New friend

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I don't know who the hell this girl thinks she is but I'm not gonna go back to her, fuck that. I keep running and finally make it to class. I just go inside an take my seat while looking at the door. I just give this girl a smug grin as she has to walk past my class to get to her own. We're glaring at each other as she passes and I already know that I have to watch out for this girl very closely.
{5 minutes later}
So it's like 8:15 and finally everyone is in class. I don't really blame them for being late, I can already tell this class is going to be boring as hell. Then the teacher speaks "Ok class settle down I have a great announcement today." Everyone relaxes as I tense up a bit, already knowing what the announcement is going to be about. "Today we have a new student," I hoped the teacher meant someone else and not me because I didn't want to meet anyone else like Chloe. Unfortunately, luck isn't on my side and the teacher signals me to come stand by her. {shit.} I get up and go stand with her in the front of the class and that's when I hear all the commentary about me. "What the hell?" "She's so small" "Is she even old enough to go here?" "She looks like she's 8". I just put on my hoodie and look away hoping that they wouldn't see that my eyes were tearing up a bit. Then I hear someone say "Come on leave her alone! I'm 100% sure that if she was a little kid she wouldn't be here now would she?" I look up to see who spoke and it turned out to be a tall blonde guy with dark blue eyes and he's wearing a striped black and blue hoodie,jeans and dark blue sneakers. "Thank you Boomer. Now would you like to introduce yourself?" The teacher says turning to me. "Um..sure I guess" I say kinda quietly. "Hi my name is Buttercup, I'm 15 years old, I don't really talk that much to other people and I promise not to bother any of you." I finish introducing myself and go sit down.
Then I hear people say "she's so cute" "she sounds so sweet" "omg I think she's really pretty" After hearing all of this I started to feel more confident and comfortable around my classmates.
Damn, I was right. That class was boring as hell but at least I have PE next so now I just have to find the gym. Then I see Boomer, the boy that stood up for me and decided to ask him if he could tell me where the gym is. I walk up to him and tug on his sleeve a bit. "Hm?" He hums as he looks at me. "Hi, um do you think you could help me find the gym please?" I ask kind of nervously. "Oh sure! I was actually on my way there now so you can walk with me if you want" He says with the kindest voice and smile I've ever heard or seen. Keep in mind that I've rarely ever seen or heard someone so nice due to my past. "O-ok! Are you sure? I don't want to be a bother." "Sure it's no problem at all" he says smiling at me again. I can't help but smile back "thank you" "no problem".
            We get there before anyone else so he tells me where the girls locker room is and that it would be better if I changed now so that the coach gives us extra free time. So I just listen and go change into my white PE shirt and black shorts. I also moved my bangs from my left eye because I figured they would move anyway during PE.

I get out of the locker room and find Boomer playing with one of the basketballs while we wait

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I get out of the locker room and find Boomer playing with one of the basketballs while we wait. I go up to him and tap him on the shoulder "Um, can you teach me how to play?" "Basketball?" I nod. "Sure!" He says with a smile. I smile seeing that he obviously doesn't mind that I have a scar on my left eye. He starts telling me what to do and how to shoot. I try to shoot after dribbling a bit but the ball bounces off the rim of the hoop and hits me on the top of my head. "Ow!" I say as I fall on the floor. Boomer stops dribbling, drops the ball and comes over to me "hey are you ok? Do you want me to get you some ice for your head?" He asks. "No,no I'll be alright. It just bounced off my head that's all." "Are you sure?" "Yeah I'll be fine" I say with a small laugh. "Ok then come on. Everyone else is here." He helps me up and we go with the rest of the class.
{time skip to 12 minutes later}
Ok so we're all playing baseball and I'm just sitting out because I've never played before and the coach thinks that I'm gonna drop the bat since it's almost as big as me. Then Boomer comes up to the coach and whispers something in his ear. I have no idea what he said but then all of a sudden the coach calls me over. "Hey shrimpy, come here." I get up and go over to him and Boomer while glaring at him because of what he called me. "Boomer's gonna teach you how to play. You up for that?" "Umm I-" "Cool, go with him to that side of the field so he can teach you." I sigh and go with Boomer since I obviously don't have a choice. "He didn't let you say anything did he?" Boomer asks me as we're walking to the other side of the field. "Nope" I say while giggling a bit. He just a chuckles.
"Ok so you're gonna stand like this and hold the bat up to your shoulder to get ready to swing." He says as he holds the bat with me since I think he believes I can't hold it on my own. "Ok like this?" I say as I pick up the bat with ease. Boomer just stares at me with a bit of shock on his face but it quickly turns into a sweet smile. "Alright try swinging it like I showed you" I swing and I hit a bird that was flying to close to me by accident. "Oops" meanwhile Boomer is dying of laughter and I eventually start laughing too. "My bad!" I say while laughing. I check to make sure I didn't hurt the bird but I obviously didn't since it had flown away already. "Ok let's t-try to make you hit a ball this time haha." Boomer says after he manages to catch his breath "shut up!" I say still giggling a bit which just causes him to start laughing again. Then he threw the baseball and I swung the bat and hit the baseball so hard that it went all the way to the other side of the field and landed in front of the coach causing him to jump back. "Was that her?!" He screams as he looks in our direction. "Yeah why?!" Boomer yells back. "Get her over here! I want to let her play! She's a natural!" I stand there in disbelief. "You want me to play?" I ask as I get there with him. "Hell yeah I do. Go show this team who's boss." He says with a proud look on his face. I go to the home plate and hear all the things that the other team is saying about me. "You've got to be kidding me" "the bat is as big as her!" "There's no way she's gonna beat us" Then I speak up "Just wait! You mother fuckers are gonna be surprised!" The pitcher obviously doesn't believe that I can even swing but he throws the ball with full force not even knowing how easy I could move the bat. I take one swing and BAM I hit the ball and start running around the bases fast as hell. They tried to get me at the 3rd base but I slid under them and made it to home plate winning the game. "WOW! I KNEW YOU WOULD SHOW THEM!!! WOO!!!" Yells the coach in excitement. I'm just trying to catch my breath but I can't help but smile at how proud the coach is of me.
{after PE}
I'm walking to art class when Boomer comes up behind me. "Hey wait for me!" "Huh? Oh hey Boomer!" I say with a smile. "Hey, Buttercup right?" "That's me" "what class do you have right now?" He asks walking next to me. "Art. What do you have?" "I have art too want to walk together?" He says with a shy smile. "Sure!" I say with a clearly happy grin. As we're walking I decide to ask Boomer to be my friend because I feel like he would be a great person to have as a friend.
"Um....hey Boomer?" I say nervously. "Yeah?" "Uh..w-wanna be friends?" I ask a bit quietly since I was sure he'd say no.
"Of course I will" he says with the sweetest smile I've ever seen and I can't help but give him the biggest smile I've ever done.
"Thank you."
YAY done with chapter three I hope you enjoyed it until next time my little wolfies!

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