Lost Sister...

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{warning this chapter is so bad and probably doesn't make much sense because i sort off rushed it, I promise I'll try harder next time though, anyway hopefully you enjoy}

{Buttercup's P.O.V.}

{have you ever loved someone no matter how many times they hurt you? No matter how many times they hit you, call you names and just leave you there crying by yourself, you still loved them because knew that they could change one day. You knew that deep down,they never hated you but they just acted like they did. Then you finally get to have your bond getting stronger only to have you or them be killed right in front of each other, either on accident or on purpose and either one of those people break down right then and there because they lost the person they loved so much. The person crying was me in this case because one of my sisters were killed right in front of me by the one person who created all of us. None other than Professor Utonium himself...} 


Me: damn that was cringe Bc

Buttercup: shut the hell up you wrote it and I never wanted to do this in the first place

Me: too bad you're fucking doing it grumpy pants

Buttercup: I hate this so much 

Me: I don't care, you will finish this story whether you like it or not  my child UwU

Buttercup: ...Galaxy. I'm 3 years older than you!  (-_-)

Me: oh yeah.......WELL who cares, you're still in my control since i'm the writer! HAHAHAHA! anyway! back to the story :>

Buttercup: someone send help.

Me: nu   >:) {hope you enjoyed that little argument now enjoy the rest of the chapter ;-;}


Let me continue from the last thing i told you.

when i finally turned to look at the Professor he had already put on a fake smile that actually fooled me. I was so stupid to believe that he was actually happy about this. "Well congratulations mu-I mean Buttercup" he says grinning a bit. I get surprised for a moment and then smile at him. "Thanks Professor" i say wagging my tail a bit, since I was looking at the Professor I didn't see the suspicious glances that Brick and my sisters shared with each other. "I wish we could stay girls but I have to get to school soon and let my teachers know so they don't get mad at me if i start falling asleep or miss class" I say turning to look at Blossom and Bubbles. "Yeah of course sis! Hey maybe after you're done you and Brick can come for dinner and play games, how does that sound?" Bubbles asks smiling at me. "Yeah that sounds great!" I say happily to my older sister. "Great we'll see you later then!" Blossom says as she and Bubbles give me one more hug before Brick and I leave the house.
  On our way back I notice Brick looking nervous and a bit scared because he's constantly looking behind him back at my sisters' house. "Brick are you alright?" I ask him concerned to why he's being so quiet. "Hm? Yeah I'm fine, listen are you sure we should come back here later? I don't trust that asshole after what he used to do to you." Brick says angrily. I look at him thoughtfully, "Brick I know how you feel. believe me, I don't trust him either but I'm only going to spend time with my sisters" I tell him in a soft voice. "fine. but there's no way in hell we're coming later without one of my brothers or Dark coming with us to help look for bad signs. deal?" I sigh and laugh a little bit, "alright. deal".

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