boy trouble

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(HUGE cringe warning. idk what I was freaking writing, I was just making stuff up in my head as I wrote this ;-;)

{unknown's P.O.V. (don't worry you'll find out who he is soon)}

I walk through the park looking to see if my ex-girlfriend is here. She thinks I'll let her leave that easily? well she better think again. When we were dating we would come here all the time so she could have a break from home. Her sisters abused her and so did her father, I never really cared but I would pretend I did since she would stay with me a lot to get a break from it all. Then I guess I got too demanding and started to flirt with other girls to mess with her so she told me we were through. I still haven't found her anywhere in town, but I guess today is my day when I see the short raven-haired girl with emerald green eyes walking with, what?, 4 guys? Not just any guys, the Rowdy ruff boys. I'm wondering if she turned into a player but I notice she's holding hands with one of them specifically. Brick. Then she looks at him and I can tell she's giggling after he grabs her and gives her a kiss on the forehead. I freeze and glare at them in anger. This jerk took my girl! I follow them through the park for a while, trying my best not to hurl myself at this idiot every time he kissed or hugged her. Then out of nowhere Brick's head snaps around when she and the other 3 guys aren't looking and our eyes lock together. I can tell he knew I was following them for a while now and he was tired of it...

{Brick's P.O.V.}

After what happened last night with Buttercup and her sisters we decide to all come to the park for some fresh air in the morning. She looks so much happier than before. Constantly giggling at anything stupid my brothers or Dark do and just being a bit of a cuddle bug because she keeps randomly hugging one of us and stays there for a solid 15 to 20 minutes. We don't mind though, I'm sure I speak for all four of us when I say that we'd rather see her being like this than the way she was when she first was brought to our place. Buttercup changed a lot in those couple months she's been with us, and I'm not talking about looks. I'm talking about personality, she's become happier and isn't scared like before. I look at her and smile at her as she grabs my hand and sticks her tongue out at me since she knows I love it when she does that. I laugh and grab Buttercup by the waist making her squeak out of surprise and start to giggle before I pull her closer to me and give her a kiss on the forehead. As I look down at her after that I see something out of the corner of my eye. It looks like a guy just standing there staring at us which is just weird as hell.Honestly though, I don't think much of it at first because most of the people are staring at us since they know Buttercup was supposed to be a powerpuff while I'm a Rowdy ruff boy. It probably looks strange to them that she's hanging out with all of us since most people don't know that she's not a Powerpuff anymore, but I don't care what they think, I love Buttercup and she loves me. If they don't like it then too bad. So I just keep walking with everyone else, but about 30 minutes later I see the same guy hiding behind a tree and still looking at us. So when Dark and my brothers are doing dumb things to make Buttercup laugh I whirled my head around to look him dead in the eye.

We glare at each other for about 2 to 3 minutes when Buttercup comes over to me. "Babe what's wr-" she suddenly just stops talking and I hear a small growl come from her. I look down at her to see that she's glaring at this guy and when I look at him I see that he's staring at her now too. It suddenly feels like time itself has stopped. There's so much tension in the air and it's honestly surprising because I've never seen Buttercup hide any emotion so much. At first I think she's scared, but I take one close look at her and I can tell she's trying to hide anger and lots of it. She's hiding so much of it that I see her eyes flash from green to red like once or twice. She knows this guy and whoever he is Buttercup is not happy to see him. at. all. She growls loudly and takes a deep breath to calm down. The guy then walks over with a small smirk on his face. "Hey Butterfly! how's my cute little girlfriend huh?" he says as he walks closer until he's standing right next to Buttercup. I stand there frozen in shock, what the hell does he mean his girlfriend? She's my girlfriend the last time I checked. Buttercup looks away from him and I can tell she feels so uncomfortable and mad at the same time. "oh come on babe don't be like that" he says grabbing her by the waist. I'm getting ready to punch this guy when Buttercup twists his arm behind his back and pins him to the ground so fast that I probably would have missed it if I blinked at that moment. "Don't. touch. me." she says with so much anger in her voice that it sends a chill up my spine. "ow. you've gotten stronger since last time I saw you huh cupcake?~" he says chuckling. "why you- Listen asshole. I don't want to see you. leave" Buttercup says letting him go and walking over to me.

This idiot gets up and grabs her by the arm. "I know you wanted to make me jealous, why else would you be with this red head?". Buttercup elbows him in the stomach, "why would I want to make a cheater like you jealous? I left you for a reason. I'm not taking you back." So that's how she knows him. Makes sense why she's so mad. I hear someone growl and before I can even turn around I see this guy tackle her and then in a matter of seconds these two are in a big ass fight. Claws and all, there's blood spattering from each time they get tangled up in a ball of anger. I want to help her but I can tell she can handle this,she barely has a scratch on her, plus Buttercup would just push me out of the fight anyway. "Breaker just leave me alone already! I hate you don't you understand!?" she growls in his face before kicking him where the sun doesn't shine and punching him in the face. "ugh! you little bitch" Breaker then gets up and grabs her by her hair. "Ow! You better let me the fuck go!" Buttercup yells at him before screaming in pain as he twists her arm behind her and slams the side of her head to the ground. She coughs out some blood and glares at him before he whispers something in her ear making her face go from angry to terrified. I see her eyes turn red and she gets herself together and replaces her fear with anger again. I don't know how but suddenly Buttercup is like a shadow, she teleports from under him to behind him, scratches him on the back and moves away as soon as he turns around. This fight just got to a whole new level of cool.

{Breaker's P.O.V.}

I try to turn and hit Buttercup but by the time I do she's already somewhere else in the blink of an eye. Did she get new powers or some shit!? She couldn't do that before! I try and observe to see where she'll strike next but I think she can tell what I'm wanting to do because she suddenly freezes in place. It's getting darker and she seems to start fading into the darkness but I know she's not because of the bright emerald glow coming from her eyes. She's just staring at me showing no emotion whatsoever. I see the sparkle of Buttercup's needle sharp teeth as she snarls at me angrily and flicks her tail, which now has strange markings that glow an ice blue as her eyes turn blue too. She may have gotten new powers but I overpower her in size and strength, she was getting good blows on me not going to lie but that's because she's fast. So instead of observing where she'll strike, I listen and try to feel it. Then in a split second she lunges towards me as fast as a snake when they strike. I listen for her movement and kick her as soon as she's about to hit me. "AGH!" I grin as I hear her cry in pain "ready to give up?" I ask while looking down at her as she holds her stomach where I kicked her. I hear her laugh. "you think I'll give up after one hit? think again!" She disappears into the darkness and I feel her claws and teeth tearing at my skin with every blow but I can't pinpoint where she'll be next. She's laughing each time I miss and her voice echoing everywhere over and over until I just can't keep up with her anymore. "OK OK you win! i'll leave you alone!" then she stops. i still can't see her and now those boy are gone too, I look around for a moment and finally I see them at the entrance of the woods, their eyes glowing in the darkness. I hate her for what she did just now but i still can't get over how beautiful she looks, her long raven colored hair flowing in the wind, and her sparkling emerald eyes just looking at me as I get up. Buttercup is 100% NOT the girl that I was dating before. She's dangerous now that she's been with the rowdy ruff boys, those bastards. I bet they brainwashed her or something but I take one close look at them all and realize she knows exactly what she's doing and there's no taking her from this.

I can only watch as she grabs Brick's hand and leaves with them. The last thing i see of her is her light green streak behind her as she flies off.


GOD DAMN! This chapter sucked lmao. welp if you liked this just let me know and i'll see y'all in the next chapter.



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