Constant Sent of Gasoline

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Moxxie stood, crossing his arms in front of a small box with little doodles of horses on it sitting on the front desk. There was a post-it note on the outside that read, "ComMplant BoX" written in Blitzo's messy handwriting.
"What is this?" Moxxie questioned.

Blitzo popped his head through his office door to look at his employee. "Can't you read?" He rolled his eyes.

"I can read!" Moxxie snapped back now becoming more annoyed. "It's not my fault you're illiterate." He muttered.

"Moxxie, I don't understand your gibberish."

"Gibberish? What are you-?" Millie puts a hand on her husband's shoulder which stops him from saying any more.

"It's a complaint box! I got it because I can't stand Moxxie bitching to my face anymore." Blitzo claimed.

"That's.. actually not a bad idea."

"Moxxie, if I wanted to hear from an asshole I'd let one rip. Wait, what did you say?"

"I said it's not a bad idea?" Moxxie repeated.

"Oh, wow.. I wasn't expecting that.. cool!"

"I most definitely have more than a few things about this company that I have to complain about. Like how-"

"Alright Mox, take it up with the box." Blitzo interrupted, shoving the box in Moxxie's face.

"Gladly." He snatched up the box from his boss's hand and started scribbling complaint after complaint on scrap pieces of paper, eyeing Blitzo as he wrote.

"See? This is already a great idea!" Blitzo beamed.

By the end of the day the box was completely filled with crumpled up pieces of paper sticking out of the top and some laying next to the box as they didn't fit.

"Alrighty! Let's get crackin' on this shit!" Blitzo began to open up the box excitedly and took out a fist full of complains. "'Constant sent of gasoline', 'persistent ridicule from the boss', boring, boring, incorrect, boring. Oh! Here's a good one! 'Blitzo is the best boss anybody could ever ask for and is outstandingly handsome!' Aw that is so sweet you guys. Now who wrote this?"
Everyone looked around at each other but no one stepped up.
"Wanting to stay anonymous, I get it, I get it. On to the the next one! 'Blitzo is a fantastic assassin!' Aw, I know. 'Blitzo is the sexiest boss alive!' 'Blitzo is-"

"Uh.. Blitzo? Did you put these in here yourself?" Moxxie interrupted.

"What?! How could you even insinuate that I'd do something like this? Why is it so hard to believe that anyone would compliment me?! Satan, you sound just like my dad!" Blitzo spun around to face the other way and but is knuckles to hold back his tears.

"I'm sorry sir, I-"

"Fine! I did! Are you happy? I put the stupid complements in here! Is it so bad to want some kind of validation?"

"Okay uhm well let just keep reading the complaints." Moxxie stated.

"For once, you have a good idea, Mox." He cleared his throat. "Ehem. 'We're underpaid.' 'Unstable working conditions' 'no sick days' 'company ran irresponsibly'. You know what? This is way more annoying than Moxxie." Blitzo took the still very full complaint box and threw it aggressively in the trash. "No wonder something Moxxie agreed with would be a crap idea." He mumbled.

"No offense boss but what's the point of having a complaint box if you can't handle the complaints?" Moxxie spoke.

Blitzo thought about the question for a moment but ignored it. "Oh well would you look at the time, I gotta go feed Body Pillow."

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