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hope you like that random image at the top OwO
I hope it makes up for this horrible chapter (﹏╥)
{Buttercup's p.o.v.}

Brick and I land in front of the house like 10-12 minutes later. Brick opens the door and we go inside. We haven't spoken a single word since what happened at the park. I'm starting to hate myself for doing that. {How could I have been so stupid!?} I feel like an idiot, "um hey Brick?..." "Yeah?" he asks turning to me. "I'm sorry...." I say quietly but loud enough for him to hear. "sorry for what? You didn't do anything" he says patting my head, "why are you apologizing?" I sigh and open my mouth to answer him but then Boomer comes practically falling down the stairs. "HEY GUYS!! Guess what!" He says excitedly. "What is it Boom?" Asks Brick. "Ok so someone's throwing a pool party while their parents are out of town for a month and I was thinking that we could go! Please!!??" He asks Brick wagging his tail a bit. Brick chuckles "I think that's a great idea, sounds like fun...Buttercup? Do you feel comfortable going?" He asks turning to me. "Um...I'm not sure...I've never been to a party before" I say playing with my hair. "WHAT!?" Boomer yells in disbelief "now you have to come! I promise we'll make sure you have fun!" He says running to the couch and taking out his laptop. "Come here I'll buy you a new swim suit for the party. Just look through here and tell me which one you like". I giggle a bit while Brick rolls his eyes and chuckles at his little brother and I sit down next to Boomer looking through the swim suits until I find this really cute one that I like.

{I suck at picking swimsuits I know I'm sorry ;-; }

"Can I get this one?" I ask looking at Boomer. "Yeah ok! That one's nice" he says as he starts to place the order for it. "What does it look like?" Asks Brick while trying to look at the screen. Boomer quickly finishes ordering it and shuts his laptop. "You'll see at the party" Boomer says smirking, "You'll like it~". The way Boomer said that made me and Brick blush, but Brick looked redder than me. "Shut up dumbass!" He says smacking Boomer in the back of his head. "OW! HEY!" yells Boomer growling. "JERK!". I glare at him for a moment but then start to laugh a bit and get up. "Well I'm going to bed, goodnight guys." I say as I start walking upstairs. "night" both of them reply as I reach the top of the stairs and head to my room.

*beep* *beep* *beep*

I wake up to the sound of my alarm going off and stretch. I'm just wondering if I should get up or not. {Nah, it's Saturday so no} I try to turn the stupid alarm off but it keeps beeping. so I will do what I think literally any sleepy person would do. I grab my alarm clock and throw it across the room causing it to shatter loudly. Couple seconds later, the boys all burst into my room growling. "GAH! WHAT THE HELL!?" I scream as they rush over to me. "Are you ok?" Boomer asks as he grabs my face in his hands and starts checking for injuries, at least that's what I think he's doing. "Guys relax I'm fine! Can't say the same about my alarm clock tho...." I say pushing his hands away from my face. "Wait....what?" Butch says looking in the direction where I threw the alarm clock, "oh. Wait...what the fuck?" I start to laugh and tell them what I did. "Oh I do that sometimes haha" says Boomer as he starts picking up the pieces of the alarm. "Oh! i almost forgot. your swimsuit arrived already" "oh that was fast" "yeah. here" says Boomer, giving me a box that he must have pulled out of his ass because he didn't have it when they came in. "Try it on and then let me know if it fits or not so that I can switch it by tonight" he says pushing the rest of the boys out of my room. "Wait, the party's tonight?!" I ask perking up my ears. "Yep so hurry" he says closing my door so that I can try it on. About a minute later I try it on and it fits perfectly but then I realized that I'm scared and kind of unsure about this. I've never been to a party before and my family never made me one for my birthdays either. When they would have parties of their own they would lock me in my room and leave me there until it was over. {don't think about that, i'm better here. {I'll have fun, I'm sure of it} I think to myself while taking off the swimsuit and changing into my black shirt and leggings. I put my swimsuit in my closet and walk out of my room to go with the boys in the living room. I stop at the doorway to see that Brick is the only one there and i can't hear Boomer and Butch anywhere. "um, Brick?" "yeah? need something?" he asks turning around to face me. "no I'm good thanks, but um, where are Butch and Boomer?" I ask sitting next to him on the couch. "they went to buy some beer and other drinks for the party tonight" "w-wait people are gonna drink? but i thought we were underage..." I say nervously. Brick looks at me and smiles "yeah but no one really cares about that. you've never drank anything with alcohol before?" he asks to which i shake my head no. "I've never wanted to, I don't know how my body will react to it. my sisters used to drink, i don't know if they still do, but when they did they would get really crazy and it scared me a lot because when they would see me they would hit me or throw a bottle at me, i don't want to find out if i'm like that too..." I say looking straight into his eyes with a sad and scared expression on my face.

Then i feel a hand wipe something off my cheek, I didn't even realize that i'm crying. "hey don't cry it's ok, I know you're nothing like your sisters. they're never gonna be as sweet or pretty as you" Brick says smiling sweetly. I blushed a bit after what he said "y-you think i'm pretty?" i ask him blushing a bit more. "um...i changed my mind no you're not pretty, you know what i think?" I shake my head and hold my breath as he cups my cheek with his hand. "I think you're beautiful.." he says blushing and smiling at me causing me to blush more and look away giggling a bit as i speak. "N-no i'm not, there are girls way prettier than me. there are a lot of girls who have a crush on you, you see that right?" "yeah. perhaps they like or even love me, but i don't like them, you know why?" he says lifting my head to look into my eyes and i shake my head again. "because they're not you" I feel my heart skip a beat and i forget how to breathe. "w-what?..." is all i manage to say while trying to process everything he told me. Brick starts turning as red as his hat. "u-um, well you see, i-i wanted to tell you something but i think you can figure out what i wanted to say by that right?" I giggle a bit and shake my head, "sorry, I-I don't understand" I lie, I finally know that he likes me but i want to hear it from him myself. "oh, um I really don't know how to tell you though." he says chuckling nervously. I smile and grab his hand making him blush beet red. I look straight at him nervously and I can tell that he's freaking out on the inside, he's just really good at hiding it. I giggle and cup his cheek with my right hand. He seems to relax a bit and does the same to me making me blush but I smile.

"Buttercup?..." "yeah?" "I really like you, when you're with me I feel like you just make my life complete. when other girls flirt with me I feel nothing, but when I so much as see you or hear your voice, I feel like you're the only girl that I will ever find in this world that affects me." Brick says playing with my hair. "I love it when you're with me, it makes me happy because you always act like it doesn't matter what you went through and try to help other's instead of yourself. you're always laughing now instead of crying. you feel safe instead of scared or uncomfortable. I don't want to hide my feelings for you....I-I love you Buttercup." he says holding my hands in his right hand while holding my face in the other. I can't believe he just said that. I don't want to believe him because i'm scared, but now... I can look him straight in the eyes and I can tell he's not lying to me. {he loves me...he actually does..} I stare at him in silence for a moment thinking about what to say. When I can't figure out what to tell him I just decide to pull him into a hug. Brick is surprised by the sudden action but soon hugs me back. We sit there quietly in each other's arms for at least 5 minutes before I finally get the courage to be the one to break the silence between us.
"I love you too Brick"

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