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A/N: I don't know if I mentioned her at all in this, but I realize for some reason I thought the one-eyed witch was the three-eyed witch, so sorry if I did that.

It was Saturday morning, after breakfast, and I was moving past the one-eyed witch statue when a hand grabs my arm and pulls me behind it. I start fighting at whoever grabbed me, when the familiar playful lilt of Fred sounded, "calm down, love, no more gifts please."

I step back and sure enough there he is grinning down at me, "what the hell Fred?" I sigh exasperated, "I'm really starting to regret bothering with you three, honestly." I look around, we were behind the statue and I narrowed my eyes at him, waiting for an explanation.

"No, you don't." He smirks, leaned against the wall and I now noticed he was decked out in a hat and jacket, oh geez. "It's date night, Y/N/N."

"It's morning, dear." I point out to be difficult and stall.

He retorts with a toothy grin, "I'm glad you know how to tell time." He winks and mutters, "dissendium." The hump on the witch suddenly moved to reveal an opening. 

"Oh." I grimace and look at him, "I don't have warm clothes." 

"We got some for you." Suddenly, he lifts me up by the waist.

"Fred!" I exclaim and suddenly I'm sliding down through the passages.

When I get to the end, George and Lee stood above me, smirking, "hey there, Y/N/N." George says and takes my hand, pulling me away just in time for Fred to make his entrance.

"What? Are Lee and George joining us on our date?" I ask in a sarcastic and slightly irate tone. Lee comes over and places a hat on my head and hands me a jacket. I smile at him and he gives me a wink. What is with these three and winking?

"If that's how you'd like it." George wiggles his eyebrows and I laugh slightly.

"No." Fred deadpans, making me laugh some more. "They're getting some stuff from Honeydukes and Zonko's and the like." 

"Ah, blow it out your-" George joked, waving his arm at him as he and Lee walked down the passage.

"Keep her all to yourself, no fun for us, your best friends." Lee called out as well and I shook my head grinning, before my eyes meet Fred's my smile softens as I try to suppress it in embarrassment.

"So that's where this leads? Hogsmeade?" I bite my lip a bit, I was not adverse to sneaking out, but it was always nerve-wracking and even more so with a killer on the loose.

"Why?" Fred gives me a big grin and I know what he is doing. "Are you scared of expulsion, Miss L/N?" He mocks Snape's wheezily drawl and I can't help the laugh that escapes when his eyes widen for emphasis. His face softens and his eyes twinkle, "I'll protect you." I blush more at the earnest tone and expression than the words themselves.

I take the arm he offered and we begin our walk. "I think we both know I can protect myself." I reply with a mock-haughty tone.

Fred pouts, "at least give me a chance to protect you and if I go down, promise you'll save me, Y/N?"

My smile stretches out, amused at his wording, but also more fond than I ever thought would be caused by Fred Weasley. "I promise, Frederick." I couldn't have known then that I'd carry that promise with me for years and that'd I'd end up keeping it. [;)]

A mischievous grin pulls at his lips, "you have a beautiful laugh you know, akin to a hyena."

I punch him in the shoulder, "have another gift then, you tosser."

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