1: What is Your Favorite way to Spend a Lazy day?

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        Days off were hard to come by in the bustling city of Mithlond, which was why Elrond cherished every one. Yet his days off were often uneventful. The half-elf returned from the healing ward to his quiet and tranquil room in the royalty wing of  the castle. It was a simple room. Filled with royal blue and the star of the King. A small bookshelf, a desk, a door leading out onto a balcony, it was everything he had dreamed of upon coming to Mithlond and assisting the King in various ways. 

        Usually Elrond had paperwork up to his knees but he had finished early and had a day to himself. Until Glorfindel finds out. The young lord chucked to himself before shutting the door behind him as he walked into the room. He crossed the room to the door to his balcony, looking through the glass at the spring world beyond. Elrond pushed the door open and inhaled the air outside of the stuffy bedroom or, as some said, personal office. Its almost intoxicating.

        Elrond looked over his back expecting someone or something to barge in and ruin the peacefulness of this setting but nothing ever happened. Though, there was a large book setting on his desk. Elrond's eyebrows narrowed. When did that get there? I keep all of my books on my bookshelf. Though it occurred to Elrond that he often left things in wrong place out of forgetfulness.

        With curiosity peaked Elrond went back into the room, not closing the door of course, to see the book on his desk. It was a thick book, bound in red stained leather, and judging by how much dust came out of it when the healer opened it, it was old. Waving the dust away he found a note in the front cover of the book.


I remember you telling me that you wished for a book that had a description of all the plants in Middle-Earth that could be used from healing purposes. I found this in a store of old books from Gondolin, it was one of the very few that made it from the city. I asked Ereinion if he needed such a book and he waved me off as if I had asked for him to see a suitor.

Elrond found himself once again chuckling at his friend's dry humor. That's Ereinion all right.

Sense he said he had no need of it, I am giving it to you. Study up Elrond.


        Elrond picked upon the book and quickly paged through it. Doing so caused a large cloud of dusk to come up. He coughed and waved it way as he closed the book and tucked it under his arm. Erestor must want to kill me. Though, it is a nice gift apart from the dust. The younger elf looked over to the open door onto the balcony. And it's a nice day outside. He pulled the book from under his arm and examined the cover once more. Giving a light smile he forgot about the open door and left his private rooms in favor of the garden.


What do you think? It is my first one, only 299 to go! This took place in the early Second Age when Elrond worked for King Ereinion (Gil-Galad) but it was before he rose to being his Herald. Becuase of that I am assuming that Elrond was a healer, and of course his good friend Erestor would be more than willing to help him learn about such things. I hope I can do many more of these and that everyone will enjoy them! Good day mellon nins!


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