Black Sails

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December 18th (flash forward 1 day)

“You just have to go out there and show them you aren’t afraid. You are the youngest president L’manberg has ever seen. That doesn’t make you the most powerless,” Tubbo mumbles to himself, staring at his reflection in the water. He takes a deep breath and straightens out his suit, and walks into the meeting room, where Dream is already seated. “Hello, Dream,” he says.

“Hey, Tubbo. It’s been a while since we’ve used this place, huh?” Dream observes, looking around the room. “Nothing’s changed. In here, I mean.”

“Yeah,” Tubbo mumbles. “Look just like it did the day we had the meeting about Tommy.” Tubbo sits down and takes a deep breath, trying to keep his composure and not think about Tommy. This is a formal meeting. To discuss what’s most likely politics. Probably information about Technoblade.

“Do you know why I wanted to meet with you today?” Dream asks, leaning forward and folding his hands menacingly.

Tubbo squirms in his seat, feeling sweat build up. “I don’t, actually. You didn’t tell me.”

Dream nods understandingly. “No, I didn’t. I heard from an anonymous source that you had a compass that points directly towards Tommy. And, well, I went to visit Tommy three days ago, like I always do. I was there all day, waiting in Logstedshire, and didn’t see him once. I’m worried about him.”

Tubbo’s stomach drops. “Tommy’s missing?”

“I’m afraid so. I was hoping I could use your compass to find him,” Dream says solemnly.

Tubbo runs a frantic hand through his hair, trying to stay calm. “I lost the compass. A charged creeper blew it up.”

Dream leans back in his chair and huffs. “Well, I’ll just go look for Ghostbur. He’d probably know. Thank you for your time.” Dream gets up and begins to leave, but Tubbo cuts him off.

“Dream, wait,” he says. “I’ll go to Logstedshire myself, see if I can find anything.”

Dream hesitates for a moment, before nodding and agreeing. “Sounds like a plan. Report anything suspicious to me, ok?” Tubbo nods, and Dream leaves. Tubbo stays in his seat, taking deep breaths.

“He’s fine, he probably just was in the nether for a long time or something,” he assures himself. He gets up and leaves the building, trying to keep his head held high. He goes back to his house to grab his sword, and makes his way to the central nether portal. “It’ll be fine,” he whispers, and goes through the portal, standing as tall as he can.

When he comes out the other end, he doesn’t take even a second to get used to the heat. He goes right down Tommy’s path, cobblestone framed with obsidian, and decorated with green arrows. A million thoughts race through his head. What if something happened to Tommy? What if Tommy left for good? He carefully navigates across a section of the path that had been destroyed, and makes it to Tommy’s portal. Bracing himself for whatever may await him in Logstedshire, he closes his eyes and goes through.

Tubbo had never been to Logstedshire, but Ghostbur told him about it once. There was Tnret, Tommy’s tent, there was the campsite that Ghostbur built, and there was the beach that Tommy’s party was going to be located at, until he rescheduled. When he got there, he saw all of those things, but they all felt so out of place.

The campsite appeared to have been searched by someone, and any valuable belongings were gone. The floor was ripped open stone by stone, and chests had been rummaged through, but there was no sign of any items being there. Tnret’s chest was completely cleared out, and it appeared there were pictures on the walls that had gotten ripped down. The one thing, though, that concerned Tubbo, was the presence of an ender chest.

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