The surprise

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{Buttercup's P.O.V.}

it's been a week now since that night with my boyfriend,Brick, and I haven't really been feeling good. I think that it's just a stomach bug but Brick keeps telling me to go to the doctor or he'll drag me there himself. "Buttercup I swear this is the last time i'm telling you. just go to the doctor please" Brick says with a tired tone, he was up all night fighting with his brothers about lord knows what and they were the ones who started to tell him to get me to go to the doctor. "ok fine I'll go now if you go to sleep right now. you look so tired" I tell him finally giving into his pestering. "Thank god." he mumbles before kissing my forehead and getting in bed to sleep. I giggle slightly,kiss his cheek and go downstairs.

{At the doctor}

"well young lady. you're pregnant". I sit here in shock, "I-I'm sorry what?" I ask in disbelief. "you're pregnant" repeats the doctor looking at me with a smile. " uh..that's amazing" I say happily, Brick and I never really talked about it but i knew we both wanted a kid eventually, but even though it was too soon i still feel really excited about this. "how old are you again sweetheart?" asks my doctor, then i remembered that because of my shortness and my voice being a bit higher than average i look and sound like a kid still. "i'm 17 ma'am" I reply, "alright then, who's the father if you don't mind me asking Buttercup?" she says as she writes on a piece of paper. "his name is Brick" I tell her causing her to tense up and look at me as if i turned into a ghost or something. "Brick? as in Brick Jojo the Rowdy ruff boy?" she asks, her face turning pale. "yes? there something wrong?" I ask her with a small hint of confusion in my voice. "uhm, well was this your choice? he's a villain so i wouldn't be surprised if he forced you, after all based on that scar on your eye it looks like he hurts you" she says which makes my blood boil in anger. "Excuse me but you have no idea what you're talking about" I say trying not to sound angry but she tenses a bit. "he would never hurt me." "how can you be sure? he's a rowdyruff boy and a wolf, wolves are heartless creatures." she says coldly. That's when i snap. "what? did you forget I'm a wolf too? and for the record the Rowdyruffs are not as bad as you people think they are, they have bigger hearts than anyone i've ever known" I say growling at her. "so you say. are you sure you're gonna be ok?" she asks and I get up quickly. "Positive. now please excuse me." I say as I storm past her and fly back to the house.

"hey Bc, Brick told us you went to the doctor everything ok?" Dark asks as he sees me enter the house. "uhm yeah, yeah things are ok, but uh can I talk to you?" I ask him flicking my tail nervously a couple times. "yeah of course little sis what's up?" he asks as he makes room for me on the couch. I sit next to him and take a breath, "w-well i'm pregnant" I tell him and try hard not to laugh by the look on his face. "wait wait wait wait what? when did this happen? we never heard you two getting at it" he says chuckling and i punch him lightly in the arm as i giggle. "it happened while you guys were at that party a week ago, didn't you wonder why i was going to sleep at 10 when i don't go to sleep until like 3 in the morning?" I ask him while laughing a bit because of his sudden face of realization. "holy...does Brick know yet?" he asks. "no not yet i just found out today too and i don't want to tell Brick yet". "don't tell me what yet?" Brick says from behind us making me jump, "nothing!" I say quickly and he gets hella confused and gets close to my face. "what you hiding babe?" he asks in a low voice, "I'm not hiding anything Bricky" I reply with a giggle and I get chills up my spine when he does a low chuckle. "I'll find out, you're such a bad liar" he says grinning, "I'm not lying" I say flicking my tail. "your eyes always turn a shade of blue on the bottom when you lie so i'll figure things out love" Brick says and I stick my tongue out at him making him laugh.

Dark gets up and leaves, i'm guessing to tell Butch and Boomer, not sure why though, meh. Suddenly I get picked up and flipped onto the couch on top of Brick and I just start laughing a lot .Then I sit up and look at Brick, "uh babe there's something I gotta tell you". "Finally, I thought you'd never speak up, so what's going on?" "Well...wait, before I say anything you have to promise me me you won't be mad and won't blame me ok?" I say seriously. "Cross my heart now tell me" he says wrapping an arm around me and pulling me closer to him. I take a breath, get up and grab the pregnancy test I did before I left the clinic. "Ok well...this is going to be a bit of a shock to you probably but..." I say smiling a bit before showing him the pregnancy test with happy tears in my eyes.
"I'm pregnant" I say happily.

I'll never forget that moment of what happened next

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I'll never forget that moment of what happened next.
HAH! Another chapter finished! I hope you enjoyed! Wanna know what Brick's reaction was? Find out in the next chapter! 💙💙💙💙💙💙

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