This Seems Legit

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The next morning Blitzo woke up with a pounding headache. He attempted to sit up but got way too dizzy, flopped back down, and groaned.

"It's about time you woke up! I was just about to check your pulse!" Angel joked. "You look like shit."  He added.

"The hell happened last night?"

"You got fuckin' wasted! I gotta hand it to ya though, you got some helluva tolerance."

Blitzo was going to answer but then noticed that he was shirtless in Angel's bed. "Uhh.. did we..?"

"Have sex? No. You puked on your shirt then passed out on top of the bar so me and Cherri had to lug you back here."

"Oh.. uh.. thanks."

"Any time Blitzy.  So.. do you remember anything about last night?"

"I remember out-dancing you on the pole." Blitzo said smugly.

"Ha! You wish." Angel laughed. "But, uh.. do you remember anything past that point?"  Blitzo shook his head but quickly put his hand to it, forgetting about his massive headache. "No drunken confessions made? No unexpected personal feelings expressed?"

"Oh Satan, what that fuck did I say?"

"Nothing! Well not nothing-nothing but-"

Angel was cut off. "Knock knock." Someone said from out side the door followed by an actual "knock knock".


The demon from the outside opened the door. "Ah, good afternoon Angel Dust!" The Radio Demon greeted. He tuned his head to Blitzo. "And I don't believe we've met before! I'm Alastor, it is quite the pleasure to be meeting one of Angel Dust's pals. I apologize for barging in but I've made flapjacks for everybody and I was wondering if you'd like a few. They really are the cat's pajamas!"

"Who the fuck is Jack?" Blitzo asked genuinely.

"Oh ho ho! You have quite the humor my friend! I'll bring you two a couple!" Alastor beamed and turned away.

The Imp looked to Angel with confusion on his face. "Flapjacks are pancakes, Blitzo.."


Angel Dust laughed but then became a bit more serious while still trying his best to maintain the light atmosphere. "So uh Al called you my "pal".. and that sorta made me think about what I was gonna say before-"

"Who the fuck calls pancakes flapjacks?! It makes no sense!" Blitzo interrupted.

"Heh.. yeah I guess. But anyway-"

"What do flaps and Jacks have to do with pancakes? Pancakes don't flap, do they? And why Jack? Out of all the names, Jack?!"

"That's some predicament you're in Blitzy but-" Another knock at the door. "What is it this time?!"

The entrance creaked open a bit. "Hi Angel, hi Blitzo! I'm sorry, am I interrupting something..?" Charlie asked.

"Oh noo. Not interrupting a thing suga'." Angel answered with strong hints of sarcasm.

She didn't take the hint. "Okay good! Do you guys wanna come out and eat with the rest of us?"

Angel sighed and put on a forced smile. "Sure toots."

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