Quiet Secret Time

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"Why are you making me do this again?" Blitzo whined as Angel dragged him into a vacant strip club.

"Because, Blitzy, I tried out your job so now you have to try mine!"

"We're not gonna be shooting a porno right?"

"Not unless you wanna." He smirked.

"Nope! Hell no!"

"You're loss. But relax, I'm just teaching you how to strip."

"Fuck this." Blitzo complained.

"Suck it up buttercup. You're doing this."

"Fine. But don't feel bad when I'm better than you."  Blitzo said smugly, right before he tripped, caught himself on the stripper pole, and tried to save himself from further embarrassment by less than gracefully swinging around the pole.
"Psh! See? I'm a natural!"

"Whatever you say babe." Angled shrugged with a laugh.

"I dunno Angie, he seems pretty advanced."  A female voice said from the club doors.

"Finally! I thought you were gonna ditch us!"

"Come on, you know you're my favorite guy to party with! I ain't goin' nowhere."

"You know it suga' tits!" Angie turned to Blitzo.  "This is my best bitch Cherri."

"Hey." She greeted.

"Holy shit, you're hot! Uh! I mean-"

"Heh, yeah I get that a lot." Cherri laughed. "Alright, Imma get some booze."
After a few minutes she came back with her arms filled with bottles of alcohol.

"Hell yeah! Let's get fucked up!" Angel yelled as he poured the drinks and handed them out.

"WOOO!" They cheered simultaneously and took a shot.

"Alright, alright now we have to teach Blitzy how to pole dance." Angel smirked.

"I am not drunk enough for this. Give me a sec." Blitzo held out his finger and downed half the bottle of vodka. "Okay, I'm ready now."

"Holy shit!" Cherri marveled in awe.

"Yeah, yeah let's just get this over with while I'm still conscious."

"You heard the Imp, Angie! Let's do this shit."
The two walked up the stage while Blitzo stumbled a bit and Cherri put on some music from her phone and transferred it to the speaker. The first song was Addict.

"Damn, I forgot we recorded this song!"

"How could you forget we recorded the song?! We're so fucking badass in it."

"Hell yeah we are!"

"And I thought it would be better if we taught him choreography we already know."

"Good think'n suga' tits.  Okay Blitzy, grab onto the pole over your head like this." Angel and Cherri demonstrated, Blitzo did the same.  "Then lift yourself up and kick around."

"What the fuck..."

"Come on Blitzo, just try it. It ain't that hard." Cherri encouraged.

"Fine but don't cry too hard when I'm a bajillion times better than you guys." Blitzo stated confidently.

Angel crossed his arms and smirked. "Mhm okay. Good luck with that toots." Then Blitzo attempted to do the move Angel and Cherri did. Calling him an extremely ungraceful train wreck on legs would have been an understatement.

"Okay uh.. you know, let's skip to the floor parts." Cherri suggested.

Angel nodded. "That's probably a good idea."

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