Bit of Background

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It was very surreal, getting told you are a witch when all along you thought them a myth. But here I am, walking down the corridor of a train, albeit nervous and shy, that's supposed to whisk me off to a magical school named Hogwarts. Okay, can we take a moment to talk about that name? It's bloody awful, isn't it? An image of hairy warts on fat, hairy pigs comes to my mind personally.

I sigh, glancing in another compartment where an older boy with brown hair was muttering to a girl. The girl looked up and smiled kindly at me as I got shy and was about to leave, "you can sit here." I awkwardly took a seat across from them, "you are a first year then?" I nod, "I'm Melly, a fifth year." I shook her hand and saw that the boy had started paying attention.

"I'm Y/N L/N." I reply, quietly.

Melly elbows the boy lightly, "I'm Oliver Wood, a second year." I nod. He turns to Melly, "this is a play Ireland did once in 1989, you should really consider it."

Melly rolls her eyes, "Oliver is obsessed with quidditch and he can't even play it at school yet."

I furrow my eyebrows, "what's quidditch?"

Oliver immediately launched into an explanation, telling me about the positions and the balls, how many points are needed, everything. His eyes were alight with joy and he was very passionate for a boy his age. Melly, as if her job was done, smiled and slipped out of the compartment.

"I am gonna be a captain and a keeper." He says proudly, his Scottish accent thick.

I sat in awe, he had made quidditch sound absolutely brilliant. "I want to play too." That made a big smile come on his face.

I stuck with Oliver from then on, at least until I had to join the first years. I now stand in front of some hat supposed to sort us into a house. I get called up and hop on to the stool and the talking hat gets placed on my head. "Hmmm, a lot of fiery passion, wonder, and joy, but most of all a caring and kind soul. You would do anything for those in your circle." The hat pauses and I start thinking about the frog that had been hopping down a corridor causing a girl named Jaime to shriek and make a scene. I couldn't help, but giggle at the thought. "Fiercely protective, that decides it." The hat finally shouts to the awaiting crowd, "HUFFLEPUFF!"

In response, claps resound and whoops and cheers come from the table filled with yellow tied students. I hop off my stool and happily take a seat at the table, but sadden, remembering Oliver mentioning he was a Gryffindor. I search the aforementioned table for said boy and finally make eye contact with him, sitting next to a curly red-haired boy. Oliver waves at me with a smile and I grin back, hoping that means we will continue to be friends.

Oliver and I did, in fact, stay friends, best friends actually, if it wasn't for our different houses, we would be completely inseparable. Our absolute favorite thing to do, obviously, was watch quidditch matches or play quidditch or talk about quidditch. Oliver instilled an insane love for quidditch in me in only my first year of knowing anything about this magical world, before I could even play on the team. I went with him for Christmas vacation.

"Oh! You must be Y/N!" His mum wrapped me up in a bone crushing hug, lifting me up off the ground.

Oliver grimaced, "don't go suffocating her, mum."

His dad had the same spirit as his mother, but refrained from the hug. He grinned widely, "we love visitors, especially an extra quidditch player."

"I've never seriously played before, so I'm not all that good." I say shyly, biting my lip.

He just waved my words off, "you need somewhere to start and someone to teach you and both of those things are here."

That trip is how I found out I specifically wanted to be a keeper, Oliver loved that.

Our whole relationship was built around quidditch.

That was six years ago and my worst nightmare just came about, Oliver's last year of Hogwarts. I had never gone through any without him and honestly I had made few other friends, at least none even close to as strong a friendship as I had with Oliver.

"Ollie, you're leaving me." I dramatically groaned out when I finally found the compartment he was in. I dropped down next to him, Angelina Johnson and Alicia Spinnet sat on the other side, he might have forced them to discuss quidditch though, knowing him.

"Don't be dramatic, we're going to see each other every chance we get. Whether we try to or not." He replied, hiding his playbook from me.

I frown, "I am going to be in school, you are going to be on some quidditch team, we will never have time."

He frowns as if just realizing the same thing, but before he can say anything, two identical redheads stand in the door, "oh, Oliver dear." One says with a smirk. I don't know the Weasley twins well, other than they are talented beaters on the Gryffindor team and talented pranksters during their off time.

The other speaks. "Is it our turn yet?" Apparently it was as the two girls left and the beaters replaced them. You know, I had never noticed how attractive they were before.

One noticed me looking and winked, "want an autograph?" I pulled a disgusted look, that ruined it.

I ignore him, "do I have to leave?" I ask Oliver and he shakes his head and starts discussing the two's weaknesses last year. He probably knew I couldn't pay attention and would tune them out anyways. One was distracting me a bit though, he kept looking at me, winking and pulling faces. When Oliver wasn't looking he made a ball of magic and spun it on his finger like a basketball and another time, wrote my name in golden letters. I couldn't help, but smile.

Later, when I asked Oliver which was which, he, with some embarrassment, told me he had never taken the time to try and tell them apart. "Aren't they on your team?"

"They play the same position and answer to both names." He defended himself as he walked me to my common room. "If you really want to know, ask Lee Jordan. That's part of the reason McGonagall has kept him on as a commentator even with all his slip ups, he is the only one who can tell them apart during matches."

I have maybe had two conversations with Lee Jordan and picked up that he was absolutely hilarious, but also very flirty with everyone. People flirting with me, I hate to admit it, makes me get all flustered and nervous. It had taken me a week to decide to talk to him and finally did on a Saturday.

I found him walking towards the twins, who were entertaining some first years, and quickly pulled him behind a pillar. His eyes shot up, before he smirked, "are you trying to tell me something L/N?"

I got a bit red, but ignored him and pulled him by the collar so we were both peeking around the corner at the twins. "Which is which?" I narrow my eyes at them as if I could dictate the answer myself.

I could practically hear the smirk in his voice, "Why? Do you have a little crush?"

I turn and glare at him slightly, "No, just tell me."

"Tell me why." His smirk somehow deepened and he crossed his arms.

The real reason I needed to know was after the events on the train, I had a slight feeling it could be dangerous not to know. "I don't think that's any of your business." I cross my arms and scrunch up my nose a bit.

"Then I guess I just won't tell you, love." He taunts. "Why don't you ask Wood? Aren't you two siamese twins cut apart or something?"

I grimace, "That was a little off-putting."

He shrugs, "I said the first thing that came to my head."

I shake the disturbing image out of my head, "Oliver can't tell them apart, he doesn't get his mind off quidditch long enough." I can't lie, sometimes, I get the same way.

He nods his head, knowing what I mean. He studies me a moment, a playful look dancing through his eyes, "alright, I'll tell you." We both look around the pillar again, "The taller one is George and the more quiet one is Fred." I didn't see the evil smirk on his face.

A/N: don't forget you have the twins mixed up because of what Lee said.

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