Your Oliver is Showing

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I take a seat next to Diggory and O'Flaherty, and most of the rest of the team surrounds us. "Hopefully Slytherin plays fair this game." Cedric says and I nod in agreement.

I was standing and watching with bated breath already when it had barely begun. The Slytherins were playing dirty as usual, but at least no one had been brutally maimed. Warrington had arrived in front of the Gryffindor hoops and I squeeze my hands together, muttering to myself. "Come on, Ollie, don't be an idiot." Warrington shot the quaffle for the first hoop, but Oliver shot down and caught it, "Yeah!" I scream. 

Diggory laughs, "L/N, your Oliver is showing." I just grin at him, excited and Diggory's just one of those people that you can't be mean to.

My eyes find the twins and I squint to try and figure out which is which. It was easier than I thought it would be because Fred sends a wink to me and I roll my eyes. He swoops in front of Angelina just in time to slam the bludger at Marcus Flint. It hits him in the bicep and he drops the quaffle and Alicia Spinnet swoops in and grabs, "Yes!" I scream, jumping and holding my breath as Alicia, Angelina, and Katie pass it back and forth to the hoops. Angelina shoots and gets it in the third hoop and I join the whoops and cheers, drowning out Slytherins booing.

I clench my teeth, he wouldn't. Lucian Bole was only three feet from Fred when he smacked the bludger, right into his chest. My heart plummets with Fred's falling figure and rage fills every bit of me. I barely hear Oliver screaming at me, "Y/N no!" It was too late, I had already whipped out my wand and screamed the spell.

"Descendo!" Lucian's broom immediately zooms straight down, slamming him into the ground. I run through the crowd and out on to the pitch, pointing my wand at him. His team all come forward, Lucian starts dangling in the air by his ankle. 

"Y/N!" Oliver came up next to me, "You are going to get in huge trouble! Fucking, put him down!" I angrily do, he falls to the ground and tries to crawl away, "Impedimenta." He movements slow and I take a step closer.

"Petrificus Totalus!" Warrington shoots at me, but I stop it with Protego.

"Furnunculus." I growl and immediately boils sprout all over Lucian Bole.

"Y/N L/N!" That's McGonagall, but this time I can't find it in me to regret what I had done. 

After I received a long lecture and a whole month of detention and she revoked my Hogsmeade privilege's, I sneak into the hospital wing, it being past curfew. I search the beds and finally find him either sleeping or unconscious. I slap his face lightly a few times to find he was just sleeping as his brown eyes open, I can't help but breath a sigh of relief. He grins at me, "I told you I'd get hurt more often." He whispers and I hit him in the shoulder lightly. "I heard what you did, I think you might be Bole's boggart by now, darling."

"He deserved it." I growl and start looking around to see if he's in there.

"Stop trying to find and kill him, I don't want our date in Azkaban." He whispers and I return my eyes to him, "though that would be a bit kinky." I glare at him.

"I don't know how we'd even go on a date with my months detention and the fact I can't go to Hogsmeade." I grumble, climbing to sit on the bed as he sits up.

"That much detention and you still are out past curfew, you dumbass." I can't help, but smile back at his grin. "Don't worry, that dates happening, no matter what, even if it is in Azkaban." Then he surprisingly frowns a bit, "you really shouldn't be out in the halls after curfew with Sirius Black running around."

Not liking his frown, I try to joke, "I think quite a few students would testify I am scarier than Sirius Black." He smiles again and I feel better.

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