Love Through The Dark | Cleo Engco

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Be with that like love

That doesn't settle for less

That offers the best

Who'll believe you in times
of doubts

For me he was that

He gave me the world

He hoped me for my existence

He believed me when no one did

I was at my downfall

The hardest of all

It was time to let him go

But he tighten his hold

What would I give just to want him back

So my dear, don't waste if you'll have

That love which will save you

Through the dark

Be with that love

Who'll make you feel you're enough

Who'll make you feel valued

Who'll make you feel safe and sound

For me he was that

He made me see my worth

He ensured my safety

In him, I just found my home

I was at my downfall

The hardest of all

It was time to let him go

But he tighten his hold

What would I give just to want him back

So my dear, don't waste if you'll have

That love which will save you

Through the dark

Through the dark

Through the dark

Through the dark

The love that believes

That protects

That will heal

In time you will see

How this all mean to me

Though my love's not around

He will always be in my heart

So don't waste if you'll have

That love which will save you

Through the dark

Inspired From:
Love In The Dark
Written by, jonaxx

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