Revenge (Pt.Two)

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"Someone grab the god damn book! OW MOTHER FUCKER!!" Blitzo yelled as Angel and Moxxie were trying not to let him bleed out.

"I got it! I got it!"

"Hurry up! OWW!!"
As Millie went to grab the grimoire three more gunshots went off sending the bullets to it.

"Hey! Who are you?!" Moxxie shouted into the distance.

"Oh shit...." Blitzo began when a tall, wealthy looking, female demon took a few steps forward; holding a purple and gold handgun.

"Who's Stella?" Moxxie asked.

"That's Stella dumb ass!"

"Well obviously! I mean how do you know her?!"

"God Mox can you just shut the fuck-?!"

"SHUT IT BOTH OF YOU!!" The bird demon hollered.

"S- sorry.." Moxxie stuttered.

Stella turned to glare at Blitzo.  He unintentionally gulped loudly.
"Heh heh.. heyyy your majesty.. long time no see."

She scoffed, still aiming the gun at Blitzo.
"That's all you have to say to me you slag?!"

"Look, I know you're pretty pissed right now but it's kinda hard to take you seriously when I don't understand your fancy ass rich people talk."

"Blitzo! She literally has a loaded gun to your head!" Moxxie muttered.

Angel Dust leaned over to Millie, keeping his eyes on the gun.
"Can't we just..?" He made finger guns and nodded toward Stella.

"Angel, no! She's royalty!"


"So! We can't hurt her!  We'll have even more people hating and coming after us!"

"Look at it this way babe, you're not hurting her, I am! I.M.P won't suffer because I'm not an employee."

"It doesn't exactly work like that.."

"Then what're we gonna do?"

"I- I don't know..."

"Uh.. h-hello your majesty.." Moxxie stepped forward, keeping his hands in the air. "I'm Moxxie, I work for I.M.P and it would be much appreciated if you were to kindly lower your weapon."
Stella glared at him keeping her gun in the air.

"Okay look lady if you're here for revenge or some shit because I fucked your husband...." The bird-demon's eyes glowed red at the words. "...then go after him! I didn't want to sleep with him!"
She lowered her brows and prepared to shoot her target once more to finish the job. Blitzo closed his eyes and braced himself.

It seemed like he was waiting too long to get shot... was she going to do it? And then there was a thud. The group opened their eyes to see Stella on the ground and a tall owl demon standing above her.
"Holy shit Stolas! Did you just murder your wife?!"

"No! She's not dead... probably .. it's only a dart gun.  She'll be out for a few hours at least."

"Uh huh... well thanks..."

Stolas gasped. "Blitzy!! You're wounded! Are you okay?! We need to get you assistance!"

"I'm fine Stolas. This isn't the first time I've been shot. We'll patch it up when we get back."

"Umm.. sir.. the grimaur to open the portal is a bit destroyed.." Moxxie interrupted as he held up the ripped book with multiple bullet holes.

"This day just keeps getting better and better!" Blitzo groaned as he threw his head back.

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