellison is the Vice President in WorkShip Legacy and we will be rich if you become their son-in-law." Albert added in a softer tone.

However, not the soft tone could change the way he thought now. "You.....sold me?" He asked disbelieve.

"What? No! Of course not!" Albert quickly exclaimed, "it's for your own good, Ryan."

Anger curse through Ryan's body as he raised to his feet in anger, "no! You did that for your own good! Not for me! If it really for my own good, then you should think about my happiness, not just yours! For god's sake I'm your son! I am 23 and I have rights on whom I will be married to!" He burst out as tears prickled in his eyes.

"Yes, you have right but I'm the one who make decisions in this house. No matter what happen, YOU will get married to their daughter." Albert continued in dangerously low tone.

Ryan turned to Marie, desperately reaching for her hands, "mom say something!" Ryan begged, "please mom..." He added as his tears started to fell. Marie only look at him with pity eyes. Ryan truly hated that look. He really despise people who gave pity looks at him.

"Enough Ryan. Go to sleep now. You're grounded. We'll discuss this more tomorrow." Albert concluded before he stormed away to his room.

Ryan wipe his tears before look at Marie. She just gave a small smile before got up and grabbed Ryan by his hand, "mom..say something." Ryan begged, but obeyed when his mom brought him to his bedroom.

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