The fight

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"Thank you."
{at art}
Boomer and I walk into class and we look around for somewhere to sit. "Hey look there's some seats over there" says Boomer as he grabs my hand and brings me with him causing me to blush a bit.

 "Hey look there's some seats over there" says Boomer as he grabs my hand and brings me with him causing me to blush a bit

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"Hey Boomer!" Says a boy with black spiky hair and dark green eyes. "Oh hey little bro! I forgot that you're in this class" "who's your girlfriend?" Asks Boomer's brother. "Girlfriend?" Boomer asks confused, I'm confused for a moment too until I remember that he had grabbed my hand and was still holding it. "Um Boomer." "Yeah?" "You're still holding my hand that's why he thinks I'm your girlfriend." Boomer looks down to see that I was right and quickly let's go while turning red. Boomer's brother starts laughing while I start to giggle. "Haha I'm guessing she's just your friend then?" He asks Boomer. "Yeah". "That's nice. Hi I'm Butch, what's your name?" He says turning to me. "Oh nice to meet you. I'm Buttercup." I say with a small smile. "Nice to meet you." Butch says while smiling back with just as sweet a smile as Boomer's. Boomer and I sit down with Butch and we all start sculpting something with clay. After a while we got bored and just started talking about video games until it was time to leave for lunch.
        "Hey can I sit with you guys for lunch?" I ask them a little shyly. "Yeah of course! That way you get to meet our older brother too." Says Butch with a grin. "Thanks guys." "No problem" they say together making them look at each other with a clear look of confusion causing me to laugh a bit. We grab our food and go outside to look for their brother. Then we hear someone say "HEY BOOMER,BUTCH I'M OVER HERE!" Then I realize it's Brick from earlier. "Hey dude." Says Butch as we sit down. "Sup. Hey aren't you the new girl you stood up to Chloe earlier?" Brick says looking at me. "That's me" I answer "That was hilarious how you called Chloe a loud ass monkey." He says while laughing and I start laughing too when I remember. "Wait you know our brother?" Boomer asks. "Yeah, I met him this morning when I had to ask for help to reach my locker." I say while laughing. "Wait how tall even are you?" Asks Butch. "4,8..." I reply a bit embarrassed. "Oh. I should have known" he says starting to chuckle a bit. "Hey!" I say giggling "what's that supposed to mean?!" "It means I should have known you were around 4-5 feet since you're so short" Butch says while snickering. "Screw you Butch" I say causing all of us to laugh. "Ok you two calm down" says Brick still laughing a bit "let's just eat our lunch and then go play soccer for a bit or something like that." "Okay" me, Boomer and Butch reply at the same time.
         We start eating when I hear someone I hoped not to talk to again today. "HEY YOU! SHORT ASS!!" Chloe. I turn around and sure enough it's the fucking chimpanzee again. "COME HERE I WANT TO TALK TO YOU!!" "Nah! I'm good!" I say with an obviously annoyed tone. "I SAID COME HERE!!" Screams Chloe while walking towards our table already. "No! I don't have to listen to you! You're not my mom!" I turn back around and start eating again when I hear Brick say "CHLOE DONT!" Then I feel something hit me in the back of the head and hard. "AGH!!" I scream in pain. I look behind me and then look down only to see a pretty big rock covered in blood on one side. I then feel the back of my head where she threw the rock and look at my hand after, sure enough I was bleeding. I look at my hand for a minute in disbelief and think {did this bitch just?.....}. I snap out of whatever trance I was in, get up while looking down and walk up to Chloe.  I look her dead in the eye and say "Listen here you fucking bitch. I don't know what the fuck I did to make you hate me but if you think that doing shit like this is gonna make me bow down to you....." My eyes glow their icy blue, I take of my jacket and hair tie and I smirk in a threatening way. "You're wrong on so many levels..." I say aggressively.

"What are you gonna do with your fucking child looking ass?" Says Chloe "Are you gonna tell the principal? Huh? Are you gonna try to hit me only to fail and then go crying to your parents?" I look at her in pure surprise

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"What are you gonna do with your fucking child looking ass?" Says Chloe "Are you gonna tell the principal? Huh? Are you gonna try to hit me only to fail and then go crying to your parents?" I look at her in pure surprise. She notices this and keeps going "Wow. You're parents probably don't even love you hahaha, they must think that you're such a disappointment hahahahahahahaha." I start to tear up a bit and I start to shake of anger "stop." I tell her. "Why should I it's not like you have anyone that will help you anyway." Then she walk up to me and punches me in the stomach. "ACK! Fuck...." I say as I spit out a bit of blood from my mouth. "Ha...haha... hahahahahahahahahHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!" I start laughing like fucking crazy and look up to see that Chloe is obviously confused by this. I look this bitch right in the eyes and say "Big mistake..." and then I kick her right in the face causing her to fall back. Looks like I made her nose bleed and gave her a bruise in the middle of her face. She looks up at me "why you little fucker" she says angrily. Then she quickly gets up and lunges at me with full force causing both of us to fall over and she's on top of me trying to punch me as much as she can. Then I see a space between one of her legs and the ground, so I put my arm in that spot and turn us over so that now I'm the one kicking her ass.
By now everyone that was outside has crowded around us and started yelling "FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!!!" Then Chloe manages to grab my hair and pull me off and kicks me right in the face like I did to her. She busted my lip so now I'm bleeding nonstop from my mouth but that doesn't stop me. As she tries to get on top of me again I swiftly grabbed her by the arm and pin her to the ground and I just hold her there for a moment before she takes out a pocket knife and stabs me in the side. I scream but I don't let go of her, my eyes are full of tears by this time but I don't care, I just continue to hold her down and punch her as much as possible. Unfortunately I wasn't able to keep her down for long due to the stab wound. Chloe turn around making sure to stab me as deep as she can so that she's able to turn us over again. That's when I felt my teeth get dangerously sharp and I new I had to find a way to get her off of me without transforming or else she would be able to kill me. So I see where her arm is going to be and I quickly move myself and bite her as hard as I can. "AAAAAAAAAA!!! YOU FUCKING BITCH!!" Screams Chloe in pain and she drops the knife. Then I get up grab the knife and throw it away from us and then turn to her. "Listen Chloe,we can stop now or we can keep fighting! It's not gonna change anything! I know you want me to just be quiet and do what you want me to just like everyone else here! But I'm not gonna stand here and watch as you treat us all like slaves just to do your bidding!" I yell trying to reason with her. "Trust me if you were to just be nice to people I'm 100 percent sure that they would happily do you favors once in a while! But being a bitch and trying to scare them all to do shit for you 24/7 isn't going to make them bow down to you! All your going to gain from what you do is enemies because I know for a fact that everyone here is eventually going to get tired of your bullshit and fight you just like I'm doing right now! Come on Chloe think for a minute!" I look at her with a pleading look hoping that she understands what I'm trying to tell her.
She looks at me, looks at everyone else then back at me. Then she gets up walks over to me with a small sad looking smile. I smile sweetly at her and say "come on Chloe your better than this let's just go get patched up and let this whole mess go." Then she just hugs me and whispers in my ear "Sorry....but I don't think I'm going to do that any. time. soon. Hahahahaha~"
Then I feel something sharp on my neck and Chloe whispers again, "sorry not sorry bitch~ hahahahahahaha~!" I get scared and yell "Wait! Chloe what are you do-?!" To late. She sliced my throat and I passed out. The last thing I heard was the boys screaming my name and trying to keep me awake.

Then darkness .......
Yay fourth chapter done 😁
What do you think happens next? Let me know in the comments until next time my little wolfies!!💙💙💙💙

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