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"Tommy," Tubbo whispers, staring at the portal, where his best friend is stood, staring silently back at him. "You're here." Tubbo gets up slowly, the book slipping out of his hands as he does so, but he doesn't react. He just fixates on what's in front of him. Slowly, he walks forward, squinting to see if it's just his imagination. But still Tommy stands, as material as the last time Tubbo saw him.

Tubbo stands in front of him now, and Tommy smiles at him, and they don't need to say a word to convey their emotion.

"Tommy, I'm so sorry," Tubbo finally says, remembering the last time they saw each other.

"It's alright," Tommy steps down from the portal. "It's been so long since I've seen you."

"No, it's not alright. I- I was a dick. I shouldn't have listened to Dream, I should've just let you stay, and we could've fought him." He pauses, feeling a wave of worry washing over. "Tommy, do you hate me?"

"Of course not, Tubbo," Tommy reassures him.

"I've missed you so much." Tubbo lunges forward, hugging Tommy. Tommy's arms wrap around him, and they just silently hug for give-or-take a minute. Finally, they separate, and Tubbo just stares at Tommy in disbelief. "Wait, didn't you die?"

"Why would you think that?"

"The compass is supposed to point me to you, but it didn't."

"It must've just been defective. I've been here all along. You really thought I was dead?"

"Yes, I thought you were dead! I came here because Dream told me to and you were just gone, and the compass wouldn't stop spinning!"

"Well, I'm here," Tommy chuckles. "I see you're wearing Wilbur's beanie."

"Oh, uh, yeah. Phil gave it to me. Do you want it?"

Tommy shakes his head, "Nah, it suits you."

"I can't believe you're alive!" Tubbo exclaims. "I never even accepted your assumed death, I was in so much shock I didn't even realize it. I didn't even grieve yet, it was weird."

"That is weird, but whatever. Y'know, it's surprisingly good to see you. I thought that maybe when I saw you again, it'd be weird, and I'd hate it, but it's not that bad."

Tubbo rants to him for an hour or so, filling him in on what he's missed while exiled, and Tommy recounts to him his indifference towards the exile.

"I can't believe you're alive."

"Am I?"

"Wait, what?" Tubbo asks, his stomach dropping.

"Did you really think the compass lied?" Tommy says sadly, smiling in a damaged, pleading way. "I'm gone."

"No," Tubbo says. "No, no, no, no. Please, I just got you back. Don't go. Don't leave me!" he begs, wrapping his arms around Tommy and sobbing into his shoulder. "You can't go. You're real, right? This isn't like the other times, you're really here, this is just a joke."

"Tubbo, it's all in your head."

"No, it can't be. It feels so real. We've been talking for a while. It can't be another hallucination." Tubbo feels Tommy begin to fade away, and looks up at him, seeing Wilbur's face flicker for a split second. "No, no, no, no, no, please Tommy, you're alive. You have to be alive, this is a sign, right? It's a sign you're still here, there's a reason!" As Tubbo grasps at the back of Tommy's shirt, his hands begin to grab nothing but air.

"Goodbye," Tommy says, his voice layered with Wilbur's.

Tubbo collapses to the ground, grasping at the beanie, tears streaming down his face. "You can't be gone."

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