Party time

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*warning, soft lemon. i don't usually make these BUT you guys are so supportive that I will. I've read enough to know how to write one....i hope. Also this whole chapter is in Brick's point of view. ANYWAY enjoy the chapter* (TwT")

{Bricks P.O.V.}

                                    "I love you too Brick"

The second that I hear those words I smile and just feel like I could stay like this forever. I just want to hold her in my arms and never let go. Unfortunately, my annoying brothers had to get home at that very moment. They froze for a moment, looked at each other then back at me. Soon they both start to laugh. Buttercup then looks at them and turns red. She immediately gets up and I can see that she's trying so hard not to cry from them laughing. She then slaps both of them and runs upstairs, obviously embarrassed. "Ow. she can hit hard for a small girl" Butch says holding his cheek. "well maybe she wouldn't have hit you if you didn't laugh you jackass" I say glaring at both of them. "sorry dude. i didn't think she would get bothered" Boomer says putting his ears down and scratching the back of his neck. "don't apologize to me dumbass, apologize to her, do you know how hard it must have been for her to say that back?" I say getting up and glare at both of them growling. "yeah yeah, we're going alright? we're not scared of you dude" says Butch starting to go towards the stairs. As he passes me I act like i'm gonna hit him and stomp my foot next to his tail making him yelp and jump back in fear. "pfft, not scared of him huh?" Boomer says flicking Butch with his tail as he walks passed him. "I-I'm not! he just um got me off guard!" Butch says blushing in embarrassment and follows Boomer upstairs. I shake my head chuckling a bit. {idiots. hopefully Buttercup doesn't hate them after this} . "WHAT DID YOU TWO DO?!" {oh crap, I forgot that Dark is her brother now. shit shit shit} I run upstairs to see Dark yelling at Butch and Boomer and I knew he must have asked Buttercup why she was upset. "I didn't do anything I swear!" Boomer pushes Butch in front of him "ask him!" "WHAT?! Boomer!!" Butch yells and looks at Dark. "we only laughed at something that she said we didn't think she'd get upset over it." Dark glares at Butch and snarls. "what exactly did she say that was so funny to you?" "that she um...loved Brick back..." Boomer says nervously as if he realized that it was a huge mistake to laugh at that. "she...WHAT!? do you two have any idea how hard it is for her to admit feelings like that to someone!? she's been hurt multiple times by guys who never loved her and only wanted to use her! for her to actually open up to a guy again was close to impossible! Brick made her open up, not because he forced her, but because she trusts him to actually love her. she finally felt brave enough to admit her feelings back thanks to your brother." Dark says making Butch and Boomer look down and I can tell that they feel awful. "Dark...please....enough..." We all look in the direction of the girl speaking, and I feel my heart break when I hear her voice. She sounds so sad, as if she could break down at any moment. "Buttercup, come here princess..." I say opening my arms and she doesn't hesitate to run to me and bury her face in my chest. I hug her lovingly and i can feel her start to relax a bit. "there you go, just relax, i'm here" I whisper into her ear and hug her closer to me.

She looks up at me, tears going down her cheeks and smiles at me lovingly. I cup her face with my right hand and rest my forehead on hers causing her to giggle cutely. "aw that's adorable, my big brother's in love~" Boomer says while Butch just starts backing away to the safety of his room. "Boomer i'll rip your eyes out if you don't leave right this second." Buttercup says glaring at him making me chuckle. "ok ok, i'm leaving,but if you're still planning on going to the party tonight then i suggest you get ready right now. it starts in thirty minutes" he says going to his room. "oh, I forgot about the party, you don't have to go if you don't want to Bc." I say looking down at the cute little white wolf-girl in my arms. "no, it's ok. I know you'll be there to keep me safe. I trust you" she says smiling at me. I kiss her forehead and tell her to go get ready while I go to my room to change. 

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