What Remains Unforgotten

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Tommy watches the sun rise through the window, the snow shimmering as the light hits it. “What are you thinking about, Tommy?” Wilbur asks.

“Tubbo. Do I want to remember him?” Tommy asks, looking up at his brother.

Wilbur considers this for a moment. “Do you?” he asks.

Tommy hesitates before deciding. “I want to find your book of things you remember. Maybe I can piece things together from there.” Wilbur smiles and agrees. “Wilbur, I remembered something last night. Do you remember Schlatt?”

“I don’t think I do,” Wilbur answers. “Who was he?”

“I think he was a ruler. He took something from us, but I don’t know what. Then he took our home. He also killed someone very important to me. I forget who, but he forced someone else to do it for him.”

Wilbur frowns, and takes out some blue. “I didn’t know that,” he says. “Would you like some blue?”

Tommy looks at the blue, and suddenly his face feels even hotter than usual. “How does blue even help you? It’s not like you remember the sad bits anyway. You have nothing to be upset about,” he barks. Why can’t I just forget, like him, Tommy thinks to himself.

“Oh,” Wilbur says gloomily, frowning. “It just- it- sometimes I just get sad, and I don’t know why. But the blue sucks it up and makes it go away.”

“I- I’m sorry,” Tommy stutters, realizing he hurt Wilbur. “I didn’t mean it.”

“It’s ok, I’m sure you didn’t!” he says, suddenly cheerful again. “I see Technoblade!” he adds, pointing out the window. Tommy looks, and sees Techno walking out of the woods towards the house. Suddenly, Tommy feels inclined to hide.

“I don’t want to see him,” Tommy tells Wilbur, beginning to panic.

“He’s a good guy!”

“Something about him scares me. I need to hide. I can’t be here.”

Wilbur puts his arm around Tommy and tussles his hair. “He’s our brother. He would never hurt us.”

He won’t hurt you. The words ring through Tommy’s mind, and suddenly a memory flashes before his eyes. Everyone’s faces are blurred, and all sounds are distorted. All Tommy can make out is Wilbur saying “Stay calm, he won’t hurt you.” Tommy and Wilbur were on top of a building together, watching a bunch of people sitting by a stage. On the stage were two people standing next to a box, and then someone else was pointing a crossbow at somebody inside the box. There’s some talking, then the man with the crossbow fires a rocket at the box. The crowd screams, and one of the people on stage laughs maniacally. Tommy hears himself screaming, cursing out someone.

“Tommy? Tommy are you ok?” Wilbur asks. Tommy snaps out of his flashback and looks at Wilbur, whose face is strewn with concern. Behind him is Technoblade, who looks both confused and stressed.

“I remembered something else,” Tommy gasps.

“What was it?” Wilbur asks him, sounding surprised.

“It looked like some kind of show or something. We were standing on a building, watching a crowd sitting in front of a stage. Then somebody had a crossbow and rockets, and killed someone else. I couldn’t tell who anyone was, though. Just you.”

“I don’t remember that…”

Techno interrupts. “The festival. I remember it too. It’s nothing important, don’t stress over it.”

Tommy raises an eyebrow. “Were you there, Technoblade?”

Techno hesitates, and shrugs. “You could say that. It was a bad day for L’manberg, I prefer not to think about it.”

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