I Fucking love You

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Later that night after Blitzo's unfortunate visit to the club he ended up making his way to the hotel and knocked loudly on the door. Charlie answered.
"Hi Blitzo! Are you here for Angel?"

"Yep, I am." He answered.

"Well he's not home yet but you are more than welcome to wait inside if you'd like." Charlie smiled.

"Don't mind if I do, princess." Blitzo said, taking a step inside.

He made his way to Angel's bedroom and waited in the chair next to his vanity. It took him about two seconds before he realized that the chair could spin. So that would occupy him for a while until Angel finally got off of work. 
He waited and waited... and waited for Angel to finally get home but he never showed.
Blitzo stood up and stumbled a bit due to his dizziness and began to walk out.
"Alright well I guess I should probably get going." He said to himself with faint tears in his eyes.

Walking out, he bumps into someone he could barely see due to the water flooding in his eyes.
"Sorry. I just-" Blitzo looks up. "Angel." He says plainly.

"Uhm hey.. Blitzy." Angel started.


"Blitzo.. I am so sorry, let me explain." Angle Dust begged.

"Don't worry about it.. I was just leaving."

"Come on, don't be like that. Please just let me explain myself and then you can go back to hating me." Angel closed the bedroom door behind him, trying not to let Blitzo see his face which had a big bruise on it.
He didn't do a very good job of hiding it considering he didn't have any time to cover it up with makeup like he usually does.

"What the hell happened to your face?!" Blitzo asked, more worried now that he sees the mark.

"I'm fine. No worries, sugar." Angel smiled weakly, trying to remain lighthearted. "Craziest thing! I walked into the fuckin' door as I was leaving the club! Ha! So embarrassing.." Of course that was a lie but he didn't want Blitzo to worry or get mad and do something stupid.

It was clear that Blitzo wasn't fooled but for once in his life he kept his mouth shut about it.
"So.. what did you wanna talk about?" Blitzo crossed his arms, changing the subject.

"I didn't mean what I said. I swear. I just.. I can't let Val know too much about you.. It's.. complicated."

"Are you embarrassed of me-?"

"No!" Angel affirmed quickly. "I'd never be embarrassed of you." He put his hand on the side of Blitzo's face, rubbing it with his thumb.

Blitzo looked at his hand. Angel Dust pulled away remembering that they were just pretend dating and casual hookups.
'Was that really all?' He thought back to the night of Blitzo's drunken confession and all their nights spent together just talking.

"Then why can't he know about us..? I mean me!" Blitzo quickly corrected himself.

"Because of what he'd do if he knew how I felt about you.."

"What's that supposed to mean?"
Angel went to sit down on his bed. Blitzo followed but stumbled a bit due to him still being dizzy from spinning around in the chair for so long

"Look, Blitzy..-"

"Stop calling me Blitzy." Blitzo pleaded.

Angel ignored him. "Look, Blitzy... I don't know how to say any of this cause I've never felt like this before but I feel like.. I dunno.. I feel like we've got somethin' kinda special. I know that sounds like real sappy Disney original type shit but it's true.. I feel really weird around you.. like if you're sad, I'm sad and I wanna kill whoever made you sad.." There was an unbearably long pause.
"Ya know what? Forget I said any of that. Just know that I'm really really sorry.. about everything."

"Why would I forget about that..?" Blitzo asked.

"I just don't wanna fuck up whatever we got goin' on here. Maybe I'm scarin' you off or maybe you're just gonna end up hating me..-"

"Hate you?" Blitzo turned to face him, sounding almost offended. "Angel, I fucking love you, you asshole!" He announced.

Angel froze. He couldn't speak. He just stared blankly at Blitzo with his mouth ajar. Why couldn't he just say something?

Blitzo began to panic and stumble over his words. "Uhm- uh I meant I love hanging out and shit; ya know? I didn't-"

He was cut off by a very long, very passionate kiss from Angel Dust. "You were never just "some guy" to me."

Blitzo was lost in the moment for what seemed like forever. Then suddenly and awkwardly he replied, "Okay. That's.. good." Blitzo grimaced at his own awkwardness.

"Did.. you mean it?" Angel asked finally.

"Mean what?"

"That you love me."

"Oh. Uh yeah.. I think I did.." He replied.

"Oh.." Angel stated in shock.

"Oh?" Blitzo repeated. "What do you mean "oh"? I'm pourin' my heart out here and all I get is "oh"?

"Sorry, I'm just tryna wrap my head around this.  ..I love you too, asshole."  Angel laughed.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2023 ⏰

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