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"Y-you're what?" Brick asks as he gets up from the couch, "Seriously?" I nod and hand him the pregnancy test so he can get a closer look. He takes it and I get a bit nervous when he stays quiet and stares at it for a while. I think he's upset about it for a moment until I here him mumble something and a smile starts to form on his face. "What did you say Brick?" I ask getting closer to him, he looks me dead in the eye with a big smile on his face. "I'm gonna be a dad?" He asks with a spark of excitement in his tone and I nod giving him a warm smile. "HELL YEAH!!" He yells, throwing the pregnancy test on the couch and picking me up in a huge hug causing me to burst out laughing.

 "HELL YEAH!!" He yells, throwing the pregnancy test on the couch and picking me up in a huge hug causing me to burst out laughing

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Brick then puts me down, grabs my face in his hands and kisses me lovingly. "God I love you, this is amazing" he says smiling at me while still holding my face in his hands. "You know it's kind of funny, you still kinda look like a baby yourself" he says chuckling,"hey! Hahaha, you're such a jerk!" I say lightly pushing him. "I know. But I'm your jerk" he says hugging me again and causing me to laugh. "Where is she???!!!" We freeze when we hear Boomer yell and we hear running from upstairs. "I'm guessing Dark told him" Brick says laughing as Boomer practically falls down the stairs. "Buttercup is it true!?" Boomer asks excitedly. "is what true?" I ask him acting like i don't know what he's talking about. "you know exactly what I mean girl! you're pregnant!?" he asks excitedly, man i think Boomer's more excited than Brick was and he's only the uncle. "yeah I am isn't it great?" I say smiling, "great? GREAT!? Bc it's better than great! I'm going to be an uncle!" he yells happily causing me and Brick to laugh.

Then Butch comes into the living room and looks at his blonde older brother with an amused expression. "yes Boomer i think they know that since they're the ones having the kid" he says chuckling a bit. "Congrats by the way" he says coming to hug me and Brick. "Thanks! I can't wait to tell Blossom and Bubbles" I say happily. In case you're wondering why I would tell my sisters about this then I completely understand why after everything you've seen them do to me. It's been at least two years since all of that and now I'm on good terms with them again, of course I never went back home with them though because even if I had tried I would have never felt as safe there as I do here with the boys and my older brother Dark, well Dark isn't my real brother but he loves me like his little sister and I love having an older brother because I can count on him for a lot of things.
"Hopefully they'll be as excited as my brothers were" says Brick looking at his younger brothers with a smile as they both start fighting over the baby's gender. "It's gonna be a girl!" says Boomer, "no! A boy!" Butch says. "Girl!" "Boy!" "Girl!" "Boy!" "G-" "GUYS STOP!" Brick yells causing Butch and Boomer to shut up and look at him. "Thank you. We'll find out what gender it is hopefully soon but stop fighting! You look like children." He says as I laugh from what just happened. "Fine fine" Butch says crossing his arms and we hear him mumble, "bossy much?". Brick just laughs and says "big baby much? Come on Butch you're 19 stop acting like a baby" "I'm not a baby" "says you. You're still the baby brother whether you like it or not haha" Boomer butts in and ruffles Butch's hair. "Hey! No! Haha!" Butch yells trying to push Boomer. I find this really cute since Butch and Boomer are the types of siblings who are very attached to each other so they have a lot of bonding moments. Brick chuckles and pushes both of them causing them to fall on their backs on the couch and the Brick starts tickling them. The room is filled with laughter in a matter of seconds, "Brick sto-haha! Stop!" Boomer yells trying to stop his laughter, "how about no?" Brick answers him and continues to tickle them. I'm laughing a bit and the second he hears me laugh Brick turns his head to look at me. "What? You want to be tickled too?!" He asks grinning and I immediately stop laughing and start slowly backing away. "Brick no-ah!" I scream as Brick grabs me and now he's tickling me too, "BRICK! HAHA!" I yell while laughing. Next thing you know the room is full of laughter and some screaming at Brick to quit it.

After a few minutes of him practically killing us he finally stops and me,Butch and Boomer catch our breath

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After a few minutes of him practically killing us he finally stops and me,Butch and Boomer catch our breath. "Alright I'll stop now haha" Brick says finally letting us get up. "Why do you always do that?" Asks Butch but he's still laughing a little bit so I know it doesn't really bother him. "I love hearing you guys laugh that's why, it makes me happy" Brick says smiling at his youngest brother. "Aw I love how close you guys are to each other it's cute" I say with a smile. "Shut up" Butch says ruffling my hair a bit, "Butch nu!" I say pushing his hand away gently. "Ok fine" he says chuckling. Then Brick and I get ready to leave to my sisters' house since he wouldn't let me go alone.
{when they get there}
We land in front of my old home and I'm pretty nervous about this too because the Professor never really liked me and was the main reason why my sisters treated me the way that they did. After a brief hesitation I ring the doorbell and just hope that the professor doesn't answer the door and if he does then that he's nicer now. Unfortunately, 1: I was greeted by the Professor and 2: he was as much of an asshole as I remember. "who is it? oh it's you. what are you doing here mutt?" he asks in an annoyed tone. "I came to talk to Blossom and Bubbles so if you could either let me inside or call them for me that would be great thank you" I say calmly, I hear Brick growl a bit but when he sees i'm relaxed and not hurt by what the Professor called me he stops. The Professor stares at me and Brick for a moment to think and opens the door wider and steps aside, motioning us to come into the house. To be honest i had hoped he would have decided to call Blossom and Bubbles but there's no backing out now so I walk inside with Brick following me close behind. "Blossom! Bubbles!" I yell out and in a matter of seconds I hear running and excited voices from upstairs, next thing I know there's a flash of pink and baby blue before I'm wrapped in a huge hug.
I start laughing as Blossom and Bubbles hug me for a bit before asking me why I'm here. "So what are you doing here sis?" Bubbles asks me, "I have some news for you two" I say with a smile on my face. "What is it?" Asks Blossom, "well, I'm pregnant!" "What?!" They yell at the same time.
Then the room is filled with excited squealing and Blossom and Bubbles say that they'll help me pick a name and design a nursery for the baby once we know the gender. I hoped they would be happy but I had no idea they were gonna be this excited about it. The Professor on the other hand did NOT look happy at all and I was too distracted to notice. Maybe if I had I could have prevented what happened right after this. I'll never forget this day because it haunts me every night and I keep thinking about how I could have stopped what happened.
This was the day one of my sisters were taken away from me and I'll never forget it.

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