Safe Skies, Archer | Noemi Eloisa Baldon

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[ Y A N N A ]

L-O-V-E is just a G-A-M-E for me
But then you came, everything has changed
You're all I see, baby
You swept me off my feet that night

I didn't know but it felt so right
To be with you
With just only you

But if I am to trap you here
You wouldn't see the dreams you
built from all these years

So I'm sorry but
I'm gonna have to let you go
I think that I'll regret my choices, babe I know
But I'll risk it all just to see you fly

I pray that you'll achieve the
dreams you're longing for
And I wish that I'll see you
flying from afar
I'll pack my bags and go, and
never see you again
Safe skies, Archer

Years has passed, and I
saw you shining
Brighter than anyone else, oh
It broke my heart and it tear
me apart
But I'm happy cause I saw you fly

I may have wanted to trap you here
But I'd like to see the dreams you
built from all these years

So I won't say sorry
'Cause I chose to leave you all alone
I'm happy to see you soaring,
flying on your own
I'd risk it all for you just
to see you fly
I'm in tears
To see you reach the dreams
you're longing for

Now that you're here with me
I'll never let you go
We'll pack our bags and go
But we will stay 'til forever
You and me together, nothing
is better

Inspired From: University
Series #2 Safe Skies, Archer
Written by, 4reuminct

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