Catching feelings

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I go to my room to get changed and do my hair. As I go back downstairs I hear the Butch and Boomer fighting while Brick is just staring at them with an annoyed expression. "GIVE. ME. MY. PHONE!!!!!" Butch yells as he tackles Boomer and starts wrestling with him trying to get his phone back. "Are they always like this?" I ask Brick, "eeeeeeyep." He answers with an annoyed tone. I sigh and clear my throat "YOU TWO! ENOUGH!!!" I yell at the top of my lungs causing all the boys to look at me with a shocked expression. " But, he won't give me my phone!" Butch whines. "Why are you trying so hard to get it back? Got something to hide Butchie boy~?" I ask in a teasing tone. Butch just glares at me for a moment before tackling Boomer again, "COME ON! GIVE IT!" "Nah." Says Boomer holding the phone out of Butch's reach. "You're too short buddy" says Boomer in a mocking tone causing Butch to turn red and growl. I just giggle, "ok well I'm going to the park, feel free to join me when you're done acting like children" I say as I walk out the door. "Buttercup wait for me!" I turn around and I see Brick chasing after me. "I need a break from watching those two idiots" Brick says laughing a bit. I laugh a bit, "how long do you think they'll be fighting?" I ask him as we start walking again. "Probably in like 4 hours" Brick replies with a sigh, "they've always been like this,it's so annoying but they're my little brothers so I love them." " awwwwww, little softy for them huh? " I say in a teasing tone then giggle when he turns red and glares at me embarrassed. "Calm down I won't say anything" I say giving him an innocent look. I notice him blush a bit before looking away and I look behind me wondering if there was someone else around us but actually we're the only ones here. "Hey Brick?" "um y-yeah?" He answers a bit nervously. {Did he just stutter?} I wonder, "what are you blushing about?" I ask him. "U-um I uh, nothing. It's not important" he breathes before continuing, "so what do you want to do?" "I don't know, how about you?" I answer. "We can go to an arcade or something." "Sure! Sounds fun let's go!" I say as I grab his hand and drag him with me causing him to laugh.
{At the arcade}
So I'm playing this shooting type of game when I hear everything get quiet and turn to whispering in the arcade. However, it wasn't scared whispering or gossiping type of whispering, it was from excitement. I turn around to find people staring at me and talking quietly with their groups, "um...d-did I do something wrong? Why are you all staring at me?" I ask nervously while putting my ears down. "Because everyone here knows how you stood up to Chloe! You were amazing! No one would ever think that someone like you would speak up for herself" says a guy who looks around my age, but what he said at the end made me mad. "What's that supposed to mean?" I ask angrily ,pausing the game I was playing. "Well it's just look at yourself, your short, you have a blind eye, you were quiet when you first got to school. You look too weak and vulnerable to be able to defend yourself" another guy answers me with a smirk. I have no idea how to answer that "I-I um well I- uh..." I'm just in shock by what he said. Then he grabs me by the arm causing me to yelp in surprise. "H-hey! Let go of me!" " Nah~" he say as he pulls me toward him. "HEY LEAVE HER ALONE BEFORE I RIP YOU TO PIECES!" Yells a familiar voice. {Brick. Thank God} "as if. Why are defending that short bitch right there?" This guy asks, "You better watch it pal, I'm not someone you want to mess with." Brick growls aggressively. "But I'm not messing with you, I'm messing with the idiot girl behind you." Just as this jerk says that, someone grabs me by my hair and pulls me back. "OW!! HEY QUIT IT THAT HURTS!!" I scream while trying to get free. "HEY LET HER GO! NOW!" Brick yells as he kicks the person that grabbed me. Then he grabs me and holds me close to him by hugging my waist with one arm while holding his other arm in front of me protectivly growling. "I won't let you fucking hurt her Mitch, if you mess with her then you're messing around with me." Brick snarls angrily. "Awww look everybody, Bricky here has a crush~" Mitch says laughing, Brick and I then start to blush "N-no! She's my friend and I'll do anything to protect her!" He yells causing me to smile and giggle a bit. "Friends shmends, that's how they all start heheh, but if you don't want her then I'll gladly take her~" Mitch states licking his lips. I squish myself closer to Brick and he hugs me tighter while growling. I didn't like this Mitch guy, he's fucking creepy and a pervert as far as I can tell. "N-no. fuck off you creep" I manage to say a bit shaky, but strongly. "What if I don't?" He asks smirking at me, "then I will have to kick your ass" Brick says while growling and pushes me behind him. I start getting scared because I never thought that I would have to deal with a fight right now. I just wanted to hang out with Brick without any problems, but this Mitch idiot is ruining it.
Then for some reason Mitch grabs his phone and calls someone, "Now." He says smirking at me. Brick and I look at each other confused when I get pulled back from behind Brick and held down by two girls. "HEY! LET ME GO!" I scream as I try to get out of their grasp. "Hurry up Mitch!" {BUBBLES!?} I see Mitch throw a collar to Bubbles while the other girl holds me down. "Blossom hold her still." Bubbles says while trying to get that collar thing on me. I keep squirming until I hear a loud click! on my neck then they let me go. Brick was fighting with Mitch and kicked him down, I run to him and grab his sleeve. "Brick come on let's just g-AGH!!" I scream in pain as a powerful shock goes through my whole body, starting from my neck. Mitch laughs while holding a remote in his hand. "how do you like that you bitch?" He says chuckling . "W-what is this thing!? Agh!!" I yell while tearing up from the pain. "Called a shock collar sweetheart~ hehehe" "Get this shit off me!!!" I scream as I try to take it off. As soon as I tug on it though, the shocking becomes stronger. "AHHHh!!! S-STOP IT! TURN IT OFF!" I scream at him crying now because it hurts so much. He finally turns this stupid collar off and I catch my breath. "Y-you jackass..." I say glaring at him. Mitch clicks the control making the collar shock me again "AGH!" " wanna say that again baby girl~?" He asks, smirking. I growl and my eyes start glowing. "Take this off me. Right. Now." I says growling . Brick is still fighting with Blossom and Bubbles, damn he's kicking their asses. "What if I don't?" " Then good luck in your next life " I say laughing a bit as I turn into my wolf form and lunge at his neck.
(Couple minutes later because I have no idea what else to write for this part)
I kicked Mitch's ass and got the collar off. "Damn, what a day" I say to Brick as we walk out of the arcade. "You can say that again butterfly" Brick says smirking as I turn red. "D-don't call me that!" I say as I gently push him and giggle a bit. Brick chuckles a bit. "Alright then. You wanna play like that?" He says causing me look at him confused. "what do you mean?" "Oh nothing~" he says smirking, "I don't like that look..." I say backing up a bit. Then out of nowhere Brick tackles me, "GOTCHA!" Then he starts tickling me. "HEY! HAHAHA! NO! S-STOP! HAHA!"
(Brick's p.o.v.)
I love this girl so much, especially hearing her adorable laugh. Her laugh makes me feel so happy and it's the only thing I want to hear, I never want to hear her scared or sad. I just want to hear her laughing and having fun. I keep tickling her as she screams at me to stop. "Nah, this is fun" I say chuckling at her. "JERK! Hahaha!" "Oh really? I'm a jerk now huh?". Then I pick her up and hold her over my shoulder. "HEY! PUT ME DOWN! BRICK!" Buttercup keeps screaming at me to put her down while I just fly home with her on my shoulder. Eventually after 15 minutes she gives up and growls at me, "I hate you...." She says as I hold her tighter when she tries to get up again. "And I love you." I reply chuckling only to stop a minute later and put her down when I realize what I said. "Y-you what?" Buttercup is as red as my hat and I probably am too. "I-I said says you..." I say looking away. Buttercup then starts to giggle and it turns to laughter. "W-what's so funny!?" "Oh I'm not laughing because somethings funny, I'm laughing because you're being such an adorable little dork. Hahaha" she answers still giggling. "I- huh!?" I start to stutter which just makes her laugh more. "It's ok Brick relax. Let's just go home" she says smiling at me , God, anyone could fall in love with her just by seeing her smile. "Um Brick? Hello?" I suddenly realize that I was I was staring at her like an idiot. "H-huh? Oh sorry. Um....I got lost in thought" " are you ok? We can wait a bit before flying home" she said with the sweetest little voice, what's not to love about her. "Yeah, yeah I'm ok. Are you? That shock collar was pretty strong" I ask picking her up again. "I'm fine, also why do you like picking me up so much?" She asks trying to get down. "Because you're so small and it's easy to pick you up" I say hugging her. Then I hear......purring? I look at Buttercup and sure enough she's trying to hide the fact that she's purring. "Did you just purr?" " W-what? Psh no! Haha.. " she starts to try and tell me that I'm just hearing things. "I know what I heard Bc" I say smiling, "are you embarrassed~?" I ask smirking a bit. "Maybe..." She says as she looks away blushing. "You're adorable you know that?" I say hovering over her. "Shut up Brick" "nah~ why don't you make me?" "You really want me to make you?" She asks with a confused but mischievous look. "Yep. Cause I know you have no idea h-MPH!?" I feel soft lips against mine only to realize that she kissed me. "There that should shut you up" she said sticking her tongue out at me. I turn completely red and just stare at her like an idiot. Buttercup starts to laugh and grabs my hand, "come on Brick let's go home" she says smiling and then starts flying back. I just couldn't believe it, the only girl I've ever had a crush on just kissed me. I fly behind her and avoid looking her in the face because I'm still blushing from what just happened. I love her more than I've ever loved anyone before, but what if she doesn't like me? Am I just a friend to her and if I am will we ever be more than that?
(Buttercup's p.o.v.)
I can't believe I just freaking did that! What the hell, wait no why the hell did I do that!? I've told myself multiple times to never get too close to a guy. All they do is use you and then break your heart when they don't get what they want. However...there's just something about Brick that makes me feel safe. Like I can trust him to take care of me. He's sweet, protective, and he listens to me if I have a problem. I feel happy when I'm around him, loved even. I haven't felt like this for such a long time. I think I'm falling for him but I'm scared. Does he feel the same? What if he doesn't and only sees me as a friend? If he only sees me as a friend, is it possible for us to be more?...
PHEW! This was a long chapter but I hope you liked it! This chapter has more than 2,000 words and took a week to finish so please tell me that you liked it. Ok that's all for now! Bye my little wolfies!!! 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙

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