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Andrew was sleeping soundly on his bed when his phone suddenly vibrated.

It ringed six times before it went off. That didn't last long when his phone vibrated again. He let out deep sighs before scooted closer to his nightstand.

He didn't bother to look at the id as he brought the phone to his ear and answer with a lazy "hello?"

But after hearing his lovely boy's voice, he sat up straight.

"Ryan? What's wrong? Why are you calling me? It's like 3am now." He said panicking.


"Hey hey calm down."


"Ryan, calm down! Take a deep breath!"


"Calm down, stop panicking!"


"Good boy. Now, what's going on? Are you okay?"


"Where's your parents?"


"Oh okay..... Um so tell me, what's wrong? It's 3 in the morning though...."




"Um sure..... Where are you now?"


"What? Why are you there?"


"Okay okay I'm coming. I'll be there. Wait for me, don't go anywhere."


"Okay I love you too."

And the call ended. Ryan wasted no time as he jumped off the bed and ran to his closet before threw on some hoodie and sweatpants.

He quickly got out from his house and jogged to where Andrew told him to.

Not long than 5 minutes, he arrived at the park.

It was dark, it's hard to see. But Andrew knew he saw some dark figure not far from where he was standing.

"Ryan?" He called out before took out his phone and turn on its flashlight.

He saw Ryan, his back facing him with shovel on his hands. Infront of him was dirt....

Weird, cuz the part of this park was covered fully in grass.

So, with a shovel in his hands, he must just.....burry something...

Andrew's brow furrowed, "Ryan??" He called again and Ryan turned around and Andrew suppressed a loud gasp looking at his face.

He was covered in dirt, and he must be mistaken, but he sure he saw.....few red spots on his shirt and....face.

However he was brought back to reality when Ryan suddenly attacked him with a hug.

Andrew immediately grabbed both his shoulder and broke away, "Ryan, what happen?" He asked confused. Now watching up close, he knew that it was blood.

But he didn't want to believe that. He couldn't. Unfortunately, the awful fishy smell of blood that reached his nose confirmed that.

"Andrew let's get married now! Nobody could stop us." He said eagerly, shaking both Andrew's arms.

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