A Shiner

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Fred's POV

I spot Lee running towards us as the kids disperse, "what took you so long?" I narrow my eyes with no real heat behind it.

"Oh, girl trouble." He smirks and I return one.

"Who was it this time?" George asks with mock exasperation.

He shrugs, "L/N?"

I frown slightly and furrow my eyebrows, "Y/N L/N?"

Lee smirks at me some more, "for some reason, she wanted to know which of you was which."

A grin slowly spreads across my face, "and what did you tell her?"

"Basically that you are George and you," he pointed at George, "are Fred."



I hide behind the corner, watching the twins talk outside the Gryffindor common room entrance, trying to tell them apart, "Y/N!" I jump and spin around. Oliver stands there, arms crossed and one eyebrow raised. "Why are you stalking Fred and George?"

I give him an offended look, but inwardly I am grimacing because that is what it's starting to look like. I start to defend myself when a voice replies from behind me instead. "She likes us of course." I shut my eyes, I have never felt this embarrassed in my life. At least not since that time in second year when Ollie gave me a Bertie Botts Every Flavor bean, claiming it tasted like lemon and I ended up vomiting all over the train corridor. Ironically, it was one that tasted like vomit. I still haven't eaten even muggle jelly beans.

"It's not our fault we're so attractive, people just can't help themselves." A somewhat different voice spoke. I finally turned, face probably all red by now, two tall redheads stood smirking at me with their arms crossed.

"Frankly, I think she's stalking me not you, I am the handsomer twin." The one on the right side spoke, eyeing me. I hear Oliver snort behind me.

The left one shakes his head and leans against the wall, "I disagree, I think I'm the one she's after, dear brother."

I scowl, still red with embarrassment, "I am not stalking anyone!"

"I don't know," the right one starts with a fake unsure tone, "I could swear I saw you in the boy's showers." His face inches from mine, that smirk that is beginning to annoy me plastered on it.

My eyes go wide, mouth agape, "I was not!" I shriek, aghast. I did not do that. I spin around, sending an irritated and pleading look for help to Ollie, glaring when I catch him sniggering. "Ollie!" I growl through clenched teeth.

He coughs, suddenly straightening out, "you two ought to get to bed, match tomorrow." He mutters, fixing his tie.

I turn as the one on the right, George I think, gives a half-suppressed laugh, "darling," he leans in close, "if you want to have a little fun, just ask."

I breath in, outrage filling me up and barely register when Oliver utters, "oh shit." In a split second my fist had rammed straight into his eye.

I copy Oliver's previous statement, "Miss L/N!" I grimace, that would be McGonagall. She marches up to stand beside us. "I will not tolerate such behavior in this school."

The one I had just stupidly decided to punch speaks up, "oh Minny, it was just a gentle tap." He tries even as he covers his eye, wincing in pain. His brother had walked away a little, after I punched him, so he could laugh hysterically in peace. "Really nothing to be concerned about."

The professor gives a slow, exasperated sigh, before deciding to ignore him, "that will have to be a week's detention Miss L/N, beginning Monday."

"A week?!" I exclaim and once again, grimace, regret filling me.

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