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~August 2015~

"Have you call her yet?" Albert asked when only the two of them at the table after dinner.

Ever since the day, Albert always pushed him to talk to the girl. But Ryan always refused, using excuse to gave him some time.

Albert agreed as long as Ryan talk to her eventually.

Not that Ryan would to.

He shook his head, "I'm not ready yet. Give me some time. Plus, don't you think I'm too young? I want to enjoy my life first. Then I'll think about this matter." He simply replied. His tone was cold, and sounded distance too.

"Age doesn't matter when it comes to marriage, Ryan. And don't you 'I'll think about this matter' to me. The decision is already made. No matter what happen, you'll-"

"Yes yes I know. Please dad, just give me some time. I probably should go now." Ryan cutted him. He smiled at Albert, and the old man just nodded his head.

Ryan stood up before grabbed his bag that were on his side before stepped out of the house.

He told his parents that he will be sleeping at Andrew's house tonight. Of course, his parents didn't knew they were dating. They didn't have to, not at the time. And the reason why Albert didn't scared of letting him sleep in a guy's house -when he knew his son was gay- was because both Marie and Albert knew Andrew. They've been friends for almost six years so it didn't raise suspicious in his parents.

And, he knew the reason why his father still treated him like he was before. If not because of this stupid marriage thing, he was 100% sure he would be kicked out a month ago.

But oh well, he wouldn't mind, since he can live and spend time with Andrew.

Speaking of....

The both of them had grew closer after they both confessed. They had spent so much time around each other, and Ryan could felt butterfly flied in his stomach.

Sure, the feeling felt new to him, but after a month, he could adapt to the new sensation.

He liked it when Andrew touched him, kissed him, cuddled with him. He loved every moment with him.

With this thought, he finally arrived at Andrew's house. Andrew's place isn't that big, but it's comfy and sure feeling homie to him.

Even before he knocked, the door flung open as Andrew was expecting for him. The guy gave him a big smile before they both collided for a hug.

"I miss you." Andrew whispered, and Ryan replied with a hum before buried his head closer to Andrew's neck.

After a few moments, they broke the hug as Andrew stepped aside and let Ryan in. He grabbed the bag from Ryan's arm and lead him to the living room.

Ryan sat down, watching as Andrew went into his bedroom and put away his duffle bag.

After a minute he came back, smiling softly at Ryan. Ryan made grabby hands toward him, making Andrew chuckled.

"What's wrong, baby?" Andrew softly asked as he sat beside him. Ryan immediately snuggled against him before sigh in relief. "Nothing. Just wanna cuddle with you." He said, voice gentle.

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