My Blitzy

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Blitzo's phone kept going off the next morning. He was sound asleep so Angel Dust took the liberty of seeing who was messaging him so much.

Stolas: 14 missed calls
Stolas: 69 missed messages
Stolas: Incoming Call~
The phone read.

Angel picked up.
"What's up sugar cakes?"

"Bli-! Who are you?! And what are you doing with my Blitzy's cell phone?"

"I'm Angel Dust, and "your Blitzy" is laying next to me; asleep after the wonderful time we had last night." Angie knew he was pissing the fuck off of Stolas and he loved it.

"You- you-!" Stolas attempted angrily.

"Aww, trouble in paradise?" Angel teased, pretending to sound sincere.

"That is absolutely none of your business!!"

"Oops, got to go. My Blitzy is waking up." Angel mocked.

"Your Blitz-?!"
Angel hung up before he could finish and started laughing.

Blitzo woke up and turned to see what he was laughing about.
"What's so-? Why do you have my phone?"

"I didn't know you have a boyfriend." Angel snickered.

"Oh my fucking god! Do you mean Stolas?"
Angel nodded, still kind of laughing.

"That dipshit won't leave me alone!
God, you hook up with a guy 12 times and he just has to assume you're in a relationship!"

"Ugh, I know how you feel.  People think if you just have sex with someone it automatically makes you have romantic feelings for each other or something.  What a load of crap."  Angel added, lying back down.

Blitzo got up to put his clothes on and leave but Angie stopped him before he walked out.
"Hey, wanna piss off the "dipshit" who won't leave you alone?"

"Yes! What are you thinking?" Blitzo asked enthusiastically.

"He already knows we spent the night together so let make him think it's more than that."

"That'll be easy, he's always keeping tabs on my life.."

"Perfect. You're gonna be my little bitch for the next few days." Angel smirked.
Blitzo opened his mouth to object but he was cut off.
"I'll walk you to work, babe." He winked.

"This is so weird."

* * *

Angle Dust and Blitzo went to I.M.P together. Moxxie looked up at the two in confusion.
"You.. look really familiar.." He started.

"Oh yeah?" Angle leaned in over the front desk where Moxxie was sitting.
"Where do you think you know me from?" He smirked, leaning his chin on his fist..

Moxxie obviously just realized who he was talking to; he visibly got very awkward.
"Are you Angel Dust?... The porn star?"

"The one and only."

"What're you doing here?" Moxxie asked.

"He's helping me with-"

Angel took Bitzo's hand. "I'm his boyfriend." He said, interrupting Blitzo.
"Right, babe?"

"Uh, yeah. Anyway, we're gonna go in here now." Blitzo gestured to his office.

The pair walked into the room and shut the door behind them.
"We can tell them we're not actually together, or at least Millie because Moxxie will probably slip up."

"But it'll be more fun if we're the only people who know." Angel replied.

Before Blitzo could agree or object the door opens up, Stolas standing in the door way.
"Blitzy! Can we please just talk?" He begged.

"What the fuck, Stolas!" Blitzo yelled.

"That's him?" Angel whispered.
Blitzo nodded.

Stolas looked to Angel. "Who are you?"

"I'm Angel Dust.  I believe we've spoken before." 
He gave a sly grin, making Stolas even more agitated.

"You were the slut on the phone!"

"No shit Sherlock." 

"So you-" Stolas pointed to Blitzo.  "And him-How could you do this to me?  I thought what we had was special!"

"Give it a rest!  Holy shit, go piss off somebody else!"

"Come on Blitzy.. you don't mean that."

"Yes the fuck I do! Now walk your feathery ass out of my fucking office and crawl back to where you came from!"

Stolas opened his mouth to say something but Blitzo gave him a death glare so he gave up and walked out.

"See Blitzy, wasn't this a good idea?"

"Don't call me Biltzy. And yeah, that was fucking hilarious."

"Well, it's been fun but I gotta head out.
But you're pretty cool we should actually hang out some time.  And it'll make our "relationship" more believable."  Angel suggest.

"Yeah, I am pretty awesome.  I'd wanna hang with me too."

"So you're in babe?"

"Hell yeah!"

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