Impulsive Has It's Advantages

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It's been peaceful. And it's utterly unsettling, understandably so of course, all things and pranksters taken a shine to me considered. Even during detention, nobody interacts awful much, except the occasional sideways glance the twins and their best friend send each other. I am getting antsy and, well, shove it all I miss them! It's only been a week, also marking the end of their detention. 

Every once and a while, the thought that maybe it had been a joke or bet or something the whole time crosses my mind, but I remind myself, he'd never. He hasn't been mean, just odd. All questions would be answered at dinner Monday though. 

I'd taken to quickly eating, deep in thought, when small noises could be heard, as well as gasps all around me, gradually increasing. I glance up and see all sorts of people looking above me, some with shocked looks, others grinning and pointing. Finally, I glance above me and immediately a gross, slime-like, green substance covers me. I gasp, face contorted in anger immediately, the room had erupted in laughter. In a second, a whole thing of Bertie Botts Every Flavor Beans dumped on me as well, sticking to the slime substance. I shoot up, standing on the bench just in case I had to stop him from escaping. "Frederick Weasley!"

"Yes, dear?" I spin around and he's right behind me, head level to my neck, smiling brightly with eyes full of joy and fondness. I'm breathing heavily and with each exhale my anger disappears with those brown eyes looking up at me. I took a sudden, sharp breath, grabbed his face and leaned down, smashing my lips on to his. He steps closer, wrapping his arms around my waist, pulling me as close as possible.

Fred starts smiling against my lips and I start to giggle. I'm still cupping his cheeks, we are barely centimeters apart, and our breath is mingling together warming up the space. "Hey, darling?"

"Yes, Y/N/N?" He murmurs and like he can't help himself, presses another quick kiss to the side of my smiling lips.

I apparently can't help myself either because of that as I press a kiss to his lips again. "Will you go out with me?"

"Hmm, I don't know." He murmurs, making me laugh slightly and I don't care about the laughs, the claps, and staring from the other people in the room. The green slime was all over his cheeks now and he takes a bean and pops it in his mouth, gagging slightly.

"Good job, now I'll never kiss you again." I say and tap my finger on his lips. 

He pretends to try and bite my finger. "Lies." Fred winks, "you will be on our next date."

"Okay, that is quite enough." McGonagall's voice rings out, silencing the students and making Fred and I look at her quickly, "Mr. Weasley two weeks detention! Ms. L/N, another week!" 

I said, "don't I already got enough?"

At the same time, Fred called, "Make that a month Minnie?" I give him a questioning look, "keep you company." He whispered.

"I think your friend," She begins with a lilt of amusement, "Mr. Weasley can attest that there is always room for more detention." Everybody snickers at that, "And Mr. Weasley I'm sure you can manage receiving that by your own means. Now please, stop making a spectacle of yourselves." 

As soon as breakfast was through with, George and Lee linked arms with me on either side, "Congrats then, Y/N/N, though you are missing out." George says, glancing behind him.

"Missing out on two much better options." I can just image the smirk on Lee's face.

"Now Frederick is on his way to kiss the living daylights out of you right now, but I think the funnier option is to run in three, two, one." We all take off running through the corridor and slip down an empty one. We are laughing and they keep looking back and I do and see Fred grinning and chasing hot on my heels. George and Lee both reach back and I grab their hands, immediately gaining some speed. 

Fred's arms slip around my waist and I get lifted into the air, hysterically laughing. The other two boys are bent over laughing, it might not even be that funny, but all of us are just so happy when we are together. I get spun around and lips meet mine once again, "darling, you're starting to seem a bit clingy." I mock against his lips. 

"You like it." I hear the boys fake gagging in the background. "So Y/N/N," he begins that mischievous grin falling on his face, "will you marry me?"

I groan, "Frederick I swear to Merlin." I end with a big eyeroll. 

"Okay, okay," but he smiles again, "fake marry me?"

"Why?" I sigh out, head falling back.

"So I can call you Mrs. Weasley in front of teachers and other kids and my mother. It's hilarious."

"We aren't even actually together."

"That's not important, dear."

"Maybe I wanna fake marry George, dear." I smirk.

"I knew this day would come." George says, walking forward, but Fred stops him, sticking his nose in the air.

"Too bad I have the ring." And he takes my hand and takes a ring he always wears off and sticks it on my finger, through magic it immediately adjust it's size. I study it, it was stupid, barely a gesture, but it made my cheeks warm all the same, even with the stupidity of the whole situation. 

"Fine." George says around an exaggerated sigh. Fred grabs my hands, "By the power vested in me by-" He stops, unsure who gave him the power apparently.

Lee steps forward placing a hand on his shoulder, "by me." I look at Fred and he's grinning at his brother in amusement.

George gives a curt nod and I can't help the little laugh that slips out of my mouth, "by Lee Bertha-"

"What in the hell?" Lee has an incredulous look on his face, but George just continues louder. Fred can't control his laughter, he let go of one of my hands to cover his mouth.

"Bertha Jordan, I now pronounce you fake husband and fake wife." He grins at Fred, "You may now kiss-"

"Nah." I interrupt, smirking and Fred makes a sound of disagreement.



"Shake your controlling wife's hand." I pull my hands away from Fred and George is already running down the hall, me chasing after him.

"Now that's your own fault, Georgie!" Fred calls out, holding on to Lee as he laughs. 

"Well Ollie," I pass him the quaffle, "I guess I do like him."

"You think?" He snorts, "I could have told you that a couple days ago."

"Oh shove it."

A/N: I don't feel like reading this over, so whoopsie if it doesn't flow well or if there is a bunch of mistakes.

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