24: What do you Need Right now?

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Even though it was late in the day, Elrond found himself yawning and dreaming of a dreamless sleep. Working and working and working some more the Lord found that lack of sleep had become a life-style. I suppose beggars can't be choosers. Yet, I never begged for this job.

Elrond sat at his desk, half asleep, like he did often. I'm counting paperwork. The voice in the elf's head was bitter and sleep deprived. Paperwork is no where as soothing as fluffy animals. Elrond yawned again, rubbing his eyes.

You could say that the Lord had cut himself off from the outside world for some time now. Around... three or four days to be near exact. Working, working, working. Working away the pain, working away the sorrow, working away the past, and hoping to work away the future.

Work until there was nothing left. Nothing to lose, nothing to be afraid of, nothing that can't be solved. It wasn't running from problems, it was something else. What it was he was not sure, but he knew it was not running from his problems.

I just need some time... Elrond sighed sadly, rubbing his eyes with the bottom of his palms. I need to forget her, I need to move on. Yet, how can I? The elven Lord gave an angry sigh, slamming his quill down on the desk. Elrond rubbed his face in his hands. 

Why me? Why do I have to deal with all of this!? My children run away, why can't I? I want to run away, I want to leave, but I never will. Elrond growled slightly, quickly moving his hands from his face and slamming them down on the table. Everyone else can run. Run, run, run. But I'm forced to stay. Fade away. Get eaten from the inside out.

Elrond closed his eyes, laying his head down on the desk. What am I thinking? My children have done nothing, I need to stop thinking about her, and about...

There was a knock on the door. "My Lord?" It was the voice of the Lore Master Erestor.

"If he hasn't talked to anyone, what makes you think he'll talk to you?" Glorfindel was on the other side of the door with Master Erestor. He was murmuring, but the Lord could hear the both of them quite well.

"Both of you, stop wondering if I'll speak to you and just come in here." Elrond called to the two men on the other side of the door. The two elves opened the door and walked in single file. 

"Lord Elrond! We haven't seen you for days!"

"I've been working." It was dull reply that really told nothing. The two looked at each other with upset expressions.

"You have been working for days. We're worried."

"You shouldn't be." The Lord gave them a tired smile. "I'm alright."

"Alright, I suppose you're alright. We are just here to help you and give you what you need."

Elrond looked down and studied the top of his desk. The swirls in the wood, the holes, the color. He could bring himself to look at the faces of his close advisers. If he did, he knew he would break down. My friends are so... kind.

"If I need anything right now, it's you two."


Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! This was after Celebrian sailed and Elrond was depressed. I always thought that he would try to work away the pain, maybe that's just me.

Ps. Sorry for the long space in between updates :3


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